What pissed me off this week ?

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So he was upset that another town was getting something life-saving? What a campaigner.
It wasn’t even the town it was a family receiving something . Anyways I’ve had my vent and moved on.
Australian mens ? netball team effort at a haka, absolutely embarrassing as an Australian.
Criticism of Australian selectors, they are looking to the future as asked.
The Prime Minister we have, the couple he followed, what's next.
PS. Is there enough room there Stalker for you to do your thing.
Finally a game of mens cricket on free to air tv and who do they play like.
Still can't find a winner on the punt.
I can't seem to jag those last 5 numbers in lotto.
My missus refuses to work 8 days a week.
Hello Chief.

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WTF is this shit, just seen a news article about TikTok Awards....
We've reach a point in society that I don't want to be apart of anymore, the world is doomed!
Social media company promoting participation with awards.

James May GIF by DriveTribe
This year's in-laws extended family Kris Kringle has got a bit of a Curb Your Enthusiasm set-up to it. Last few years they've gone with a 'Bad Santa' theme: you have to buy a gift with a total value of approximately $30, wrap it up, no name on it. The gifts are all placed in a pile at the Christmas dinner, we all draw numbers and you go up in that order to select a present from the pile (unwrapping it), and then the second and all subsequent people in the order can select another wrapped gift from the pile or choose to steal the gift that someone else has previously selected.

This year they've gone back to the traditional KK format where you draw a name several weeks before the event and buy that person a gift (with the same approximate $30 value), generally with them offering some 'ideas' to help, though most seem to explicitly say "I want this -->" and send you a website link. So they're basically substituting the entertainment value on the evening of Bad Santa for the decent chance that you'll go home with something you're happy with. I'm not necessarily against the trade-off, although it does make the night considerably more boring, especially when you're in a room of people who've asked for a $30 JB or Bunnings voucher. Real edge-of-the-seat stuff.

And instead of just pulling names out of a hat, or doing a random shuffler, they've set it up in a fancy app, where you opt in, choose to draw a name and then select some gift ideas from a list. Which would all be great... except, they didn't get their arses around to actually setting it up until two weeks before the event. Then (of course) I draw one of the people who isn't exactly likely to be dropping everything to opt-in to the KK, let alone give some ideas about what they want. So it gets to the start of this week and still crickets as to what I'm supposed to even get this person. Finally my wife gets in touch with their partner... great, they want a book (that's the only suggestion). We're on holidays and out of town until this Friday, by the way.

I get around to having a look at it and putting the order in today on Amazon: "estimated delivery 30/12-4/1", check for the same book at the usual suspects and it's either out of stock or $50. And of course, they haven't given me any other options for presents, so looks like it's a 30 minute trip to Kmart at an unfamiliar shopping centre, or pay $50 and take the net loss of $20 to participate in this KK.

I'm not sure if I'm more pissed off at the host for waiting until the 10th of effing December to announce the KK, or the person I drew for being about as unhelpful as possible. It's my Larry David fork in the road. But then I stop and think I'm probably most pissed off at myself for getting so worked up about it: of course I'll pay the $50. Side note is that the person I've drawn did some work on our house at very short notice this year and saved me a heap of trouble and refused any form of payment and the hosts went out of their way to do a social story for our daughter which will help her immensely during the night. So I'll even bite my tongue about paying $50 for a $30 KK. But, still...
Luv invasion day, only entertainment on tv.
As for the invaders well, happy Australia day.
It wouldn't matter what day we held it, it would be the wrong day.
Luv invasion day, only entertainment on tv.
As for the invaders well, happy Australia day.
It wouldn't matter what day we held it, it would be the wrong day.

Based on what
English Police, Hides as thick as tissue paper.
Australian Police all over the country cop that crap every day.
People saying ‘very unique’ or ‘incredibly unique’. Unique means one of a kind so there are no degrees of uniqueness.

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People saying ‘very unique’ or ‘incredibly unique’. Unique means one of a kind so there are no degrees of uniqueness.
I suppose that you could have a unique hat in that it looks the same as anyone's, apart from the colour. Or a unique hat in that it's made from the skin of the last known surviving member of a species of ostrich-like marsupial.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom to express an opinion.
Freedom for those who shoot down and oppress other people's opinions .
Apart from that all's good.
Can't afford to be suspended with footy starting.
Loved our mens under 20's winning Asian Cup, Sheer Gold, nothing in the media.

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What pissed me off this week ?

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