Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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I would recommend always adding green veggies like fresh spinach or brocolli as a side to your chicken, eggs, beef, etc. Extra protien and vitamins, fills you up without feeling heavy and bloated, and keeps you regular too.

Way too much clean food there for a guy struggling to gain weight.
Way too much clean food there for a guy struggling to gain weight.

Agree get some cheap calories in.
If you are struggling to eat enough food and also time to do it, you need bang for you buck.

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Way too much clean food there for a guy struggling to gain weight.

Well the meat (I hope he's eating bacon with those eggs too) will add the weight and help with building muscle. This is a way to pad out a meal with nutritious elements that compliment his goals (protien and vitamin-rich) that won't leave him bloated or drain his energy levels.

I know it goes against conventional wisdom as such, and it's the way everyone always does it, but I've just never felt like the "just shovel in anything" method is the right way to go, especially if you want the consistent energy to train.
Well the meat (I hope he's eating bacon with those eggs too) will add the weight and help with building muscle. This is a way to pad out a meal with nutritious elements that compliment his goals (protien and vitamin-rich) that won't leave him bloated or drain his energy levels.

I know it goes against conventional wisdom as such, and it's the way everyone always does it, but I've just never felt like the "just shovel in anything" method is the right way to go, especially if you want the consistent energy to train.

You think all the WSM, weightlifters, powerlifters, shot putters etc lack consistent energy to train?

Unless you’re going to go all Blaine Sumner and blend a chicken, half a cow and spinach into a shake and skull it in one guy you’re unlikely to get anywhere near the calories you need to gain any significant amount of weight.
You think all the WSM, weightlifters, powerlifters, shot putters etc lack consistent energy to train?

They're probably using umpteen supplements (legal and illegal too) as well, to aid their energy levels and recovery process, and have all day to just focus on their training. Bit different to the average skinny beginner looking to "gain weight".
Unless you’re going to go all Blaine Sumner and blend a chicken, half a cow and spinach into a shake and skull it in one guy you’re unlikely to get anywhere near the calories you need to gain any significant amount of weight.

Well does the guy want to be a bodybuilder, or just look fit and in shape and less like a praying mantis?

I would think in terms of sticking with it and turning it into a healthy lifestyle, it's easier to establish what should be a "normal" meal plan and eating and training schedule, and seeing how that works initially, rather than going from eating whatever and not training to bulk everything. People just assume or get told "you've gotta bulk!", without even trying to see what eating clean, healthy, regular meals (something most young guys in their teens/20s have never done, which probably plays a role in how their body has developed in the first place) can do for them initially.

I know everyone wants "gainz" overnight, but I think sometimes a longer-term view is needed for young guys who are mostly going to naturally "fill out" by the time they reach their mid-20s anyway.
Men’s health spruiking the 100 burpee challenge. 100 burpees is the quickest time you can. Did it in 6.35 today, it’s horrendous and I despise burpees.

At Crossfit we sometimes do the 7 min burpee challenge. As many as burpees in 7 mins. My best is 103. I I don't mind burpees as much as some people. Being short it's probably a little bit easier. The same reason I love deadlifts. Not as far to lift.:D
At Crossfit we sometimes do the 7 min burpee challenge. As many as burpees in 7 mins. My best is 103. I I don't mind burpees as much as some people. Being short it's probably a little bit easier. The same reason I love deadlifts. Not as far to lift.:D

Right, I honestly thought my time would have been pretty awful but I’m guessing maybe not.
Another one we do is one burpee in the first minute, two in the second minute and so on until you can't complete them in that minute. It's a breeze up to about 7 or 8 mjnutes. After that it sucks. 12 mins is the most I've got up to.
Another one we do is one burpee in the first minute, two in the second minute and so on until you can't complete them in that minute. It's a breeze up to about 7 or 8 mjnutes. After that it sucks. 12 mins is the most I've got up to.

That’s a solid effort

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That's insane. Though if it was the Crossfit Games he would probably be no repped as he doesn't come to full extension at the top.

Yeah, there’s a few other vids that put them around the 3:20 - 3:30 mark but all would be no reps in an official CrossFit comp eg some guy does 3:19 (iirc) but his chest always stops 2-3cm from the ground each rep
So close to 40kg OHP, been smashing my shoulder workouts this year! Started at 20kg in January and now at 38kg for reps :D
Lol anyone just see the 800m?
Poor Kenyan bloke that won attempted to do some pushups and struggled through 2.
Goes to show how different the requirements are for runners over probably 400m.
Do this and see how your rear delts pull up

Murdered my rear delts. Find them pretty good for mind muscle connection. Also feel it a fair bit on the side delt

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Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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