Why are you on Bigfooty or the Carlton Board?

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Inertia's as good a reason as any.

I think Newton had me in mind when he said a body at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

I don't think I would ever do anything (other than read BF) unless pestered by my wife/boss/kids/other...

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Seeing as we've seen the Bluemour thread exist in a nigh constant state of derailment over the past few weeks (years) it's probably a decent time to have a bit of a chat as a community as to why we use this board, this website.

Are you here for the banter, Bay 13, the SFA, gifs and humour, the Blue Room social threads and the odd tangent here and there? Are you here for the List Management discussion, prospective strategies and to analyse the game? Are you here for the cold hard facts (if you do, I have just the thread for you!)?

Have a punt at determining what you'd like to see, what you enjoy, and what you might appreciate seeing more of.

If you don't like something, you can certainly say so, but try to keep it from becoming personal. We already have enough shitfights already, and I don't want to have to bring up He Who Must Not Be Mentioned again.


I'm here because venting in front of the TV hasn't worked for me since 1995.

Doesn't work here either but at least a written vent is a more well thought out vent.

I live in Queensland and don't get the opportunity to talk Carlton with many people. Many good insights and analysis by various people here. Overall, Carlton BF is very well moderated, and I feel safe posting here. I appreciate ITKs (although I understand why many cannot post, and miss others). And Khophi and Ferris help keep the place 'real'.
I live in far nth QLD.
Having grown up in SA and VIC I miss the AFL bubble.
Most media frustrates me...either driven by egos or agendas, so I prefer to come here to read as to what's going on.
I appreciate the insights, rumours and banter from many on here.
I wish I could contribute more but again, I just don't hear or see enough from my vantage point to be able to do so.

I appreciate you all.

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I live in Queensland and don't get the opportunity to talk Carlton with many people. Many good insights and analysis by various people here. Overall, Carlton BF is very well moderated, and I feel safe posting here. I appreciate ITKs (although I understand why many cannot post, and miss others). And Khophi and Ferris help keep the place 'real'.
What you said :)
Sorry I didn't read this before posting....feel like I've just copied you....
Being on BF and this board has been an extraordinary good coping mechanism for me during lockdown, much more than say Facebook or Twitter which are getting more nastier and toxic with each passing days.

I feel really comfortable about opening up and discussing my mental health issues here too, it does feel reassuring that many others are also suffering from various issues which whilst I feel very sad about the troubles and issues others have experienced, I feel that I am not so alone (I also have friends and family, some of whom try as they might, cannot really understand fully the problems of having depression and anxiety and suffering from panic attacks..

Also happy to learn there are other Leeds United fans who are also Blue Baggers. What a great club Leeds are #MOT :)
Needed some other forum to waste my time at after leaving another completely unrelated one.
Don't spend much time in here during off season. The rest of the BigFooty covers lots of good ground though I read much more than I post.
Happy to help put Chief's kids through uni, considering taking the plunge on a lifetime membership, payment for all the bandwidth I consume.
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Happy to help put Chief's kids through uni, considering taking the plunge on a lifetime membership, payment for all the bandwidth I consume.
I refuse to out of spite.

No way the sheer annoyance I'm getting out of the banner ads is going straight into his wallet!
Blues Borthers
The visceral pleasure of deploying the ignore button, then trying to follow the weird logic that has on threads.

I dont even have to use the ignore button to get the same experience as you ... :D

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Why are you on Bigfooty or the Carlton Board?

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