- Moderator
- #26
Originally posted by kirkyno1:
I can't believe the crap from Power regarding the crowd. Oh, it was the starting time or it cost $13- (only $28 for a family ticket) or they are making changes to Footy Park (only took out 5000 seats, it still leaves 40,000 seats available). This is the same crowd that states uncategorically they are the best footy side ever and their supporters are the most passionate. So where were they? Last night was a perfect night for footy, no wind and mid-20s temperature. Absolutely no excuses whatsoever. If they are fair dinkum they would have been there.
HAHAHA, this coming from a crow supporter!! Youve got to be kidding me. The same bunch of supporters all week that have been defending their club dramatically because they only got 20,000 to their home game, which was in teh SAME time slot, and was also FREE ENTRY. Dont start bagging us, when your bunch of softcocks didnt even show up either. Where were your supporters?? Why is it any different for your mob of supporters not to show up?? You keep going on about having the most passionate and loyal supporters in teh league, get 40,000 every week, yet you only got 20,000???
Stop being a ****wit and open your eyes, you cant bag port without bagging your own side as well, who had just as dismal crowd!