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Club Legend
May 29, 2007
AFL Club
I saw this on the Carlton Board and reckon its a great idea "Carlton Buddy" program


essentially a Richmond player is allocated to someone from the Richmond board and they provide weekly updates on that player things like how they played stats etc.

What do people think?

The people who report would need to watch every game and for fringe players it would need to be people who go to burgers games

people interested
accepted 04
one eyedtiger
dyl tigerman
Cousin Tiger
boris danes
Tony Montana

28 and counting
I'd be up for it, but maybe have two posters per player, because not all of us can watch 22 games plus potentially finals... (Although it'd be safe to say we'd all watch the finals :cool:)...

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I think a draft system would be best for player selection.
If not... Shotgun Cotchin! :)

That is a good idea. If not then I shotgun White. He showed us what he can do last season, he is going to have a great year. There will be bush fires every time he puts on the accelerator.

Btw would the senior players be getting reviews like Richo, Brown, simmo etc. We know that they are in our best 22 and what they can do, so should this be done for the younger players or all players?
I was reading through the Carlton thread they have been doing it for a couple of years apparently and the biggest problem seems to be people not doing there bit.

So it might be best to break players up amongst individuals but allocate say super users maybe people with a long history of regular use of this board to overseas a group of say 10 players so if the person responsible doesnt do there stuff then the super user can move in and update the player or look for another person to assist.

The more experienced posters here who regulalry go to burgers games could provide info on the fringe players. I think this info is more worthwhile to tigers fans then info on brownie or richo who we read plenty of stuff on in the papers.

To the mods of this board could individual threads be set up under either an existing or new sub-forum to list these names so we dont get trolls weighing in on these posts?

Has this been tried before? is it doomed for failure due to the slackness factor?
Sounds like a good idea and I'm interested.

To save on the 'single point of failure', it might be an idea to work in groups... Exactly numbers depending on how many we have interested, but say 4 people watching 6 players.

Groups of players could be either just a breakup ( eg. one vet, one 'gun', a couple of fringe players and a newbie ), or by type ( allowing better comparisons ).

For groups of posters, a range of longevity on the boards and availability would be factors to consider.
I reckon at best we would get 10 dedicated posters and maybe another 15 that would be keen then drift off or sporadically post

Bowden, Joel (V+)
McMahon, Jordan
Newman, Chris
Polak, Graham
Raines, Andrew
Moore, Kelvin
Thursfield, Will
King, Jake
McGuane, Luke
Rance, Alex
Silvester, Jarrod (R)

Richardson, Matthew (V+)
Brown, Nathan G.
Pettifer, Kayne
Schulz, Jay
Morton, Mitch
Riewoldt, Jack
Hughes, Cleve
Gilligan, Alroy (R)
Gourdis, David
Vickery, Tyrone

Cousins, Ben
Johnson, Kane
Tuck, Shane
Deledio, Brett
Coughlan, Mark
Tambling, Richard
Foley, Nathan
Jackson, Daniel
Edwards, Shane
Polo, Dean
Thomson, Adam
Cotchin, Trent
Oakley-Nicholls, Jarrad
Connors, Daniel
Collins, Andrew
Nahas, Robin (R)
Hislop, Thomas

Simmonds, Troy
Pattison, Adam
Cartledge, Tristan (R)
Graham, Angus
Browne, Andrew (R)
Post, Jaydyn
Putt, Dean

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It will be an interesting read to compare the rundown in comparison to those that constantly watch players.
(Has to be better than the dribble from the papers)

Hope those that do it, take a large dose of reality every week.
Otherwise, this will turn into a Rose Coloured Glasses Fanzine.

Interesting to see who tells it like it is.

I'd take Tambling, if I wanted to put myself through the agony.
But what's the point?
I could write his year now...
2009 = 5/10 year. "Break Out Year Expected in 2010"
Or maybe in 2011, 2012....Just waiting on delivery of confidence
I would do it, but I wouldn't be at every game, I would check their stats though and do it. For me it would have to be a regular. I would love to take apart. Dibs on Matty White!! Or Cotchin:cool:
I'll take part!!!!
I shotgun Foley!!!!!

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