Just bored so i thought i'd ask , what are the things people do that really get you annoyed.
Idiots and they sh*tty techno music etc they play out of their cars at full volume.
People who come up next to me when am waiting for a train and start smoking when thre is plenty of room away from me for you and your filthy habit.
used to work at a hotel as a porter to explain the next one, but people who talk to you through a door etc cant even be bothered talking to you face to face.
people and in that i mean anyone other than old men/women who get on a tram mostly or a bus for like 1-2 stops only, no wonder you are over weight try walking (am aware some cant help the weight) but still an annoying thing
people who talk on mobile phones who think that everyone else in the train needs to hear their conversation.
People who read over your shoulder is bad enough but also chewing in my ear makes me real violent
Stupid people at protests who dont have the first idea what they are there to protect against, get a life you stupid sheep.
articles in papers regarding problem gamblers. I have no sympathy for these people what so ever(may sound heartless) but they have noone to blame but themselves noone holds a gun to their head forcing them to do the things they do.
Backstabbing people brown nosing workers pretty much useally one and the same .
many other i cant think of right now
What really annoys everyone else?
Idiots and they sh*tty techno music etc they play out of their cars at full volume.
People who come up next to me when am waiting for a train and start smoking when thre is plenty of room away from me for you and your filthy habit.
used to work at a hotel as a porter to explain the next one, but people who talk to you through a door etc cant even be bothered talking to you face to face.
people and in that i mean anyone other than old men/women who get on a tram mostly or a bus for like 1-2 stops only, no wonder you are over weight try walking (am aware some cant help the weight) but still an annoying thing
people who talk on mobile phones who think that everyone else in the train needs to hear their conversation.
People who read over your shoulder is bad enough but also chewing in my ear makes me real violent
Stupid people at protests who dont have the first idea what they are there to protect against, get a life you stupid sheep.
articles in papers regarding problem gamblers. I have no sympathy for these people what so ever(may sound heartless) but they have noone to blame but themselves noone holds a gun to their head forcing them to do the things they do.
Backstabbing people brown nosing workers pretty much useally one and the same .
many other i cant think of right now
What really annoys everyone else?