Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hizbullah - Houthis

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The "collateral damage" term in this instance is not referring to the terrorists. It's referring to innocent civilians.

And the 38 million figure keeps getting brought up as some justification or excuse or rationale for what's going on here. It's not. Nothing makes the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians okay - and that includes those who died on October 7.
It’s not justification it’s fact.
I'm not sure why you put it as a question to me then. For clarity, it would have been much better framed as a statement.

As I said, the answer to your question probably lies in the context of the exchange between other posters. I was simply providing an estimated update to a graph that was posted. Nothing else.
No they won't, that's just your assessment. Thousands of peaceful palestinians live in Israel and guess what, they're even allowed to practise in the mosques.
It’s also the assessment of multiple human rights organisations.

I can quote many others.

Israel practises Apartheid.

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It’s not justification it’s fact.
Of course it's fact (presumably, I've not seen a source quoted).

But what's the point of posting it? It doesn't make deaths in war right (particularly non-combatant deaths) or what is happening now any less wrong.

If we keep saying "well, that shit happens in war" it's just going to keep happening, isn't it?
38 million innocent civilians killed in ww2 , after watching witnesses and survivors tell their stories from Oct 7 and seeing vision that was a holocaust, those Hamas terrorists are Palestinians.
Thoughts on holocaust victims saying Palestine is a genocide?
Of course it's fact (presumably, I've not seen a source quoted).

But what's the point of posting it? It doesn't make deaths in war right (particularly non-combatant deaths) or what is happening now any less wrong.

If we keep saying "well, that shit happens in war" it's just going to keep happening, isn't it?
Yes it’s keeps happening because it’s unavoidable, more so if you have mounted rocket launches hanging off your balcony.

Iran is out of control. They should be calling on their proxies to de-escalate.

Concerning they are in bed with the Russians who absolutely want & need war in the ME.

Kurve I think it is time to add Iran to the thread title. Calling for the destruction of Israel and removal of the majority of the Jewish population is absolutely indefensible & basically a call to genocide. Their proxy Houthis already has achieved this in Yemen turning a community of 50,000 Jews into one of just 7 Jews.
Kurve I think it is time to add Iran to the thread title. Calling for the destruction of Israel and removal of the majority of the Jewish population is absolutely indefensible & basically a call to genocide. Their proxy Houthis already has achieved this in Yemen turning a community of 50,000 Jews into one of just 7 Jews.

I think if Iran is added to the title, America should also be added. Perhaps arrange them alphabetically.
I think if Iran is added to the title, US should also be added. Perhaps arrange them alphabetically.

If you can quote the US calling for the destruction of Palestine & removal of Palestinians, go right ahead.

As it stands the US has provided over $1 billion of humanitarian aid to Gaza since Oct 2023. So no, they won't be added to this list as they are not committing war crimes. Only someone radicalised would state as such.

How much has your genocidal rhetoric spouting terrorist mob you idolize in Iran provided to Gaza in humanitarian aid since Oct last year?
Problem is that people with patches and flags are easy to identify. Take those away, it makes identifying and therefor policing them harder.

People support this because the media told them to. Clicks and short term sugar hits.....

Also makes it harder to recruit and intimidate in numbers but it's always been understood that OMCGs don't wear their colours unless they're on club business, usually intimidation.

There's a few profile pics of Palestine and Israel's flag, no problems. I don't know but I imagine the flag of a designated terrorist organisation wouldn't be approved as a profile pic in here.
Also makes it harder to recruit and intimidate in numbers but it's always been understood that OMCGs don't wear their colours unless they're on club business, usually intimidation.

There's a few profile pics of Palestine and Israel's flag, no problems. I don't know but I imagine the flag of a designated terrorist organisation wouldn't be approved in here.

Absolutely this. Support for Palestine / Israel / Lebanon and their people absolutely should be encouraged.

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If you can quote the US calling for the destruction of Palestine & removal of Palestinians, go right ahead.
The US doesn't need to "call for it" when they simply fund, aid and enable Israel to do it.
As it stands the US has provided over $1 billion of humanitarian aid to Gaza since Oct 2023. So no, they won't be added to this list as they are not committing war crimes. Only someone radicalised would state as such.
Help fund the murder and destruction on one hand, provide aid on the other.

It's very much a debit/credit thing.
How much has your genocidal rhetoric spouting terrorist mob you idolize in Iran provided to Gaza in humanitarian aid since Oct last year?
Here we go again with the personal stuff.
The US doesn't need to "call for it" when they simply fund, aid and enable Israel to do it.

Help fund the murder and destruction on one hand, provide aid on the other.

It's very much a debit/credit thing.

Here we go again with the personal stuff.

The US is not doing what Iran does and it is ridiculous to suggest as much. Outright radicalism at work.
Yes it’s keeps happening because it’s unavoidable, more so if you have mounted rocket launches hanging off your balcony.
No, it's not.
The US is not doing what Iran does and it is ridiculous to suggest as much. Outright radicalism at work.
I didn't say they did. I was simply addressing the points you made.
There's a few profile pics of Palestine and Israel's flag, no problems. I don't know but I imagine the flag of a designated terrorist organisation wouldn't be approved in here.

And given that this is a crime thread, a reminder to posters here that both Hamas and Hizbollah are listed terrorist organisations under the Federal Criminal Code Act (1995) and various equivalent state and territory legislation:

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As we approach the anniversary of the 7 October massacre in Southern Israel a touching and deeply researched story of how the anger directed at Israel within Australia for the subsequent and unfolding horrors in Gaza and Lebanon - including idiotic comments about the Israeli flag and the Star of David symbol - is affecting Australian people of Jewish faith - even when they themselves are strongly opposed to the actions of the current Israeli government.

