Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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So I haven't contributed around here for a long while and notice a recent thread closure. 6 months ago I made the switch to CrossFit and boy oh boy wowee.

I'd be happy to start a thread if anyone is keen to talk, but also don't want to trigger people. Mods plz advise.
You're more than welcome to start one.

I only recently locked one because it was merely a thread to hang shit on crossfit, not discuss it.

raskolnikov would contribute well to it I'm sure.
Would definitely be interested. As long as the thread isn't overtaken by trolls who just want to rubbish it.
I'll do what I can to delete the troll posts.

FWIW maybe someone can post the Lee Priest video in the OP - a committed gym goer who talks about Crossfit getting people who normally wouldn't got to a gym into an exercise routine, therefore people who try to talk it down are missing the point.
CrossFit does seem to be great for that, ive seen the memes but personally never really come across the "did you know I do crossfit" crowd.

Out of curiousity is F45 a crossfit variant?
there are quite a few places out there that are workout of the day group classes that involve weights, not crossfit but same sort of setup

F45 is one
CrossFit does seem to be great for that, ive seen the memes but personally never really come across the "did you know I do crossfit" crowd.

Out of curiousity is F45 a crossfit variant?

F45 is more circuit training, really popular with females as it isn't based on big lifts or movements.
F45 is more circuit training, really popular with females as it isn't based on big lifts or movements.

I normally describe it as Crossfit minus barbells and gymnastics
But yeah, it’s basically just circuit training
Here’s a sample workout I found online though from what I gather it changes each session
The 45s is split up by 15s rest

2 x 45 seconds skipping

2 x 45 seconds weighted squats

2 x 45 seconds sprinting

2 x 45 seconds rowing

2 x 45 seconds weight swinging

2 x 45 seconds box jumps

2 x 45 seconds ladder drills

2 x 45 seconds mountain climbers

2 x 45 seconds suspension weight training

2 x 45 seconds planks

2 x 45 seconds squat jumps

2 x 45 seconds weighted lunges

2 x 45 seconds bicycle crunches

2 x 45 seconds leg raisers

2 x 45 seconds weighted body twist”
Back to weights - seeing quite a few sample workouts now that have overhead presses on the same day as chest.

Tried it this morning and it was a fair killer to go OHP straight after bench, does anyone else here have this as a standard part of their routine?
Back to weights - seeing quite a few sample workouts now that have overhead presses on the same day as chest.

Tried it this morning and it was a fair killer to go OHP straight after bench, does anyone else here have this as a standard part of their routine?
I used to, it's definitely doable, but I stopped because I felt it was too much strain on the shoulder joint to do both chest and shoulders in one session.

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Back to weights - seeing quite a few sample workouts now that have overhead presses on the same day as chest.

Tried it this morning and it was a fair killer to go OHP straight after bench, does anyone else here have this as a standard part of their routine?

I use to train, push pull legs twice a week. So on push day would do chest shoulders and triceps.

No doubt your shoulder workouts suffer as opposed to doing a solo shoulder session
Back to weights - seeing quite a few sample workouts now that have overhead presses on the same day as chest.

Tried it this morning and it was a fair killer to go OHP straight after bench, does anyone else here have this as a standard part of their routine?

It’s more of a short term pain, long term gain approach.
Whichever lift goes second will build the other, but no so much the other way around ie if you’re concentrating on OHP do that’s first and bench second.
I’ll semi-regularly do an overhead movement as my first accessory after bench, though either my volume or intensity for bench will be low so I’m not *too* fatigued going into overheads.
I haven't been able to increase my shoulder press/ohp for a long time.

Been thinking about stopping them, just can’t seem to improve
How have you been handling the plateau. Lower weight higher rep, different exercises, etc?
How have you been handling the plateau. Lower weight higher rep, different exercises, etc?
I always did seated dumbbell shoulder press, tried standing barbell (military ohp) without any great success.
Have tried slightly lower weight but have then felt inclined to push it back up again once hitting 12 reps.

Have progress on bench press & incline which use delts.
Anyone tried a safety squat bar?

I'm doing barbell split squats and my left shoulder's starting to get a bit of pain. I've gone back to dumbbells to give my shoulders a rest but they really rip my hands up once over 40kg each and takes away from the focus of just training legs and hips which is why I was using the barbell.

I train at home though so will have to buy one online, not looking at spending too much, found this one that has the cambers at the correct angle, rather than parallel with the handles;
Anyone tried a safety squat bar?

I'm doing barbell split squats and my left shoulder's starting to get a bit of pain. I've gone back to dumbbells to give my shoulders a rest but they really rip my hands up once over 40kg each and takes away from the focus of just training legs and hips which is why I was using the barbell.

I train at home though so will have to buy one online, not looking at spending too much, found this one that has the cambers at the correct angle, rather than parallel with the handles;

The cheap ones tend to get really whippy once you get 120+ on them.
They’re a handy bar to have though.
10x better for good mornings and they’re great for triceps extensions as well.
10x better for good mornings and they’r

Yeah, they look great for good mornings which I don't do at the moment but might start when I get it.

Force USA saying they can increase DL PB as well but I don't see how that's work? think it's marketing BS.

The other advantage is apparently they can sit on your back without holding them which would be good for split squat setup which is getting pretty hard now.
Yeah, they look great for good mornings which I don't do at the moment but might start when I get it.

Force USA saying they can increase DL PB as well but I don't see how that's work? think it's marketing BS.

The other advantage is apparently they can sit on your back without holding them which would be good for split squat setup which is getting pretty hard now.

If your good morning goes up your deadlift should as well (all other things being equal).
If the model is designed properly you should be able to do everything no hands:
I got lazy one day about 6 years ago and suddenly stopped going to the gym.

I am back! 10 weeks in and noticed everything has changed.

The kids aren't doing massive bench presses anymore. The squat rack is still quiet, and you'll get the occasional deadlifter. I was in there the other week doing barbell curls, paying homage to Lee Priest 'Until your legs are as big as my arms, STFU."

Dead lifts really took off circa 05-06 as the Starting Strength/Westside Barbell stories started to infiltrate bodybuilding.

The other night as I was leaving there was a steroid deal taking place in the car park, so I take back my old man 'things aren't the same' shite.

My whole program revolves around minimising damage to my shoulders and my hangover.

I have had no choice but to leave my ego well and truly the door. Happier than a pig in shit though.

Today I did chest and got on the fly machine. I wasn't wearing my reading glasses, so just stuck the pin somewhere near the top.

"Yeah buddy! Lightweight!"
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Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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