What really p*sses you off?

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Mar 2, 2003
AFL Club
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West Tigers. G.S.W
Just bored so i thought i'd ask , what are the things people do that really get you annoyed.

Idiots and they sh*tty techno music etc they play out of their cars at full volume.

People who come up next to me when am waiting for a train and start smoking when thre is plenty of room away from me for you and your filthy habit.

used to work at a hotel as a porter to explain the next one, but people who talk to you through a door etc cant even be bothered talking to you face to face.

people and in that i mean anyone other than old men/women who get on a tram mostly or a bus for like 1-2 stops only, no wonder you are over weight try walking (am aware some cant help the weight) but still an annoying thing

people who talk on mobile phones who think that everyone else in the train needs to hear their conversation.

People who read over your shoulder is bad enough but also chewing in my ear makes me real violent:mad:

Stupid people at protests who dont have the first idea what they are there to protect against, get a life you stupid sheep.

articles in papers regarding problem gamblers. I have no sympathy for these people what so ever(may sound heartless) but they have noone to blame but themselves noone holds a gun to their head forcing them to do the things they do.

Backstabbing people brown nosing workers pretty much useally one and the same .

many other i cant think of right now

What really annoys everyone else?

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Bigfootyites whose sole thrill in life is their targetting of certain individuals that they deem to be different.
ppl who slurp their drinks and chew with their mouth full and open.

It is really disgusting.

Also when ppl fart or burp deliberately at the dinner table.
Originally posted by ImCheatingToWin
Was actually waiting on a responce such as that, didn't take to long.

People who edit a one-line post and still leave two errors.:)
ppl who make rude comments about other ppl on various forums.

ppl fighting and arguing over something that can be shared (toys, etc (talking about my nieces and nephew who don't know how to share))
Originally posted by goaldrush

Also when ppl fart or burp deliberately at the dinner table.

You should bring your big stick around and contain my lot from this offensive but at times amusing display of vulgarity.
old ladies sitting in the back of the cinema and talking on their mobiles (" oh hello dear, how are you...NO...NO I can't talk now i'm in the cinema...I SAID THE CINEMA!!" )

...that's what ****es me off...oh, and people who walk really slow in front of me....


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Fat gross women at the supermarket who take a trolley out of the bay, then proceed to block everyone else who wants a trolley by standing right in front of the bay fidgeting with their purse.

People who put apostrophes in plurals. "Potato's $1.23 a Kilo"

People on busy trains who either put their bags on the seat next to them, or sit on the aisle side so you have to climb over them to get a seat. Then they click their tongues and roll their eyes. Well if I was Imhotep I'd show them who has a tongue to click and eyes to roll, wouldn't I?

That crap they did to Melbourne Central. Now I have to walk ten times as far to come out the same place.
People who insist on rustling chip/lolly bags at the movies. And they always manage to sit next to/behind me. Any sort of noisy wrapper or bag should be banned from cinemas, maybe the cinema could provide a small box or bowl for people to put their chips etc into. Drives me mad!!

Bad spelling, grammar and punctuation. Especially noticeable in a lot of advertising these days...:rolleyes: And people who have no manners, eg., no please or thank yous, eating with mouth open/talking with mouth full, talking over others, etc.

Oh, and my friends' music taste. 50 Cent? No thanks...
Originally posted by Rodion
Fat gross women at the supermarket who take a trolley out of the bay, then proceed to block everyone else who wants a trolley by standing right in front of the bay fidgeting with their purse.

People who put apostrophes in plurals. "Potato's $1.23 a Kilo"

People on busy trains who either put their bags on the seat next to them, or sit on the aisle side so you have to climb over them to get a seat. Then they click their tongues and roll their eyes. Well if I was Imhotep I'd show them who has a tongue to click and eyes to roll, wouldn't I?

That crap they did to Melbourne Central. Now I have to walk ten times as far to come out the same place.
Fat women who are in the way and when they fart just to put us off from getting a must need item at the supermarket.

ppl who pick their nose whilst driving.
When some idiot goes to the deli section of the supermarket and grabs a ticket, but then stands with their trolley in front of the ticket machine as if no one else wants to get one??????

People who park their car in the middle of an area that can easily fit two cars - particularly when spaces are at a premium.

People who leave their rubbish on the table during peak hour at a food court. Seats are obviously at a premium and will get snapped up long before the cleaning person comes around. They obviously expect the people who are taking their seat to clean up their rubbish.

People who sit in the right lane of a dual carriage way whilst not overtaking. Especially when there are signs saying "Keep left unless overtaking"

People who drive slow on a country road, accumulate a backlog of drivers behind them, and then speed up during the overtaking lane only letting one or two cars overtake and then slow down as soon as it finishes. Or even worse, drivers who take the full length of the overtaking lane to overtake a truck leaving everyone else still behind the truck.

When you're at the post office and there is one 5-strong line for two counters - meaning that you get the next available, and then some knob (read middle aged female) comes up and makes their own line.

People who stand in major thoroughfares and have conversations and block everyone off. Also people who get to the top or bottom of an escalator and then just stand their to decide where their going??????

people who take 100 items through the 15 items or less lane at the supermarket. I accept a basket full, but not a trolley full.

People who drive up to motorway tolls and don't have their money ready? Especially when they have been queuing behind a few cars.

Unfortunately I come accross many of these people every day. It makes you wonder how so many people can be oblivious to other people.

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What really p*sses you off?

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