Official Team Thread West Coast Wonders - S18 Team Thread (Reigning Premiers)

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JOIN US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have cookies and cake and you cant beat that.

Let's just stay focused on this weeks game mate. Any possible signings can come to me via PM.

Let's wave goodbye and close this door behind us buddy.

Cya Wonders
Why do you need a mentor for, I'm right here.

To quote Anthony Hudson from some final.

"I see it, but I don't believe it"
We also missed out in finals season 8. Every other season we made it after that other than last time in season 11.

Obviously when I was recruited in season 9 the tide turned. :cool:

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Directed at anyone who wants to jump ship because we are underperforming.
You don't have tradey on your list Clarkey I think you'll be right ;)
Hello Wonderous Ones, an interview with HaroCant ll is up on Inside Qooty, I think it's a really good one. He done good.:)
We also missed out in finals season 8. Every other season we made it after that other than last time in season 11.

Obviously when I was recruited in season 9 the tide turned. :cool:
Shallow, Wonders saviour and champion! :rainbow:
The thread is filled with posts I don't want to read.
It's on the last page FFS, it's in blue and has HaroCant all over it.
It looks a bit like this.

Welcome to the split round edition of Inside Qooty's "Meet The Rookies", this week the Furies held off a spirited Wonders for a pleasing win, one of the more spirited Wonders was this weeks guest, the controversial debutant HaroCant ll.

TIA: Haro, your signature proudly boasts "VOTED WORST POSTER IN THE SFA", are you in reality proud of this label or do you feel you have been unfairly judged?
HC ll: I think I've mostly been unfairly judged. I'm not sure how it started, but it was probably the argument with THB that started it all. I get that some people want to vote me as the worst poster, fair enough. But some people have taken it too far, and I'm looking to put it all behind me. I have been advised to stay out of media threads for a few months, which will hopefully let everything cool down and my posting in match threads will do the talking. Displaying it in my signature is something I do so people won't give me shit for it. And I guess there has to be someone, and that someone is me. (For now)

TIA: Feel you won't be labelled it for long. In fact, in the recent Wonders/Furies match thread, you did a mock prediction featuring BT which was a really decent post, do you feel that we will see more of these type of posts from you, or will you continue with, how do I put this, more basic type posts?
HC ll: Doing stuff like that is something I enjoy, and you will definitely it see in the future. It takes a while to make, but it lights up the match thread and really gets people posting, which was my aim when I wrote it up last week.

TIA: Agree, hope to see more of it in the future. It has been very noticeable that while Frankston Rover has been very protective of his Warrior rookies, the senior Wonders, ClarkeM, croweater41 and TheFreshBanana, have left you to flounder with no obvious support, does this annoy you and do you feel that you may have been a better fit at the Warriors?
HC ll: I wouldn't say that. Crowie and TFB have been PMing me some advice and feedback from my posting, which has been very helpful over the course of the season. I think I have been a good fit in the Wonders, playing in the midfield in my first few weeks is just something I don't think I'd be able to do at the Warriors, and while the Warriors may be a very attractive option to some people, I don't think I could have picked at better side when I joined the Wonders. And believe it or not, I actually messaged FR about joining the Warriors during the off-season, but due to a lack of organisation, it never happened.

TIA: Top answer, well done Crowie and TFB, notice ClarkeM not mentioned! Following on from this, who are the posters in the SFA that you feel that you respect and why?
HC ll: I feel I respect everyone in the SFA, as long as they don't say something stupid.

TIA: Haha, even the best say some pretty stupid things occasionally. Now that it's obvious that the Wonders title defence is done and dusted, which teams have impressed you and who do you think will claim the premiership?
HC ll: While it's still possible the Wonders could still sneak into the finals, I'll say that it's not looking very good at the moment. Seeing as Qooty is a 50/50 game(Sometimes I find that hard to believe), you have to go with the team sitting on top of the ladder, and at the moment that's the Gumbies/Warriors.

An eye opening insight into a much maligned, often unfairly IMO, young Wonder, I look forward to some much improved media posting in the future. My advice, don't involve The Half Wit, oops sorry, Back next time. Thank you very much HaroCant ll and best of luck for the rest of the season.
Hey guys, new recruit and all, looking for super happy fun game time and a place to spam.
Just announced your availability in the sign up thread, and after 24 hours we can sign you.
Hey guys, new recruit and all, looking for super happy fun game time and a place to spam.
Welcome aboard mate.

I think we can sign you up straight away actually.

Do your job croweater 41

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Official Team Thread West Coast Wonders - S18 Team Thread (Reigning Premiers)

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