West Gippy Latrobe (Part 2)

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Ok use the Echuca example, those teams in a lot of differnt leagues so no matter which team you play for there is lots of travel involved.

For example live in bunyip and never travel more that 25min for a game of footy in the Ellinbank league or go to drouin which is higher standard and travel between 1-2 hours for most away games. Thats why players who could be good players at higher leagues are happy to stay at local clubs, and why players from these bigger towns like drouin or warragul play and at smaller towns close by. I am sure its the same in Traralgon and Sale.

Very valid points St Leo. Players from Sale are able to play in the NGFL and they have Sale City, Stratford, Rosedale, Heyfield, Boisdale Briag all within approx. 20 mins. There are 2 sides which are about 50 minutes away, but, you don't play everyone twice, so, chances are you only have to travel to one of those long away trips. In the WGFL, you have 4 sides further than an hour away, and you play most sides 3 times, so, chances are you will have to travel at least 6 times to away games over an hour away.
Very valid points St Leo. Players from Sale are able to play in the NGFL and they have Sale City, Stratford, Rosedale, Heyfield, Boisdale Briag all within approx. 20 mins. There are 2 sides which are about 50 minutes away, but, you don't play everyone twice, so, chances are you only have to travel to one of those long away trips. In the WGFL, you have 4 sides further than an hour away, and you play most sides 3 times, so, chances are you will have to travel at least 6 times to away games over an hour away.

The travel reason as mentioned above is why the best 16 - 25 year olds play West Gippsland Footy. Tavel doesn't annoy them that much and they want to be the best but as you get older you have other reasons why travel is hard. The best clubs don't have a major problem in loosing over 25 year olds as those players have been at the club a long time and know no different. look at Maffra. Maffra is a great club that never looses to many players to local leagues as there players want to stay at the club.
That is why it is important to have the league ran 100% more proffesional than the lower leagues. Give no reason for people to look elsewhere. It is also important for clubs to create a culture that players and families want to be a part of (like maffra) In the past my club was ran as an elitist club and lost many players once they got families. The sale football club has worked hard on creating a friendly enviroment for both men and players and has kept many more people over 25 than they have in the past. The league looses alot of fringe senior footballers as they go to local leagues for many reasons. One is travel, two is money but the major reason is if they are playing reserves they have to leave early to get to a game that is umpired by club volenteers and gets no exposure.

All this being said the west gippy is a good league to play. paly on the best grounds against some real good players and everyone young bloke should have a crack at playing at the best level they can.
The gippsland league is the elite league in gippsland yet is not the most profesional ran league in Gippsland. Most clubs are stuck between being a community club and an elite club and the league keeps compromising the whole comp by giving compensation to other clubs to join. Garfield was allowed to not run all 4 sides for to long and from all reports Bairnsdale won't run a resrves when they come into the league. This shouldn't happen at the elite level. Wonthaggi were talked about playing away games at Morwell instead of travellind to Sale / Maffra. This won't happen but again more negitive press around something that should be positive.

In the North Gippsland League (minor) they run 3 grades of football with each club having all sides. Each game is ran by independent umpires and you don't have to travel very far. It is covered on radio and paper and a good level.

In the Gippsland League (major league) there are 4 grades of football. You need to goal umpire and boundry the junior grades, you need to umpire your own reserves, have to travel far to play and the media coverage is very poor in Gippsland. The Pakenham Gazette does a good coverage but most of the players and supporters don't get that paper.

My advice for the Gippsland League - Only have 3 grades of Football, give no leanency to sides who battle to field these grades. Only have the clubs that want to be in a major league. Ensure there are umpires for all grades of football, support the netball side of the league and ensure the media is of a higher standard than the locals.

In the 80's when LVFL was number one the pecking order for footballers were
LVFL - Seniors - Major media Coverage
LVFL - Reserves - Minor Coverage
Minor League - Seniors - Minor Coverage
Minor League - Reserves - No coverage

In some cases now it is

WGLFL - Seniors - minor media coverage
Minor league - Seniors - major coverage
Minor League - Reserves - no coverage
WGLFL - Reserves - no coverage

