Why do people care more about the muslims in gaza than those being persecuted elsewhere?

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seems the fourth estate were always part of po-faced problem , #judithmiller lots more blood is on sources in establishment media shilling for foreign adventure and conquest , Trump one on his lonesome over past three decades American presidents who have NOT started new wars , as uncouth , boorish and blasphemous* as he was


vvvv ⏬⬇️🔽

Katie Halper
she does a podcast with Matt Taibbi and I think her psychiatrist father heads anti-occupation organisation in nyc , atleast I found the same surname in my algorithm feed
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Maybe for the same reason that police violence against blacks in the USA leads to worldwide protests, while the statistically much larger problem of black on black violence is virtually ignored. There's a bigger reaction when armed forces abuse their power, which I suppose is fair. We want the people with the guns and the missiles to behave responsibly.
The base of the discussion is faulty imo. Zionist methods to discolour the conversation.

People care about Muslim issues in Sydney. China. Africa. Etc.
Yes , but what was that London <(name)_Business_Council_Research> estimate on excess death numbers in Mesopotamia ~9 years back, over a million excess deaths , so not talking discrete Raytheon or General Instruments war materiel deaths , and that was on the hands of GW Bush, Blair & JWH , and those Whitepapers(plural) that General Wesley Clark did a <confected> limited hangout to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now in around '07 , Clark ran for 04 Democrat Primaries v the horse-face French looking guy married to Heiress of Heinz fortune a Foreign Sec in Obama's second admin , the swift-boat Yale alumnus , whatever his name is...

So that putative slip up from General Wesley Clark to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman was a <limited_hangout> it was far-too scripted choreographed rehearsed

He was talking about PNAC and Brookings papers and talking points over previous decade




Marcel Proust see the B'tselem report was titled <Dreyfus'ian> J'Accuse #Bartes language semiotics
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The base of the discussion is faulty imo. Zionist methods to discolour the conversation.

People care about Muslim issues in Sydney. China. Africa. Etc.


but we are absolved , by "we" qua w.e. i refer to Americans , Brits , Australians , NATO , mostly Anglophone* West ,

If we have a cat's paw in the ME , we are a few degrees of separation* from actual boots_on_ground warcrime

but nonetheless ethically bound

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the statistically much larger problem of black on black violence is virtually ignored
Or... it's a result of historic injustices generally pushing non-Europeans to the fringes. Solve one, you start to solve the other.
Or... it's a result of historic injustices generally pushing non-Europeans to the fringes. Solve one, you start to solve the other.
Or... is it 2008 GFC and bulk of society(black peoples being integral) deciding they were not a party w JWH's * p.r.o.s.p.e.r.i.t.y and the Establishment use NYTimes, Bezos, Trump, GOP, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegies, Open Society Foundation, ANTIFA to launder grievance and ill-will to amorphous concerns like policing so the true sword is not pointed on the establishment with their establishment wealth and billions ... Chief

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nb Gideon Levy* heavily critical, as is his work at Haaretz, but he said something that needs to be expressed and emphasised,

Israel do serve a purpose on two fronts for Israel, his reference was to technology and war materiel, remember Boeing and Raytheon and General Dynamics have research hubs there

I raise GL one point, it serves Bush Obama Blair for progressives in the anglophone domiciles to criticise Israel, which leaves them less accountable to their populace at home

*Levy, Amira Hass, Hagai El-Had are three, but there are more. Anyone who works for Il Guardinista here is establishment no matter the protests, progressive cosplay
Chief poster<Lethality> has a point wrt rigour and truth, the media and fourth estate are playing a game to heighten folks' anxieties and legitimate concern BECAUSE their business revenue model went up in flames to BernersLee Brin Page Shmidt Zuckerberg

Is the BernersLee Brin Page Shmidt Zuckerberg revenue model any different to the old media/fourth estates revenue model?
Is the BernersLee Brin Page Shmidt Zuckerberg revenue model any different to the old media/fourth estates revenue model?

algorithms make advertising sales only one piece of the model , being able to sweep up data and information gives them a new revenue stream to sell to the proprietors/salesman ,
+ cookies/targeted users they can take some margin pending elasticities ,

old fourth estate can still monetise some content albeit not with same margin and CPUs(pricecostvalue per thousand impressions)

Alphabet and Zuckerberg monetise content of users

algorithms make advertising sales only one piece of the model , being able to sweep up data and information gives them a new revenue stream to sell to the proprietors/salesman ,
+ cookies/targeted users they can take some margin pending elasticities ,

old fourth estate can still monetise some content albeit not with same margin and CPUs(pricecostvalue per thousand impressions)

Alphabet and Zuckerberg monetise content of users

Hasn't content always been monetised?