'It's a simple silver chain adorned with her given name in Hebrew script, and since Mia Kline was too young to remember, it has been part of who she is; a symbol of faith and family and connection to a people and land. Today, she no longer wears it in company she doesn’t know to trust. She keeps it out of sight, tucked away in a drawer, along with a Jewishness she once openly displayed.'

The drawer is in a Canberra apartment that Kline, 21, has leased since May, when she was kicked out of a share flat by people she thought were some of her best friends at university. She was called to a house meeting and arrived to find them waiting for her, sitting on the couch, with open notepads. They told her they couldn’t reconcile her views with their values, that the flat was no longer a safe space with her in it.

She left in tears, returning once to pack a bag.

What are Kline’s views that her flatmates found intolerable? They would describe it as Zionism, although this can mean any number of things. For Kline, Zionism in political terms means supporting Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Culturally, it runs much deeper than that. It shapes how she prays, what she eats and when she celebrates. It is intrinsic to her modern Orthodox upbringing and to her Jewish identity.

To turf her out of home for being a Zionist was, in effect, to evict her for being a Jew.

The irony is that, had they talked to Kline about it, her former housemates would have discovered Zionism is a complex, dynamic concept far removed from the flat pejorative that gets tossed about in the vapid maelstrom of social media. Kline explains that since October 7, she has thought deeply about the limits of her Zionism against the human catastrophe in Gaza, the horizon of an expanding war and the popular casting out of Israel as a rogue state.

For her, Zionism doesn’t extend to glorifying violence or rationalising a disproportionate response. It doesn’t bridge the gap between a two-state solution she believes in and the policies of the Netanyahu government which reduce the space for any future Palestinian state, or quell her sense of injustice about inequities between Palestinians and Arab Israelis. Nor does it gainsay the love she feels for Israel.'

To be clear, It's obvious that many Australian people of Lebanese and other Arab nations, as well as those of Islamic faith, have similar tales to tell of senseless and ignorant hatred and anger directed at them going back decades for actions and atrocities committed in foreign lands. So I'm sure this story will, yet again, see the same shouty ignorant fools who have zero understanding of the complex issues taking place in the Middle East play their juvenile binary 'whataboutism' games. Totally ignorant of the fact that each sweeping bilious post and comment made towards one group of people because of their faith or nation in online forums such as this or in public just makes them very much a part of the problem that is tearing Australian communities apart.

It would be good if all of the most frequent posters in this thread could take the time to read the full article and reflect.

Thanks. I would but it's paywalled. I hope you have read the articles I've posted also.
Human beings........once living, breathing human beings, not collateral damage.

"Collateral damage" is such a disgusting, inhumane and revealing term that some use.

And it's a term which implies that the deaths involved are just an unavoidable by-product of war. Not in the case of innocent Gazan civilians they weren't. Israel knew exactly what they were doing.
How would you suggest the Hamas terrorists could be eliminated without hurting anyone else? Bearing in mind the Hamas terrorists have no compunction about hurting, raping, beheading, shooting, burning and kidnapping your civilians and have vowed to do it again and again and again. Hamas are fully responsible for the deaths of Gazans and planned for this very scenario.
Lol, they haven't even completed their first nuclear warhead. Are you hoping they unleash it on Israel?
That's what it will be used for, if they get it - thanks for the pallets of US dollars, Barack, and thanks also to Sleepy Joe for unfreezing their assets.
How would you suggest the Hamas terrorists could be eliminated without hurting anyone else? Bearing in mind the Hamas terrorists have no compunction about hurting, raping, beheading, shooting, burning and kidnapping your civilians and have vowed to do it again and again and again. Hamas are fully responsible for the deaths of Gazans and planned for this very scenario.
No, they are not. Israel bombed them, they are responsible.

I've said this repeatedly, Israel are 100% responsible for how they responded to the terrorist attack. They themselves have chosen to bomb the shit out of innocent people.

I still don't get the "Hamas made Israel do it" argument. You are effectively saying that a terrorist organization controls Israel's behaviour.

Israel had other options. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they didn't exist.
No, they are not. Israel bombed them, they are responsible.

I've said this repeatedly, Israel are 100% responsible for how they responded to the terrorist attack. They themselves have chosen to bomb the shit out of innocent people.

I still don't get the "Hamas made Israel do it" argument. You are effectively saying that a terrorist organization controls Israel's behaviour.

Israel had other options. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they didn't exist.
That is exactly what happened! October 7 was planned by Iran, carried out by Hamas. And Hezbollah weighed in, in the north, lobbing 9000 rockets and driving out 70,000 residents from their homes. What other options did Israel have, after 1400 rapes, murders, beheadings, burnings, kidnappings, and promises of more until Israel is gone?

You're saying Israel should have just said, give us back our people and we'll let it go. Or even, ok, you win, we'll pack up and leave the Middle East. Hamas were perfectly prepared for reprisals and embedded themselves among the people they are supposed to represent. That's the war crime. Then civilian deaths have been used to reduce support for Israel among the international community.

Mind you, all along, Iran has underestimated Israel's determination NOT to be wiped out, that's where they have made a big mistake. As they will find out.
Thanks. I would but it's paywalled.
Thank you. But you've got me on my hobby horse now.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hizbullah - Houthis

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