Music What are you listening to now?

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Just a perfect perfect song.

I don't know about perfect, but it's not bad... first time in a while I've liked any of the music you've posted, so I'm feeling slightly less old right at the moment! :tongueoutv1: :grinv1:
I don't know about perfect, but it's not bad... first time in a while I've liked any of the music you've posted, so I'm feeling slightly less old right at the moment! :tongueoutv1: :grinv1:
Wowee Kirkswan goes BANGGG!

In all seriousness I have a playlist of songs on Spotify called 'Perfect songs' (took me ages to think of a name for it) and it's songs that I think are basically without fault. Doesn't necessarily mean they are blow-your-wig-off great, but just each aspect of the song is exactly how it should be and I wouldn't change anything about it.

It also took me about four listens to move beyond the vibe of that song and realise the lyrics are also actually stellar. The whole play on two people in a relationship hearing two different versions of the same song as a metaphor for growing apart is just chef's kiss

But now I just sound like a wanky old art fart don't I :cool:
Wowee Kirkswan goes BANGGG!

In all seriousness I have a playlist of songs on Spotify called 'Perfect songs' (took me ages to think of a name for it) and it's songs that I think are basically without fault. Doesn't necessarily mean they are blow-your-wig-off great, but just each aspect of the song is exactly how it should be and I wouldn't change anything about it.

It also took me about four listens to move beyond the vibe of that song and realise the lyrics are also actually stellar. The whole play on two people in a relationship hearing two different versions of the same song as a metaphor for growing apart is just chef's kiss

But now I just sound like a wanky old art fart don't I :cool:

i also am aware my tastes and yours are a very long way apart
what i've never understood is people who have no genuine, passionate music interest
music has been such a big part of my life since i was an idiot kid
i also am aware my tastes and yours are a very long way apart
what i've never understood is people who have no genuine, passionate music interest
music has been such a big part of my life since i was an idiot kid
It's still a massive part of my life and I'm now an idiot adult!

I realised a few months ago while giving it serious thought, that a gigantic percentage of my day is spent listening to music. Driving, running, working, just having a record on in the background while doing things around the house.

I feel like I missed the boat being one of those Youtube people who makes a career out of listening to and reacting to music!
It's still a massive part of my life and I'm now an idiot adult!

I realised a few months ago while giving it serious thought, that a gigantic percentage of my day is spent listening to music. Driving, running, working, just having a record on in the background while doing things around the house.

I feel like I missed the boat being one of those Youtube people who makes a career out of listening to and reacting to music!

late teens, early 20s seeing live bands seemed the whole point of life ... i still do it when i can
although as i get more reclusive, youtube is pretty darn brilliant too
It's still a massive part of my life and I'm now an idiot adult!

I realised a few months ago while giving it serious thought, that a gigantic percentage of my day is spent listening to music. Driving, running, working, just having a record on in the background while doing things around the house.

I feel like I missed the boat being one of those Youtube people who makes a career out of listening to and reacting to music!

i very much get being an idiot adult
but running? erk!

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100 curses to use on your friends, work colleagues, enemies, your family, peeps on BF, etc.


