Well Done Richo!

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There are a few Richo doubters on this site... own up... answer me these questions:

1. Without doubt he was crowd favourite last night amongst the other players.. please explain why he is liked so much?
2. How did he make All Australian
3. How did he finish in the top Jack Dyer Count once again
4. How did he finsish equal with G Ablett and only 2 points from Cooney.
5. How can an overatted, crap, old legs player achieve these heights?

Come on.. Richo doubters... please explain...

Mate I don't think there are many around any more.

I was one last year. And I think with some justification. He has always been very good. This year however he was supreme. Credit to Terry for comitting to the team development and uncovering the greatest hff wingwan who ever lived in the process!!
I refer you to the 'crap players' thread. Richo led to these '***** for more than a decade and they kicked it three feet in front of him, or over his head, or so high or so slowly it gave opposition defences time to triple-team him. The amazing thing is he never belted anyone, especially his teammates.

Oh stop pretending he was entirely blameless....you know it, I know it, The Greeks knew it, The Carthaginians knew it....

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Well Done Richo!

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