"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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If anything Brendan’s WTC should have been celebrated as “politically incorrect” and “larrikin” because he didn’t give a watered down passion free statement, he spoke truths that offended some and he spoke from the heart using his freedom of speech.
Instead they want the whole thing shut down because the venerated "just a different opinion" doesn't apply to brown and black people.
With these two it's for not agreeing with them.

Could you revise an example because all you’re doing is making a blanket accusation with evidence.

Usually I find when people sook about “Wah Wah Wah you can’t say anything without the lefties calling it racist anymore!” they’ve just said something fairly racist.
Sorry to break it to you but it is not just back in the day, it still happens in the world now.

The difference is Australia has evolved to embrace the wrongs of the past and be better for it.
Sadly that will never be good enough for some (yes you) because even though there isn't a person in Australia who is to blame for the evils of the past, we must feel guilty for it.
And if a person doesn't feel guilty, they are branded a racist, all because some untanned f*ckwit landed his boat on a bit of dirt two centuries ago.

You can call me a racist with what I am about to say but so be it.

I dont care too much for your bit of land, my bit of land, our bit of land, their bit of land.
If you take away all the water in the world, it is the same bit of land.
All we can do is just be the best version of ourselves where we are in the world.

Humans as a whole are the best and also the worst thing to happen to this planet and we haven't finished f*cking it up yet.

I am not concerned by the acts of a couple of centuries ago, as much as I am concerned of the possible acts in the next couple of centuries.
At least I wont be around to see it, I just wonder who will be.
Great Speech.
The best version of ourself is voting against The Voice and everything is cool and no one is to blame, got it.
I’m not downplaying anything
I’m acknowledging both sides of the coin

As we should with all historical figures

Should we call the Ancient Greek philosophers horrible people because they practiced pederasty or look at it through the context of what was accepted at the time?

Unfortunately for the best part of 200 years we have only heard one side of the story. A lot of people seem exceptionally challenged when they are presented with another.
If it's not racism what do you call it?

I call it a bias.

You focus on specific things.

Others focus on the entirety.

You can focus on Captain Cook and colonisation but say nothing about Muhammad.

Both of these people did bad things.

One of these people was far worse than the other in a historical context.

Will we find posts of yours reflecting this anywhere?
Could you revise an example because all you’re doing is making a blanket accusation with evidence.

Usually I find when people sook about “Wah Wah Wah you can’t say anything without the lefties calling it racist anymore!” they’ve just said something fairly racist.

The left are rather racist themselves.

They just hide it far better.
I call it a bias.

You focus on specific things.

Others focus on the entirety.

You can focus on Captain Cook and colonisation but say nothing about Muhammad.

Both of these people did bad things.

One of these people was far worse than the other in a historical context.

Will we find posts of yours reflecting this anywhere?
Not sure what Muhammad has to do with Indigenous people but at least you admit the racists are biased.
If it's not racism what do you call it?
Labelling is a very bad argument.

Contend with the ideas.

Labelling is another word for name calling.

Remembers me of Punch and Judy.

Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "No I am not"
Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "No I am not"
Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "You're the racist"
Punch" No I am not"
Not sure what Muhammad has to do with Indigenous people but at least you admit the racists are biased.

This is where these debates always lead. It’s just a checklist of right wing talking points they shove into every argument.

First it’s “I don’t want to be welcomed to my own country” then “why don’t we hate Muslims more” soon it’ll be “I’m sick of the gay agenda being shoved down my throat”

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Labelling is a very bad argument.

Contend with the ideas.

Labelling is another word for name calling.

Remembers me of Punch and Judy.

Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "No I am not"
Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "No I am not"
Punch "You're a racist"
Judy "You're the racist"
Punch" No I am not"
It's the appropriate word but no one admits to it eg Pauline Hanson
Not sure what Muhammad has to do with Indigenous people but at least you admit the racists are biased.

It has to do with you being vocal about the actions of Cook.

You seem to pick and choose which historical groups get a spray and others don't.

Your bias is there for all to see too.

Spray them all.
This is where these debates always lead. It’s just a checklist of right wing talking points they shove into every argument.

First it’s “I don’t want to be welcomed to my own country” then “why don’t we hate Muslims more” soon it’ll be “I’m sick of the gay agenda being shoved down my throat”
Yep, it all leads back to 'why can't it be like 1950s again when white people made the rules on what's right'.
You’ve literally taken offence to someone saying ‘this isn’t for the white man’. This again denotes that white people are entitled or owed something or it has to be about them.

You’ll have to do a lot to convince people you don’t have an agenda…

Let me be right upfront with you here, I'm not going to bend myself out of shape trying to explain online that I don't have an agenda.

You are the one with the problem there.

My concern and the reason for starting the thread, is that the WTC is now being used as a political platform when it really shouldn't be.

The question I'm asking is ........... should the AFL step in and do something about it OR, are they content with the way it is being done ??

There are many differing opinions on the matter as evidenced by the quick growth in replies.
It has to do with you being vocal about the actions of Cook.

You seem to pick and choose which historical groups get a spray and others don't.

Your bias is there for all to see too.

Spray them all.
Cook was a racist and a killer and he discovered nothing, sorry if that upsets you.
This is where these debates always lead. It’s just a checklist of right wing talking points they shove into every argument.

First it’s “I don’t want to be welcomed to my own country” then “why don’t we hate Muslims more” soon it’ll be “I’m sick of the gay agenda being shoved down my throat”

The only person mentioning left and right wing is you.

So far the thread had been free from that garbage until you raised it.
See now you are just grandstanding.
YES it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

As a society, we have (by the most part) recognized and acknowledged the wrongs of the past.
As a whole, Australia is doing what it can to not make things right (because some wrongs just cant be made right) but make things better.
So the main issue I have is instead of constantly going on with what happened generations ago (which were not in our control), embrace the changes and opportunities that are the here and now.

Indigenous Australians have a voice in every corner of Australia, they are heard, respected and the admiration in the heritage grows each year.

The world has a dark past (not just Australia) and the atrocities you mentioned above were horrible, no one would doubt that (even in other countries where it has also happened). However without the use of a time machine, it cannot be changed, no matter how many times people bring it up.

So we can dwell on the past, or embrace the now and be the change we want to see.

I stand by my thoughts (and the original premise for this thread) that the WTC was disappointing and the use of the terminology BC (before Cook) was unrequired and did more harm than good.

No, Aboriginal Australia had a chance to have a voice. Australia did not allow it. Just another kick in the guts where you are told to sit in the corner and listen.
No, Aboriginal Australia had a chance to have a voice. Australia did not allow it. Just another kick in the guts where you are told to sit in the corner and listen.

Everyone one of us is told to shut up and sit in the corner.

You think the regular person has a say as to what those shit stain politicians do?

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"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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