Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, but maybe a blackmarket would develop to cater to emerging generations who are not legally able to buy them? I think history has clearly demonstrated again and again that banning a substance only shifts the flow of cash away from legitimate tax-paying businesses and towards criminal groups.
I'm no fan of cigarettes or other nicotine products and the health/financial burden they place on the addicted. But society is moving away from prohibition as a solution, eg with many places legalising cannabis. Banning tobacco seemed a lil regressive.
I never thought I would find a post that basically says what I want to say be written by FK!
Second hand smoking is an issue, but then we’ve done a lot to push it exclusively to outdoors and make it generally socially unacceptable. We should continue that - but yes, if I support legalising more drugs it seems absurd to bring in a ban on a different one at the same time.