Wheel of Time

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Book 10 is the weakest of the series IMO

Thank god lol - I actually found it a massive struggle. For such a thick book, it felt like not a great deal actually happened.

Hopefully books 11, 12 and 13 are easier to read. :D

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Thank god lol - I actually found it a massive struggle. For such a thick book, it felt like not a great deal actually happened.

Hopefully books 11, 12 and 13 are easier to read. :D

Yep not much happens at all in 10. Seems to just go over and over events in book 9 from different POV's.

11-13 do pick up the pace.
Yep not much happens at all in 10. Seems to just go over and over events in book 9 from different POV's.

11-13 do pick up the pace.

Just started reading 11 this morning on the way to work and so far the start hasn't been too bad!
Started book 12 this morning. Was interesting reading Sanderson's foreword, have already noticed a bit of a difference in writing style - only about 20 pages in though so will take some more time to see if I prefer it to Jordan's style.
Started book 12 this morning. Was interesting reading Sanderson's foreword, have already noticed a bit of a difference in writing style - only about 20 pages in though so will take some more time to see if I prefer it to Jordan's style.

Books 12-14 are considerably faster paced. Although I think that has more to do with the fact that Sanderson is forced to close so many plot lines so quickly as opposed to a major difference in style.

Keen to see what you think.
Started book 12 this morning. Was interesting reading Sanderson's foreword, have already noticed a bit of a difference in writing style - only about 20 pages in though so will take some more time to see if I prefer it to Jordan's style.

You can pick up the chapters that Jordon wrote himself :)

I think he struggled writing Matt's storyline and probably captured Perrin the best
You can pick up the chapters that Jordon wrote himself :)

I think he struggled writing Matt's storyline and probably captured Perrin the best

Thought he did Egwene pretty well.
Just finished amol. Started reading the series again when it came out in january. Really enjoyed the last few books and think BS did a good job. It wrapped up pretty well. A little bummed out but I guess that's what you get after 9 months and 10000 pages following the same ppl around.

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Just finished book 12 (A gathering storm) this morning and plan to start 13 (towers of midnight) tonight. Thought book 12 was awesome - things starting to really heat up.

Don't mind Sanderson's writing style either - I think I saw on facebook a few weeks ago that he is writing up novels for that mobile fantasy game (Infinity Blade I think its called?). He must be a fairly prominent fantasy writer :thumbsu:
Just finished book 12 (A gathering storm) this morning and plan to start 13 (towers of midnight) tonight. Thought book 12 was awesome - things starting to really heat up.

Don't mind Sanderson's writing style either - I think I saw on facebook a few weeks ago that he is writing up novels for that mobile fantasy game (Infinity Blade I think its called?). He must be a fairly prominent fantasy writer :thumbsu:

I think he does a very good job with a bloody hard task.

Like it or not I think Jordan had created far, far too many threads for himself, and as a result the story had basically ground to a halt at the end of KoD.

Sanderson had a hell of a task tying those up in ONE book (remember Jordan had stated 12 would be the last), and even doing it in three it feels a bit rushed at stages.

He's done a very good job of it though. Can't really see anyone having done a better job considering the circumstances.

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Started reading The way of kings for the same reason. Really enjoying it. Will be going on to the Mistborn novels next.

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no offence everyone
I love fantasy books but couldnt get past the first one of this
I found it very very familiar with a number of other books
does anyone else relate to that sentiment? Should I have persisted? Am about to start Hobb
no offence everyone
I love fantasy books but couldnt get past the first one of this
I found it very very familiar with a number of other books
does anyone else relate to that sentiment? Should I have persisted? Am about to start Hobb

Similarities? Shares quite a few traits with other fantasy series.

Some things that set it apart:

- Far and away the most well described and fleshed out 'magic' system in all fantasy (that I have read obviously)
- Insanely detailed; the story is enormous
- Some of the books (IMO books 4-6) are amongst the finest examples of the genre ever written
Worth reading. There are slow points but on the whole its well worth it. Great action and great characters. When I finished the last book I felt like going back and reading them again.

Robin Hobb is one I really loved too. Great books

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I think he does a very good job with a bloody hard task.

Like it or not I think Jordan had created far, far too many threads for himself, and as a result the story had basically ground to a halt at the end of KoD.

Sanderson had a hell of a task tying those up in ONE book (remember Jordan had stated 12 would be the last), and even doing it in three it feels a bit rushed at stages.

He's done a very good job of it though. Can't really see anyone having done a better job considering the circumstances.

Yep, good point Jade - one of the reasons I think I really enjoyed AGS was, from a story telling perspective, it seemed a lot easier to follow what was going on. In some of the earlier books, there was almost too much happening all at once. Lots of chapters from different character perspectives/story lines playing out with lots of different supporting characters also being mentioned - got a bit tricky trying to recall every character, their motives, loyalties etc.

AGS also seemed to have a nice flow to it, whereas some of Sanderson's books liked to jump around a lot, I liked how AGS seemed to mostly focus on a couple of characters while also having smaller bits for other characters to keep their stories moving.
Thought he did Egwene pretty well.

i dislike egwene and young trakand,though he did change his opinion of rand al-thor.
i should say,egwene would of been a good amyrlin if she survived and she had the courto execute sheriam and the other black ajah,pity alviarin avoided that fate
i dislike elaida,an utterly nasty piece of work

would of been a good amrylin if she lived and had the courage to excute sheriam
and the other black ajah,pity she wasnt able to have alviarin killed.
also i dislike ela

ida an utterly nasty piece of work,no redeming features whatsoever
Reading it at the moment. Yeah it's not the greatest. He writes the action scenes very well, its more the character interations that seem a bit off. His latest stuff is alot better.

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the personal interactions would need to be,though i like way of kings
You can read the first three books as a trilogy and pretend the rest of it never happened. At the end of book 3 he kills who he thinks is the dark one and yeah, game over.

Although I do like the big detailed world that Jordan drew, so maybe not.

I'm hoping for an encyclopedia of the world of the wheel of time to come out, to encompass the entire series.

I am also disappointed some of the earlier ideas and characters werent' used throughout. The Grey Men for example. Great idea, but they only make a cameo and i haven't heard of them since.

anyway im still in book 13.
there is actually a sort of encyclopedia on wot

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Wheel of Time

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