Social Science What do you think about?

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People say I look like Keanu Reeves.
Keanu Reeves Wow GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
I think about the dinosaurs and the huge amount of time they existed for compared to humans.

Similarly how big the solar system is and how small the earth is compared to the Sun.

How long ago the sun was first created and the supposed period until it will cease to exist, along with earth.....also when there's no humans on earth how eerie it would be (not that there would be anyone to experience it.....cockroaches?)

I think about how clever scientists are to provide the world with info about dinosaurs, time space etc.

I think about whether or not I can actually remember being born.

I think about what Psychologists/Counsellors could possibly say to terminally ill people who are about to die soon.

I often wonder why I'm so scared about death when it's night time (dark) compared to day time (I wonder if other people think the same).

I think about what it would be like to be told I have won div 1 X-Lotto.

I think about my first day at school (late 70s).

I think about what someone waking yp from a coma after 40 years would think about today's technology.

I think how about how scary police work is, and worry that one day all police officers will be on PTSD leave, and anarchy will prevail.

I think about how amazing it was for man to walk on the moon in 1969, given the relatively small amount of technology compared to today.

I think about looking at photos from 70s and 80s and thinking about how daggy fashions/cars etc were, but then thinking about when I lived in those times things didn't seem daggy at all.

I think about what it would be like as a batsman to face fast bowlers, and how difficult it would be to see the ball and play a shot.

I think about blind people, and how devastated I would be in their position.

I try to reconcile that "olden days" (pre 1970s) were in colour despite 90% of photos from the first 160 years being in black and white.

I think about how difficult it must be for actors to learn their lines (in particular, soaps that show multiple episodes per week).

I think about how the vast majority of conspiracy theories aren't based in reality, given the tendency for all humans (including those "in the know") to gossip and not be able to keep secrets to themselves.

I think about/imagine what my local area would have looked like when dinosaurs inhabited the earth.

When I hear foreign languages being spoken - such as Russian - I think about how unlikely it is that what is being said makes any sense.
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John Lennon would have turned 83 today.

I think about all the songs, poetry etc left unwritten because that one little asswipe decided to take his life.
Dead longer than he lived now. I remember it we were still in Perth, I didn't know who he was but my folks sat my brother and I down and tried to explain as best you can to kids what had happened and why so many people were sad.
Saw the articles but was trying to work out if it refers to the Roman Empire specifically or is being used as a synonym for ancient history in general?

If the latter, probably a couple of times a week during my various readings. But the Roman Empire specifically probably only a few times a year.

Surprised how many people mentioned 9/11 in here.
I often relate my age at a certain time, and relate it back to the year that my mum and/or dad were the same age.

I also remember thinking how old my teachers seemed while I was in school but now years later when I'm older than the majority of them, I think that they actually weren't that old at all.

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I think a lot about that moment that you take your very last breath of life. What happens next, do the lights fade away, does it just end? Is your mind still completely with it at that very last moment even if you can’t physically speak or move? I’m not afraid of death I’m looking forward to it.
I think a lot about that moment that you take your very last breath of life. What happens next, do the lights fade away, does it just end? Is your mind still completely with it at that very last moment even if you can’t physically speak or move? I’m not afraid of death I’m looking forward to it.

Wow that deep ..
You would be shitty at your self if you died before finishing of a puzzle ..

Depends on if there is an afterlife, imagine leaving your body and noticing where a piece went 😂

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Social Science What do you think about?

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