We need to make the leage look attractive to play. For both elite players and players trying to make it. Supporters also want to see close games. Not 150pt floggings like in the past.
Some very valid points,i too believe there should be only 3 grades of football in the competition.The fourths (u/16's)is good in theory but is wrong and bad for the game as a whole in the area for a number of reasons.It is an advantage to the elite players from each town in that age group and it is an advantage to Gippsland Power because they don't have to travel all over Gippsland to see the so called best kids going around just be looking at one league primarily .However,it is a huge ask for parents to get up that early to take their kid to the games each week when there is travel involved. There is already talk of perhaps going down the night before when the Sale boys play Wonthaggi next season.It is bad for the local junior comps as the kids who maybe not developed yet and can't make the local GFL team in a lot of cases give the game away because they come to the conclusion they are second rate and don't see the point of playing in the local comp because even if they are playing well ,there is always that stigma of it being just a second rate competition .As well as you said ,there aren't enough resources (trainers ,umpires etc) to properly run the comp for a lot of clubs .Last season when Sale went down to Garfield the U/16 runner from sale had to umpire the game ,that is just ridiculous.
The media coverage is a good point ,around here in the Gippy times ,the Sale and Maffra Fc get no more coverage than Stratford ,Heyfield ,Boisdale Briag or Sale City ,Cowarr or even Woodside and in some cases even less,and there is never any emphasis in the reports of Sale and Maffra playing in the major league in Gippsland.It is even worse in the LV express you would think that the only team from Morwell is Morwell East.Even Traralgon from what i have read with all their success over the years don't get as good a coverage as TTU or Gormandale.This does depend on how effective the league's publicity officer is i suppose.
The league has definitely gone downhill when you consider that as recently as the early 90's the LVFL was regularly playing off for the VCFL title every other year it seemed.I think it will only get worse too.The Casey Scorpians now they have moved their home base to Cranbourne appear to have layed claim to the best young players in the area who missed out on getting drafted who would otherwise come back and play GFL.There are a number of players training with them who played WGFL last year and they even played a home game in Morwell last season so they are obviously trying to give themselves an image of being some sort of a Gippsland team in the VFL.

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Well that is obviously the main reason for doing it granted ,but apart from that huge advantage ,it will be great to have such a facilitie at our disposal during football season.The pokies will be removed downstairs and the liquor license for the bar retained and we will be able to hire the upstairs area for corporate game day functions.
Had another two handy signings the other week ,two guys from down Bairnsdale way ,both KP forwards now working in the area walked into the club looking for a game.From all reports from down the line they both go pretty well unsure of names at this stage. Nick Anderson has impressed many so far with his professionalism and the pre- season program he has got the boys into, big numbers at training already.

Dave Waddel - Key Position Back
Tom Smith - Forward
hawk sale wont be happy hope a sale lad dosnt miss a game for the blow ins to play he seems to bag maffra when they play a boy from up there
These guys are senior footballers not U/16's .Like 99% of the other clubs in the comp we try and make do with the local lads for our 4ths.We've always recruited senior footballers like everybody else has though.
regarding the media coverage maybe the gippy times should poach an up and coming journalist originally from the area from another paper, say the geelong advertiser...thoughts?
regarding the media coverage maybe the gippy times should poach an up and coming journalist originally from the area from another paper, say the geelong advertiser...thoughts?

if you can post a list of up and coming journos that work for the geelong advertiser then we will know who/what you are referring to.
regarding the media coverage maybe the gippy times should poach an up and coming journalist originally from the area from another paper, say the geelong advertiser...thoughts?


The same one that writes the articles for Gippsland Power in the Gippsland times.

Yeah bourky would be good....
hawk sale wont be happy hope a sale lad dosnt miss a game for the blow ins to play he seems to bag maffra when they play a boy from up there

That post makes no sense at all, why would Hawk Sale be unhappy if Sale win....its not like the blokes they replace are any good. They finished second last, last year.

They are not replacing a Russel Mcadam, Kane Fraser or Rodney Love they are replacing the 19th, 20th or 21st player. If the point of football is trying to win senior premierships what is the use of playing blokes who aren't going to get you there, Maffra have proved that you recruit through other leagues to improve your deficiencies whilst also retaining/developing your local talent.

I also believe Hawk Sale has said these recruits rocked up to training (in November), probably indicating a gamble of trying to play football at a higher level, this also disputes your "theory" that these players are "blow ins". As I refer to "blow ins", as players who play for other clubs purely for money reasons and don't care about anyone.

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That post makes no sense at all, why would Hawk Sale be unhappy if Sale win....its not like the blokes they replace are any good. They finished second last, last year.

They are not replacing a Russel Mcadam, Kane Fraser or Rodney Love they are replacing the 19th, 20th or 21st player. If the point of football is trying to win senior premierships what is the use of playing blokes who aren't going to get you there, Maffra have proved that you recruit through other leagues to improve your deficiencies whilst also retaining/developing your local talent.

I also believe Hawk Sale has said these recruits rocked up to training (in November), probably indicating a gamble of trying to play football at a higher level, this also disputes your "theory" that these players are "blow ins". As I refer to "blow ins", as players who play for other clubs purely for money reasons and don't care about anyone.
True ,even if these guys were targetted and then signed ,i'm all for it because if it improves the senior playing group then it's obviously good for any club,what i have never agreed with ,and i should add that i share this view with guys who have played 100's games with the eagles ,is actively recruiting juniors just to play in their fourths (u16's) from all over the place from struggling junior clubs that can ill afford to lose their better players, as they have done in the past leaving some of their own local kids without a chance to represent their town then the club gobbing off about how good their "homegrown" juniors are in comparison to other larger towns.I am not so naive to think that any club in the GFL could be competitive without recruiting to some extent for their seniors and just purely relying on what is about locally.I will consede any day of the week that Maffra fc are very well run and have been the benchmark of the competition for the last ten years and so large is the the magnitude of what they have achieved in this time frame that it can only be matched by the arrogance that now pervades from the place.
Has Maffra or Sale signed on any new players yet?

