Moved Thread What I hate about BigFooty.

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damn straight. i was given 3 infractions in 5 minutes today from old dark navy's, the first one was for replying to a comment made by a carlton suppoorter saying "gibbs will be the carlton version of james hird" and then showing that clip of gibbs being scared by stephen milne got 3 points for that. then i replied to the infraction he gave me by saying "the truth hurts doesnt it" got 1 point for this.
then i received an infraction from him again from something i posted on the richmond board which was another 1 point. i hate mods like this, just abusing their authority we should take his moderation away from him and give it to someone else its a disgrace.

Par for course here at BigFooty.

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It has to be said again quoting long passages no matter how long the reply is. This is especially true on my dial up internet with my favorite "hot chick" threads:eek:. Each poster quotes the picture above and it takes forever to download.

Also $10 is ok for membership but I just don't buy over the net. I would like a larger avatar either way.
There is a baseball board?

What I hate:
- Ambulance chasers
- certain groups of supporters who hunt in packs and then wank over each other when their target gets exasperated and leaves the argument (if you can't fight your own fight without help from other braindead supporters of the same club, then go away)

I hear ya brother
Is my manner cause for dismissal?

Any criticism of BF is cause for dismissal.
This is a thread that will go no where, it is done so that AA can feel all warm and nice because "he consulted" and posters can feel good because they "vented"
Not one of the suggestions in this thread will be acted on.

And I will get an infraction soon for some minor breach
Certain mods and posters.

People who try and flirt with the female posters. I mean get a life.

Trolls who start a thread, then when you challenge them on a point they have NFI about, they ignore the question.
30 second wait between searches

Inconsistent moderation. I got a 1 point infraction for calling Richmond shit in Bay 13. I got an infraction for saying "******ed" even though it is a genuine word that can be used to describe things.

This is more of a tongue in cheek complaint but "The Pig is committed!" has been the front page comic for almost five months :p Although that's obviously because it's the offseason.

And I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet...

Any criticism of BF is cause for dismissal.
This is a thread that will go no where, it is done so that AA can feel all warm and nice because "he consulted" and posters can feel good because they "vented"
Not one of the suggestions in this thread will be acted on.

And I will get an infraction soon for some minor breach

dont be so jaded:)
30 second wait between searches

Inconsistent moderation. I got a 1 point infraction for calling Richmond shit in Bay 13. I got an infraction for saying "******ed" even though it is a genuine word that can be used to describe things.

This is more of a tongue in cheek complaint but "The Pig is committed!" has been the front page comic for almost five months :p Although that's obviously because it's the offseason.

And I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet...


I'm surprised you didn't get a lifetime ban for that.
What do i hate most about Bigfooty? the fact that St.Kilda is the most unsuccessful club in the history of the world.

Why does that have anything to do with bigfooty?

because ONE solitary post, even if its constructuve criticism is all it takes for ANY thread on this whole site to be turned into a St.Kilda bashfest.

Carlton supporters are the worst and I think this is thanks to their hatred of certain posters. But that leads me to the other thing I hate about bigfooty.

I hate how most posters (and this include myself) influence your feelings on an entire club as a whole.

Again, this comes back to St.Kilda being so unsuccessful. If St.Kilda had actually won something in their history, these conversations wouldn't be happening and I would be able to post my honest opinion without consequence. (Although I'm sure the more pedantic posters would find SOMETHING to complain about)

So like everything else in life, I blame St.Kilda.

And I blame myself for loving the damn club so much.

I'm sure many Melbourne/Bulldogs fans can relate to these sentiments.

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damn straight. i was given 3 infractions in 5 minutes today from old dark navy's, the first one was for replying to a comment made by a carlton suppoorter saying "gibbs will be the carlton version of james hird" and then showing that clip of gibbs being scared by stephen milne got 3 points for that. then i replied to the infraction he gave me by saying "the truth hurts doesnt it" got 1 point for this.
then i received an infraction from him again from something i posted on the richmond board which was another 1 point. i hate mods like this, just abusing their authority we should take his moderation away from him and give it to someone else its a disgrace.

That's almost identical to what I got infractured for from the same moderator, I'll say no more....:thumbsdown:
damn straight. i was given 3 infractions in 5 minutes today from old dark navy's, the first one was for replying to a comment made by a carlton suppoorter saying "gibbs will be the carlton version of james hird" and then showing that clip of gibbs being scared by stephen milne got 3 points for that. then i replied to the infraction he gave me by saying "the truth hurts doesnt it" got 1 point for this.
then i received an infraction from him again from something i posted on the richmond board which was another 1 point. i hate mods like this, just abusing their authority we should take his moderation away from him and give it to someone else its a disgrace.

Are you going to mention this infraction was an error and subsequently reversed or doesn't that suit your story?
The one point infraction wasn't given by a carlton mod - it was given by an admin.
some trolls continue to be able to get away with their trolling on the main board.

some of the racists allowed to voice their opinion on SRP

the ben cousins saga last year became a free hit zone for any wce supporter. copped a fair bit on the chin then again was due to one player.

the over generalisation of supporters from teams.
I don't like it how after there are 4 pages of posts in a thread then the menu for that thread goes 1 2 3 4...Last Page. I find it hard to keep up to where you were reading if say you look the next day. Instead can't it go 1 2 3 4...16 17 18 ???

But that's what the 'read latest unread post' button on the left of the topic title is for? The little blue square with the white V in it. It takes you directly to the latest post you haven't read in a particular thread.

I don't really hate anything about bigfooty, but I guess I would like a quick way to see if my friends were online at any point? I've noticed you can add people to a 'buddy' list, but I haven't worked out what it was for.
Overt political correctness which has wavering paramaters based upon the moods of 30 odd (?) random individuals (moderators).

It is easier to pick the weekly tattslotto numbers than it is to figure out where the boundaries of political correctness lie around here.

"Mod button pushers" of usually less intelligence, continually utilise this scenario to narrow the range of debate simply because it contravenes their own personal beliefs.

This KILLS the range of acceptable debate that is allowed to take place.
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