Remember how the Sundy paper used to be 1000 pages, with 995 pages of David Jones, BWS adverts?
Remember how the Satdy paper was 2000 pages, 150 different sections with 1990 pages of adverts for car dealers and realtors?

How did the '6 O'clock news' become the '5:30 news' become 'first at Five' become '4:30 news' become 'news at 3'?

It's not like Murdoch was on a long lunch with Eastman and they missed the technology bus.
Murdoch was there on the bus, telling the driver to slow down so he could get all his acolytes on board.

On a side note...
Don't you love how Google wants you to upload a picture so that they can verify you are you?
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Hasn't content always been monetised?
I was qualifying it for rigour's sake. It was relative, I was referring to Newsagency fishwrap print fleet Street revenue, when the major stream of revenue as you denote is Roger Corbett's Rivers_of_Gold in weekend classifieds*(past_tense)
Remember how the Sundy paper used to be 1000 pages, with 995 pages of David Jones, BWS adverts?
Remember how the Satdy paper was 2000 pages, 150 different sections with 1990 pages of adverts for car dealers and realtors?

How did the '6 O'clock news' become the '5:30 news' become 'first at Five' become '4:30 news' become 'news at 3'?

It's not like Murdoch was on a long lunch with Eastman and they missed the technology bus.
Murdoch was there on the bus, telling the driver to slow down so he could get all his acolytes on board.
MySpace... Rupert for brilliance as a corporation entrepreneur, a corporate entrepreneur, Murdoch failed to appreciate the Agency Principal flaw in running start-up tech with disruptive Schumpter destructive nature , plus tech industry culture , mebbe the twain never shall meet , Print_Industry Fourth Estate/Fleet Street, versus tech firms. That said, Steve Jobs and Wozniak San Jose different to forty years later , or even Redmond Washington State (Seattle)
plus Rupe never dialled into DARPA and Incutel like other young American tech-brahs

On a side note...
Don't you love how Google wants you to upload a picture so that they can verify you are you?
Shmidt, he is Kissinger's 2IC... Page/Brin's Alphabet executive chair former Google CEO
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MySpace... Rupert for brilliance as a corporation entrepreneur, a corporate entrepreneur, Murdoch failed to appreciate the Agency Principal flaw in running start-up tech with disruptive Schumpter destructive nature , plus tech industry culture , mebbe the twain never shall meet , Print_Industry Fourth Estate/Fleet Street, versus tech firms. That said, Steve Jobs and Wozniak San Jose different to forty years later , or even Redmond Washington State (Seattle)
plus Rupe never dialled into DARPA and Incutel like other young American tech-brahs

To be fair, not-for-profit tech startups backed by the CIA aren't Rupert's sweet spot.

Can't be a tech-brah if you have never been to Menlo Park.
Another not-for-profit venture capitalist who unsurprisingly has ties with the US Dept of Defence.
Assange has the best lens on this , because he had to be across all deep-state/security-state enterprise , not a narrow silo or aperture of the operator's role
Max Blumenthal had a headstart with Sidney, Pepe Escobar is wrong on a few things like suitcase nukes, Scott Horton is good on theory , Snowden is ok, but I am sceptical on anyone on Rogan because they have cut-outs from cia

____ edit: spellcorrect typo erratum <deep-seated> was meant to be 'deep-state'
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Hasn't content always been monetised?

Remember how the Sundy paper used to be 1000 pages, with 995 pages of David Jones, BWS adverts?
Remember how the Satdy paper was 2000 pages, 150 different sections with 1990 pages of adverts for car dealers and realtors?

How did the '6 O'clock news' become the '5:30 news' become 'first at Five' become '4:30 news' become 'news at 3'?

It's not like Murdoch was on a long lunch with Eastman and they missed the technology bus.
Murdoch was there on the bus, telling the driver to slow down so he could get all his acolytes on board.

On a side note...
Don't you love how Google wants you to upload a picture so that they can verify you are you?
Eric Beecher founder of the cricket mag as whipper-snapper of 16 in '80 later sold to the Goanna's PBL , bought Steven Mayne's Crikey and wrote this op-ed article about Roger Corbett Fairfax chairperson's rivers-of-gold when he was either on the board or brought in as a consultant to orally address aurally address lol the board

he took ownership circa '08 from Steven Mayne

This is '12

Corbett the rolly polly corpulant head of Woolworths/Safeway and BigW in 80s, now (formerly on Walmart's board in America), private co of non-unionised eponymous family
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Why do people care more about the muslims in gaza than those being persecuted elsewhere?

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