Ultimate Warrior any news from sale way? New Recruits? Resignings?

And whats everyones predictions for next year?
best and fairest?
wooden Spoon?
Has Maffra or Sale signed on any new players yet?

Ultimate Warrior any news from sale way? New Recruits? Resignings?

And whats everyones predictions for next year?
best and fairest?
wooden Spoon?

confirmed signings at Sale (new players)
Craig Flint - Mansfield (ex-carlton)
Phil Harris - Darnam
Kane Martin - Darnam
Brenton Martin - Darnam
Tom Smith - Bairnsdale
David Waddall - Bairnsdale
Kia ?????? - Subiaco Colts
$#@ *()&%^ - Can't name due to player needing to tell old club first.
Jordan Dessent - Gippsland Power

There are 5-10 other players but not aware if they have signed yet but have trained more than 80% of our 16 training sessions so far.

Sorry to anyone i missed.

Confirmed loss of note
Adrian Cox - Morwell
Tom Sturgess - Lindenow
Justin McLay - Sale City

Things are looking OK at Sale for 2010. Should end up there abouts.

Predicitions (hard to do not knowing anything about other clubs)


Would love to hear some news from all other clubs before locking in predicitions!!!
confirmed signings at Sale (new players)
Craig Flint - Mansfield (ex-carlton)
Phil Harris - Darnam
Kane Martin - Darnam
Brenton Martin - Darnam
Tom Smith - Bairnsdale
David Waddall - Bairnsdale
Kia ?????? - Subiaco Colts
$#@ *()&%^ - Can't name due to player needing to tell old club first.
Jordan Dessent - Gippsland Power

There are 5-10 other players but not aware if they have signed yet but have trained more than 80% of our 16 training sessions so far.

Sorry to anyone i missed.

Confirmed loss of note
Adrian Cox - Morwell
Tom Sturgess - Lindenow
Justin McLay - Sale City

Things are looking OK at Sale for 2010. Should end up there abouts.

Predicitions (hard to do not knowing anything about other clubs)


Would love to hear some news from all other clubs before locking in predicitions!!!

Have heard that Drouin has resigned every player from last year. Havent heard of any major new recruits yet though.
Have heard that Drouin has resigned every player from last year. Havent heard of any major new recruits yet though.
I have heard Drouin are quietly confident of having their best season in the comp since rejoining a few years back.Be good for the comp if they can get up in the top 3or 4 for once.
Has Maffra or Sale signed on any new players yet?

Ultimate Warrior any news from sale way? New Recruits? Resignings?

And whats everyones predictions for next year?
best and fairest?
wooden Spoon?
Heard just on Sunday that out of all the players trying out for Scorpians in the VFL ,they have already decided to offer Toby Leeds a contract ,he was our # 1 ruckman for the last couple of years.Good luck to him if true ,he's a great kid and deserves a chance to have a crack at a higher level but will be a big loss for the magpies though ,only 19 or 20 ,6'6" tall and mobile,big hole to fill.
luke ablett was training at drouin the other night and told them if he didnt get drafted he would play for drouin
heard also that drouin are talking to quite a few edfl players
Hawk Sale;16502433 .........leaving some of their own local kids without a chance to represent their town............[/quote said:
Totally wrong, every kid who wants to play with Maffra will get a game with Maffra - every weekend during the home and away a number of kids are playing two games so that both the u/16 sides can field a side. Get your facts right before you go gobbing off.
luke ablett was training at drouin the other night and told them if he didnt get drafted he would play for drouin
heard also that drouin are talking to quite a few edfl players

Speaking to a couple of the drouin fellas and they won't be getting Luke Ablett, but they won't be loosing anyone. They have had a few EDFL guys training with them and they are expected to sign maybe three or four of them. Good be a good year for the Hawks in '10
Totally wrong, every kid who wants to play with Maffra will get a game with Maffra - every weekend during the home and away a number of kids are playing two games so that both the u/16 sides can field a side. Get your facts right before you go gobbing off.

Sitting on the bench for three quarters doesn't count as a full game.:D


I think hawk sale is referring to the fact that maffra seem to take the good players, thats fine, I have no problems with that. The best players should play in the best standard of football.

But they don't seem to have no compassion for the clubs that are left short by recruiting these players.

Yes its a personal decision to leave or to fill in, but maybe an easier transfer system on a roster basis can help out other clubs struggling in under age football. Its unfair on the clubs, parents, players that they have to operate with low numbers whilst giving there talented players a chance at a higher level.
Nobody forces a kid to leave. They leave for a better opportunity (or in most cases for a teenager, to play with friends)

Cut the crap, we all know this whole argument is based entirely around 1 player (who happens to be quite a talented footballer, hence the bitterness, i'm sure Hawk Sale wouldn't care if they were a spud of a player)

I can almost guarantee that the player in question (who would have played less than 5 games for the club) would have moved to Maffra regardless of ability, he went there because his best mates at school were at the club as well (and playing better standard of football).
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