Weight Training: For Beginners - Critique my program/Q & A

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Re: Weight Training Program

yes and no.

strength is improvements in the nervous system and muscle gains are an actual phyical (seeable) adaptiaion for a lack of better term which is why a chick in the last olympics lifted 118kgs over her ehad in the 47kg and under class, something i'll never do in my life

you can lift heavy with low volume (3 x 3, 5 x 3 etc) which will build a small amount of muscle and with cal's at maintenance or below, you probably won't (mainly waht i do)

great thinking on the amount of exercises, most go the other way there... most think that fatiguing the muscle more and more is better where in most cases it isn't

if you're doing 3 days then i'd mix your ewxercises to a full body type set up instead of lower/upper/fb

either way always do power cleans first as they should be performed when fresh, just stick with one bench press variation (i don't see 1 set of static, reverese, dynamic and lateral lunges for 1 set each, why then for chest?) ansd the same for pull ups

you don't have to train all the good movememts at the same time or you'll need to use a load of shit one's for your next program

also there's nothing wrong with cables at all

here's 2 options for you:

option 1 - full body

day 1 - power clean / bench / pull ups / prone planks
day 2 - deads / shoulder press / lunges / side planks
day 3 - squats / dips / bent row / roll out

this is a fair program to do everything hard and heavy so i'd have you proabably do 1/2 heavy and 1/2 bodybuilding style then after 4 weeks switch them around...i'd also pop in some more exercises (rows on each day)

option 2 - lower/upper/full body

day 1 - power cleans / deads / deads / lunges / prone plank
day 2 - pull ups / bench / bent row / side plank
day 3 - squats / dips / db rows / shoulder press / roll out
Re: Weight Training Program

Thanks a lot. I really like that option 1 workout. I figure if I'm trying to get stronger, too many exercises per workout will fatigue me more (thus lowering intensity) and I'd just be wasting my time. Now it's just a matter of getting to the gym, hopefully something I'll be able to do next year.
Re: Weight Training Program

Been training casually at fitness first.




One of everything,including rope/handle for triceps extensions.Maximum 50kg dumbells.$22 a visit.Packed to the rafters with both juiced up asians who look ludicrous and aussie southern cross tattoo totin' blue wife beater singlet wearing scraggly blonde hair with gel to the max bicep curling morons.

Unfortunately it's the only gym near me now with decent open times on the weekend.

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Re: Weight Training Program

Been training casually at fitness first.




One of everything,including rope/handle for triceps extensions.Maximum 50kg dumbells.$22 a visit.Packed to the rafters with both juiced up asians who look ludicrous and aussie southern cross tattoo totin' blue wife beater singlet wearing scraggly blonde hair with gel to the max bicep curling morons.

Unfortunately it's the only gym near me now with decent open times on the weekend.

Ha ha, I went to one once a couple of years ago, never again:thumbsdown:

There were a couple of dudes wearing the obligatory tight under armour gear, faux mohawks, and gloves. Seriously they stared at themselves flexing after every ****ing set. It was unbelievable I seriously think they were getting off on it.

The staff....talk about a sales pitch, I had to be a complete **** (not hard:eek:) just so they would leave me alone.

Don't ever use those free passes they offer, not worth it at all.
Re: Weight Training Program

Follow up question to mcuzzy's - what are the best exercises for rounding out the rest of the shoulders? Rows?
Re: Weight Training Program

For rounding my shoulders I'd say a rear delt exercise (bent over lateral raises for eg.) and db or cable lateral raises.

My shoulders looked weird because everyone told me to only do compound shoulder press. As soon as I decided to just add lateral raises in my shoulder routine I noticed how much difference they made.

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Re: Weight Training Program

Mcuzzy, what area are you from?

