What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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He's a babe in the woods with types like you around... ha ha
u r fighting well out of your weight division little fella.

very pleased if dutton gets the nod. head like a potato. has had a personality by-pass. will drag the corrupt lot further right and further into the political wilderness. can't wait 4 the new icac , which i'm betting he isn't.
As has been stated in a lot of places, we have fundamental differences to America:

1. Compulsory voting
2. No gerrymandering as we have the AEC
3. Preferential voting
4. Less % of religious cooks

There are others but they are all major stumbling blocks to anyone trying the Trumpist populist RWNJ route
Don't forget.......
5. No Trump equivalent

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Would require major reform as they are a single party in Queensland

How well has that worked? Papers over cracks on the state scene, not successfully electorally at State level, & irrelevant at a Federal level.

Both the Libs & Nats will row their own boats for at least the first few years on the Opposition benches, particularly as the new groupings sort themselves out.

I can see the Government setting the rules for the independents by including only the number as required for full control of both houses (as Mr Andrews has in Vic). We will need to wait to see where the final seats are won.
zoe daniel explained it on insiders on sunday. laura tingle again on the news on sunday night. stories galore in the guardian and the new daily have also detailed it - to mention a few. you’d have 2 live in a cave only reading rotten rupe’s disinformation shit 2 not know. wait a minute!
The best I've got here is a motherhood statement that the Libs moved too far to the right.

Perhaps you can be more succinct ?
u r fighting well out of your weight division little fella.

very pleased if dutton gets the nod. head like a potato. has had a personality by-pass. will drag the corrupt lot further right and further into the political wilderness. can't wait 4 the new icac , which i'm betting he isn't.
He is even a bigger liar than Morrison and throws in quite a bit of scare mongering.

My favourite vegetable is potato, might need to do a rethink on my diet.
7news tonight claiming Dutton will become the new Opposition Leader. So much for the Libs learning from the election defeat.

Labor has an easy attack line. Just remind the public about Dutton and the Solomon Islands. Now that Morrison is gone, Dutton becomes the one remaining responsible for the greatest failure in foreign policy and national security since WW2.

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u r fighting well out of your weight division little fella.

very pleased if dutton gets the nod. head like a potato. has had a personality by-pass. will drag the corrupt lot further right and further into the political wilderness. can't wait 4 the new icac , which i'm betting he isn't.
Paladin - how is Dutton’s sister going?
The Libs doubling down with the unlikeable shit sandwich, Anne Ruston is the favourite to be his deputy.

Never will the leadership team of a major party have been so despicable.
Menopause Barbie and the Spud, what a dream team.
The Nats are going to go full-blown Pro-coal/mining. The Libs were holding them back. They're going to scream bloody murder with every piece of progressive legislation passed. Murdoch and Costello will scream twice as loudly.

Dutton will have 2 choices. Stick to the same policies as today where they talk about action but take none. They'll say they support climate action and oppose corruption, but they'll oppose every piece of legislation. This will get them the same result we just saw.

Or they could listen to their elite inner-city core constituents in Goldstein and Higgins and Kooyong and take Governance and climate change seriously. This is unlikely with Dutton in charge.

Dutton's not a leader, he's a follower. He'll follow Sky/Murdoch/Costello wherever they tell him to go, and it'll be down the toilet like Morrison.
I think it'll all depend on who he's listening to.

They don't need to move to the left as much as they need to re-embrace the mainstream.

The fact their "star" candidate in Deves spent the day after the election trading qanon code words with Rowan Dean is an indictment of the kind of moral sewer types they've been willing to play footsie with. The lizard people conspiracy wing (Rennick, Antic) should be brought to heel and properly disciplined. Stop wasting time on second order culture war issues pushed by similar types with minuscule audiences on Sky and get back to rebuilding the party's economic credibility. Build a climate policy around the expectations of middle Australia, rather than the inner cities.

Instead, what I think we'll get is a slightly more measured variety of Abbott playbook scare campaigns, probably race baiting (something Dutton has previously shown he enjoys) and some variation of hOw DaRE thEy TEAcH oUr CHIldRen tHIs.
I'm not all that interested in the machinations of each party but surely there is a more stable candidate that Dutton?

He had a 3% swing against him this election and very nearly lost his seat.

That doesn't scream "strong, stable leadership" does it? Surely there's a candidate that had a stronger local showing to try and build support on?

Unless the LNP know they are boned in 2025 regardless & Dutton is just the lamb being led to slaughter before the real leader steps in?

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What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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