Moved Thread What I hate about BigFooty.

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Personally I think it would be awesome. But I love corruption and anything remotely dishonest.

Think about it, wouldn't it be cool to say "Keep that up and you're banned" which then turns to "This is your last warning" which ultimately comes down to "Right, F*** YOU PAY ME bitch or your ass is grass"

That would be the gangsterist website ever.

Rick James are you ?
1. I used to hate that game where you had to move the van to knock over the ticket-inspectors. I didn't want to play, but I had to. Those bastards we're never gunna get me, even if it may be on the internet.

Rectified I'm pleased to see.

2. Over-zealous moderating also rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't affect me personally, being one of the law-abiding folk, but some of the infractions given out on the Carlton board in particular seems just anti-opinion. Fair enough you boot trolls, that's why it's a board for a particular team, but when it gets to the point of banning people for bringing up valid evidence contrary to a (in this case) Carlton poster's opinion, it's verging on the ridiculous.

Sure, my team might suggest I'm just 'another Richmond supporter', but I'm not easily pissed off.

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Need more space to list other teams supported.
Need special space open to all posters who have an official buddy for the season
No Deidcated Heavy Metal Forum
People who use mundane stereotypes when they have nothing else. ie Collingwood supporters are feral, no jobs, etc and of course trolls. Annoying knobs that try and hang it on someone for spelling and grammar. People who don't rate Dale Thomas or any Collingwood player based on the fact that he plays for Collingwood but try and create an argument as if the fact that the player being a magpie isn't relevant. Did I mention trolls.

You should've typed the word, "magpie" with a capital M and put a question mark after, "Did I mention trolls"
The Lack of moderation. Any thread that isnt discussion should be in bay 13.

I hate the way people think Bay 13 should be a dumping ground for all shit threads. Bay 13 is supposed to be about banter, good natured ribbing, heated exchanges and club rivalry. Hell, isn't this what the main board was all about when it started? There is nothing worse than reading some of the crap that gets tossed from this board over to Bay 13.

Threads that degenerate into pointless and juvenile name-calling should simply have the offending posts deleted.

Every thread started should be moderated and kept on topic.

Disagree. Sometimes it can be interesting when things veer away slightly from the topic. The topic might be a bit boring, yet another "Voss or Buckley?" thread, for instance. Seven pages in, someone asks, "what about Harvey?" and the thread moves off slightly off topic. This is way better than starting a whole new thread titled "Voss, Buckley or Harvey?"

It's all about exchange of ideas. That's why I've veered off-topic with this post.

Back on topic: What do I hate about BigFooty? I hate the rumours, innuendo and constant crap-on about the players' off-field activity. Personally, I don't give a stuff if a few Hawthorn players like to occasionally get high. It doesn't really interest me that a few drunk idiots picked a fight with Chris Tarrant and lost. People on here can be such dicks about it.
There's a few civilized boards out there. Some people need to get out past the main board and bay 13 to expand their horizons, they might realise how to behave a little better....

on second thought, bogans going to europe don't take anything in and still come back as bogans, why should this be any different :D
Main board:
Biased maggots who are unable to open their second eye.

Bulldogs board:
Negative Nancy's that add nothing of any value, just sooking.
The same person posting in every thread, particularly when it adds absolutely nothing, and is often accompanied by bad spelling and grammar.

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That there isn't a thread/post rating system. Would be better to know who to bother talking with if they have mostly positive ratings.
I hate the way people think Bay 13 should be a dumping ground for all shit threads. Bay 13 is supposed to be about banter, good natured ribbing, heated exchanges and club rivalry. Hell, isn't this what the main board was all about when it started? There is nothing worse than reading some of the crap that gets tossed from this board over to Bay 13.

Threads that degenerate into pointless and juvenile name-calling should simply have the offending posts deleted.

Totally agree with you Chewy. :thumbsu:
Blues supporter: Look face facts ...your drug infested rat hole of a club has driven your captain and best player away to find a more stable environment ...You have lost him ....He WANTS to play with the biggest and best club in Australia ..and who can really blame him ..the poor old Tiggers are not an option...he wouldn't enjoy bing constantly spat on by their scummy supporters.
Carlton can offer him so much more...more than the poor delusional tigers could ever dream of .

Tigers Supporter: what about winning one day?