Was reading through and saw this again, why did you ask..hope you dont mind me asking why you asked.. :)

Anyway getting to the point. Taking a big mental step, going to decrease the amount of exercises I do in an effort to lift the workload and hope I grow more.
Have done this once before and it was unsuccessful but I'm always going back to try things more than once. (Eg. Starting Strength and Full body workouts because people kept telling me to go back to them..horrible results)

Wish me luck
Re: Weight Training Program

What would an ideal routine be for a 18yo aiming to increase upper body strength with a focus on upper arms more than anything else? Of late i've been doing

Mon: Biceps + triceps

Wed: Chest + back

Fri: Biceps + triceps

I already have a solid enough torso/chest and want to bring my arms up to scratch. A weekly routine would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

edit: I am more than willing to go 4-5 times a week if needed so don't hesitate to put in a punishing schedule that would benefit me.
Re: Weight Training Program

you train 3 muscles???

my goodness

I stated it in basic terms.

The chest/back days include deltoids, lats, etc etc, and I usually throw in 15-20 mins of core as well. I don't care much for legs right now.

The arms days are strictly biceps and triceps exercises though.
Re: Weight Training Program

I don't care much for legs right now.

The arms days are strictly biceps and triceps exercises though.

you've got it backwards i think

muscle growth requires testosterone

testosterone is increased with heavy wts

legs lift the heaviest wt

without that, good luck

and 2 arm days? really?
Re: Weight Training Program

What would an ideal routine be for a 18yo aiming to increase upper body strength with a focus on upper arms more than anything else? Of late i've been doing

Mon: Biceps + triceps

Wed: Chest + back

Fri: Biceps + triceps

I already have a solid enough torso/chest and want to bring my arms up to scratch. A weekly routine would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

edit: I am more than willing to go 4-5 times a week if needed so don't hesitate to put in a punishing schedule that would benefit me.

Getting Gunz, An issue as old as time...

Re: Weight Training Program

you've got it backwards i think

muscle growth requires testosterone

testosterone is increased with heavy wts

legs lift the heaviest wt

without that, good luck

and 2 arm days? really?

Really really

If you've got nothing overly helpful to contribute to me then don't bother quoting my posts and replying. I'm asking for solid advice on a new routine, not simply criticism on my current one. Can you provide me with that? Eg what leg exercises, how often, how often should i work arms etc etc
Re: Weight Training Program

Really really

If you've got nothing overly helpful to contribute to me then don't bother quoting my posts and replying. I'm asking for solid advice on a new routine, not simply criticism on my current one. Can you provide me with that? Eg what leg exercises, how often, how often should i work arms etc etc

Dude there is like 50,000,000 routines in this thread and 5 others, stop being ******ed......

or you could follow this**

Monday: Guns

Dumbell Concentration Curls (3 sets of 12-15)

Preacher Curls with EZ-Curl Bar (3 sets of 12-15): I try to keep my range of motion to just the top 1/3 of the lift because it really helps me feel the burn.

Cable Curls with EZ-Curl Cable Handle (3 sets of 8-12): This is my main mass builder that I hit after I’ve already worked on shape.

Alternating Dumbell Curls on 60 Degree Incline Bench, Supinating Hands: (3 sets of 8-12): Another mass monster. These really work my lower bicep!

Tricep Kickbacks (3 sets of 15-20): ‘nuff said

Rope Pushdowns (3 sets of 12-15): The key here is to pull your hands apart at the bottom. If you can’t feel the burn with these, then there’s something wrong. These hit the “horseshoe” that the ladies salivate over.

Cable French Press Machine (3 sets of 8-12) Killer for size. These’ll put slabs of meat on the backs of your arms. Great for the long head of the tricep.

Close Grip Burnouts: (3 sets of ???): This is an excellent finisher. Just grab a barbell, or better yet, an EZ-Curl bar, and rep out, baby. No need to add any weight (maybe nickels if you’re using an EZ-Curl Bar) – just hit it for as many reps as you can muster. If you have a spotter, finish the set with 10 negatives. Have her lift the bar off your chest… you just lower it as slow as you can. Your girlfriend can thank me later for this one.