100 x Curses
  1. Change to Hermaphrodite or change gender randomly constantly
  2. Cannot eat, mostly throws up
  3. Animals all grow sick near you
  4. People you meet hate you
  5. Desperately try to mate as often as possible, increasingly desperate and weird
  6. Any meat you try to eat becomes animated and crawls around like slugs
  7. Any plant matter you try and eat turns rotten
  8. You always get sexual diseases and spread it to every lover
  9. Possessed – an hour a night you get up to no good and don’t remember what you did
  10. Horrible crimes and accidents keep happening near you by coincidence
  11. Love Is Blind – embracing a love object like a goat, elderly prostitute or virgin priestess
  12. Nobody loves you and you constantly moan about lack of love annoying everybody
  13. Boats always leak when you are in them
  14. You lose control of your bladder when talking to opposite sex
  15. Uncontrollable diarrhoea and vomiting when meeting new people
  16. Holy symbols repulse you if wielded by a believer
  17. Children attack you on sight
  18. Birds attack you in swarms daily
  19. A ghost baby attaches itself to you, crying, weeping and haunting you and your fellow inhabitants with illusions and nightmares
  20. You are doomed to fall in love with a dangerous or inaccessible person, possibly married already or sworn to chastity with a powerful family and followers to stop your advances
  21. You believe the lice on your body are a tiny civilisation and you are their god, you tell people about this often
  22. You only eat worms or grubs
  23. You will not do anything without an astrology reading or divination by some roadside hustler
  24. You become a left handed if right currently and the reverse case also
  25. You’re a fanatical masturbation fan
  26. Secret police everywhere are intrigued by you and your success
  27. Police think you look like you're up to no good
  28. You criticise everyone's clothing, personal style, haircut and grooming choices as often as possible
  29. A single bizarre magic being torments you every full moon
  30. Horrible digestive emissions – you stink up the place, ruin toilets and everyone hates you
  31. Compulsive smoker – constantly using a pipe and smoking at all times – must smoke something constantly or you go into coma
  32. Alcohol makes you ill and stupid (even more so)
  33. Doldrums – Sailing ships won’t move with you aboard
  34. Someone who looks just like you came and killed some locals – perhaps the mob will solve this problem ?
  35. Constantly mistaken for a criminal – you look like trouble
  36. Flies love you and probably frogs too
  37. Liar Liar! – people don’t believe any of your stories, friends stories mentioning you sound bad, merchants fear you are a con man or robber
  38. Offend Everybody – People misinterpret your words and explode into violence
  39. Birds shit on you constantly
  40. Lonely ghosts and spirits bug you out of boredom and for something to do
  41. Dogs love humping your leg, they talk about how hot it is to other dogs
  42. Everyone you kiss finds you repulsive and wants to be sick after
  43. You find everything hilariously funny, laughing loudly at the wrong time
  44. Doppelgängers causes you problems everywhere you go
  45. Tentacle polyps grow on you
  46. Old friends and loved ones forget you ever existed
  47. Your nose swells and leaks phlegm constantly
  48. You believe what everyone says no matter how stupid it is
  49. Hooves – your feet become hooves, cloven or split - your choice
  50. You can never find your way home
  51. You think ugly people are beautiful and vice versa
  52. You wake up in a strange bed every morning
  53. Only fools and children believe a word you say
  54. Barks like a dog, you can still hear self speech unchanged, but everyone else thinks you barking mad
  55. An older/younger version of you hunts you - who knows what will happen if you kill them ?
  56. Sewerage tastes like delicious candy to you, you have no shame in pursuit of this yummy treat
  57. Your teeth all fall out
  58. Your fingernails and toenails fall out
  59. You change bodies with your next lover
  60. Androgyny - people are uncertain of your gender so you keep getting invited to wrong parties
  61. You sleepwalk to deadly locations like a graveyard or a cliff
  62. Your smile looks horrible and cruel and scares people
  63. You grow a beak like a chicken or duck
  64. You eat everything you kill or at least have a bite if pressed for time
  65. Your thumbs disappear
  66. Everyone thinks you are an idiot
  67. When your enemies meet each other they become friends and allies
  68. Unnatural attraction to animals rather than humanoids
  69. Your pets hate you and become aggressive and attack you on sight
  70. Irrational fear of poisoning, everyone is out to get you
  71. You cant refuse a request for help
  72. You cant keep a secret, blab about everything to everyone
  73. All music, poetry, art and natural beauty does nothing for you
  74. You seek out most the decadent, corrupt and depraved companions for horrible parties
  75. You lose an inch in height a day till bug sized, stuff does not shrink
  76. Poltergeist gropes members of opposite sex near you all the time causing you much trouble
  77. Give everyone unwanted, untrue medical advice in patronising manner until you lose all your friends - obsess and always talk about health, crazy diets and strange exercises
  78. Visited by sky spirits in bed at night, now you want to tell everybody about them and the humiliation they heaped on you
  79. You cant refuse a bet, constantly lose and go broke
  80. You believe you can speak any language but you can’t
  81. Irrational fear of plants and fungus
  82. You grow tentacles or crab claws for hands
  83. Wherever you stay ghosts awaken
  84. You fall in love with and marry horrible person, you only see best in them
  85. Everyone thinks you are making sexual advances to them
  86. Everyone thinks you are an idiot
  87. You cannot hear without a huge ear trumpet
  88. Your arms grow longer till knuckles drag on ground
  89. All doors lock themselves when you approach
  90. All animals howl in your presence
  91. You sing instead of talk
  92. Birds tell everyone your personal business
  93. Everything you kill appears as a tattoo on your body
  94. Only you can hear animals all making personal comments about you, starts to drive you crazy
  95. You discover you were born with a tail and your mother sends it to you in a jar
  96. Tools and items you need are never where they’re meant to be
  97. You are compelled to only eat stolen food
  98. Addicted to vice including, sex, drug addiction, alcoholic, prone to lewdness and running with crazy gangs of like minded often privileged hooligans
  99. Black thumb – you cannot grow food
  100. You follow St Kilda in the AFL
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I've ummed and ahhed about where to put this and settled on here... it's more watching that listening, but listening is good too!

I love this video, I can't tell you how many times I've watched it... but it never gets old for me.

I've always love the song, but the dance is just brilliant imo.
I've ummed and ahhed about where to put this and settled on here... it's more watching that listening, but listening is good too!

I love this video, I can't tell you how many times I've watched it... but it never gets old for me.

I've always love the song, but the dance is just brilliant imo.

Love a bit of good choreography. Brings back memories of this masterpiece.


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