Tiger supporter gets mid-range infraction, blue bagger gets squat. I would suggest play-on would be the perfect decision to that. But nup.

Thats what gets me.
That is very very similar to what someone *cough* got infractured for from a particular Carlton mod, disappointing to say the least....They pick and choose when to give a warning before a pointless infraction (Double standards)..... Very disappointing....:thumbsdown:
Haven't had the chance to peruse all the pages so apologies for any double dipping.

I guess posters and the control of posters .
That would be the inconsistant actions of mods .
Some being too stong some too lax on the following posters .

Posters who ignore the thread intent or divert away from main thread .
Subjective or thread titles intended to advertise mudslinging .
Overly long posts and quoting overly long posts is even worse followed by
repetively re-quoting overly long posts , juxtaposed my those incredably short and inane posts which have no point .
Most importantly people who can't differentiate between good reason and debate , informed discusion and criticisium and pure slanging ,which they rsort to because they can't handle civilsed debate ..


Most of my problems have been already brought up so I will quote few and comment. What I say is only in regards to this main board and a little to do with Bay 13 as they are the only place I have posted enough at to know.

Trolling...or more to the point, blatant unintelligent trolling.

Inconsistency of mods deleting or moving threads/posts.

I won't say mods here are inconsistent but I think they need to be a bit harsher some times. If a certain poster seems to offer little apart from saying stupid and ridiculous things about opposition teams (quite a few here just continually dump on the one team and it's just garbage) and existing just to annoy them then deal with them or move the topic asap.

Too many here get away with it and this is not the place. We have a specific place for that and it's not the main board. All they do it start flame wars. Maybe we need more mods here to deal with it.

The fact that some people on here go on personal or club related attacks just because someone puts across a decent point of view. Keep to the facts of the thread and topic at hand, not which team the poster supports. It wrecks so many threads and good discussions

- The "but your team is crapper" rebuttal to legitimate criticism

- The "you don't have your team listed therefore your opinion is worthless" argument

Absolutely agree. This is one of my most hated things. A discussion (or argument) is going on. Some reasons are being given by both sides that's fine. Then someone just replies to a person's club with something like "enjoy you're spoon coming this year" or "how was last week when we belted you" etc. and completely ignores what has been said. Just starts flame wars.

Should earn a caution and then a ban if it happens again. People need to be encouraged to keep discussion on topic. I couldn't blame someone who wants to discuss things decently for going 'unlisted'. Of course those that do get unfairly ripped in to for this by those looking to do nothing but say something stupid and provocative about their club.

Another thing I don't like much is simple player comparison threads. If most of them were presented better then I wouldn't mind but just:

"rate 'x' v 'z' I think 'x' is better discuss"

is not an acceptable topic and usually only gets a few decent replies with constructive analysis and mostly team bias which leads to people saying "look at all Geelong fans are saying player y" which leads to off topic mindless mud slinging.

In general be tough on people who troll on the main board. If they don't like it then tough they can cop it and offer more or piss off.
there are some soft red cards given out IMO.By soft I mean that not much harm has been done and it is debatable as to weather or not a rule has been broken.For example what constitutes a personal attack or harassment ? theres room for interpretation in a few of the bf rules and I think that yellow cards could be used more often then they are.
Yep, Baseball board was thriving, can hardly see it now and is now pretty much dead

There is a baseball board?

What I hate:
- Ambulance chasers
- certain groups of supporters who hunt in packs and then wank over each other when their target gets exasperated and leaves the argument (if you can't fight your own fight without help from other braindead supporters of the same club, then go away)
When I was a more hooliganized type of poster I'd probably be complaining about the mods too, but I finally realised it's not just their job to moderate us, we have to be able to moderate ourselves to make this place better.

Anytime I've had a run in with Fred or Mad Dog I was being an out and out ********. I cleaned up my act and I've never had a problem since.
- certain groups of supporters who hunt in packs and then wank over each other when their target gets exasperated and leaves the argument (if you can't fight your own fight without help from other braindead supporters of the same club, then go away)

I'm 90% sure you're talking about the Hawthorn Private School Mafia.

In their defence I will say that Chewy and Hodge2Franklin are genuinely funny blokes who are just having a bit of fun. The other Hawthorn fans are douchebags though.
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