Tuesday: Pecs

After guns, pecs is the second most important muscle group. It consists of three different muscles, the upper pecs, the lower pecs and the middle or main pecs.

Incline Smith Machine Press (3 sets of 10-12): This works the upper pecs really well. It’s important to always start with inclines. Some guys work the flat stuff first, but upper pecs are what really draw attention. When you’re wearing a tight t-shirt, the upper pec’s are what really give your chest that “pop”.

Flat Smith Machine Press (3 sets of 10-12): Not much to say here. Use a weight that lets you get 8-9 reps, then have your spotter help you with a couple forced reps, then a couple negatives. Can you say “burn”?

Decline flyes (3 sets of 15-20): I don’t really like using dumbbells because, truthfully, they’re often a recipe for injury. It’s best to lock in your range of motion with a machine of some sort, but sometimes, the flyes machine doesn’t let you raise the seat enough to make it a true decline. Just be sure to use light weight on these. The idea is to control it and really squeeze your lower pecs together at the top. You know you’ve been doing good on these when you can grasp a ten pound plate with your meavage (male cleavage).

Flye Machine (3 sets of 12-15): You can go a little heavier on these because it’s a machine, but still keep it relatively light. This is a good shaper for the main pecs.

Cable Crossovers (1 set of ???): That’s right… burn it out. Every workout should end with a burnout set. It gets your metabolism going. If you want to be shredded, take my advice.

Wednesday: Guns

Repeat Monday or some variation of. As we talked about, guns are the strongest, most important muscle group and for that reason, they can tolerate more work than the others.

Thursday: Deltoids

Giant Set (3-way superset), side cable laterals, rear cable laterals, front raises with a plate (3 sets of 12-15 each): You want cannonball delts? This is how to get it done. Make sure to change the setup on the cable machine between subsets 1 and 2 as quickly as possible. You want this to be one continuous set for the best pump.

If you do your giant set the right way, you really don’t need to do anything more for delts. If you want, you can do a little bit of Smith Machine work, but make sure not to overtrain. If you get too much lactic acid in your muscles, it can disintegrate the fibers. Maybe just one burnout set with no weight.

Friday: Lats and Quads

No one really sees these muscles, so you definitely want to work them at the end of the week. If you live in a warmer climate and have your shirt off a lot, you may want to hit your lats a little harder than most.


Wide Grip, Behind the Neck Pulldowns (3 sets of 10-12): These give you the V-shape. The wider you can grip the bar, the wider your V will be. It’s fact and has been written about in a lot of articles. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, bitches, it’s Lat-man.

Front Pulldowns (3 sets of 10-12): Again, think wide!

Machine Pulldowns (3 sets of 10-12, 1 burnout): Hopefully, your club has one of these Hammer Strength machines cuz it’s the BOMB!


Be careful here. You don’t want big tree trunk legs. You’ve got to hit these just enough to bring out the tear drop and, if you’re lucky, maybe a few striations.

Leg extensions (5 sets of 15-20, 1 burnout): Keep the reps high for maximum pain. You’ll notice I put these down for 5 sets. Just concentrate on these. Most other leg exercises will make you too bulky, and jeans for big legged guys are hard to find, right, fellas? By all means, DO NOT squat unless you want to end up in a wheelchair with your knee muscles all torn up.

Leg curls (3 sets of 15-20): These work the back of your quads. A lot of people don’t bother with them, but it’s a little known fact that you can get striations in the back of your quads, too. Just keep it light to work on shape.

Everyday: Abs

Crunches on a ball (5 sets of 100): Get a ball at home so you can dedicate some time to shredding up your abs. Every other set, go side to side so you hit your intercostals and serratus.

**(courtesy of Sherdog)

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Weight Training: For Beginners - Critique my program/Q & A

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