Why is Clement considered an automatic choice for AA?

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Crow-mo said:
so he's not the best in any one position, so why should the guy who is better than him in his actual position miss out? deeply flawed jack fo all trades argument.

As was mentioned above, positions don't play a huge part in the selection of the AA side.

well he's only made it the last 2 seasons, so if he drops below that standard you have to wonder if he's done enough.

when your standards in previous years have been head and shoudlers above your competition you've got some room to move.
Hadders said:
As was mentioned above, positions don't play a huge part in the selection of the AA side.

when your standards in previous years have been head and shoudlers above your competition you've got some room to move.

pretty thin line of argument you've got going there.
MarkT said:
Didak and Clement will both be AA. You need more than 16 players and some clubs won't have anyone in the AA side. If he's not been one of the best 6 defenders and/or best 4 non KP defenders then I don't know what defenders are juded on. He's been beaten 1 in round 1 by a champ off the top and proved a lot of run. IMO he's the best alround back in the comp.


maybe I was being facetious ;)

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RECORDS! said:
This is a great thread. The reason is the Collingwood PR machine. You will notice that everyone in the media pumping him up is either connected to Collingwood or employed by Eddie. Ben Johnson has had a better year than Clement.

Hadders said:
Compared to yours?

which is?

it's a nothing argument to say he's not as good as others, but "oh they don't care about positions" and "oh, he was sooo good before".

empty platitudes completely bereft of meaning.

he'll be in the mix, but he's hardly automatic
djdarren said:
As much as it pains me, Yep Shane Parker (one of the most under rated players in recent years) and Craig Bolton too.

This season Ben Johnson better and Heath Shaw good too.

Just because he appears amazingly articulate when compared to his team mates, doesn't make him a star!

Good but not great.

IMO Parker has been the most under-rated player I have seen, at least in Victoria; people here don't really know who he is. He's coming to the end though and there's no way he's had an AA year.
Crow-mo said:
which is?

it's a nothing argument to say he's not as good as others, but "oh they don't care about positions" and "oh, he was sooo good before".

empty platitudes completely bereft of meaning.

he'll be in the mix, but he's hardly automatic

I didn't say he wasn't as good as others, I said that he wasn't the best full back in the league. A slight but important difference. I said this because Clement is often compared to players like Rutten or Glass when the best defenders in the league are talked about. IMO Clement should be an automatic selection because he is compared to these players.

While Rutten and Glass may be slightly better in their specific positions, the fact that Clement can play on the same type of players that they play on, as well as a quick small forward with equal effectiveness makes him the premier defender in the competition.
I'd suggest that Clement's proven ability to beat Jonathon Brown, on occasion, has a lot to do with his reputation. It's a reputation which is so far, well deserved. I look forward to future clashes.

Very impressive man this one, even though he plays for Collingwood. I want him to be the next CEO of the AFL.
Clement is still dining out on his form from the previous two seasons. He's definitely the best but this year, whilst good, hasn't been as good as previous years. Johncock has had a better year. Not sure who'll get the other pocket but I'd suggest a third tall.
Crow-mo said:
Seth, go away do some research and see how idiotic that statement is.

Not sure what research has to do with it?
Correct me if Im wrong but he was AA in his 1st 2 yrs in the AFL?
Remarkable stuff,in yrs he got nowhere near the B & F.

Perhaps the AFL were looking for members from the fledgling club????
Slot him in 2 yrs running,then theres no questions.

Late 90's he's in again,it's ok as he's dual AA before.
Very good player but AA in his 1st 2 yrs???

Give me a break

Timmy from Thomastown said:
I'm not sure if you are aware of this but the AA team is selected by position. If it was the 22 best players in the game, there'd be 22 midfielders named.

How many players stick to a "position" these days? :rolleyes:
Where does Brett Burton play? Wing? Full Forward? Midfield? Half Forward?

And I don't follow your logic with the 22 midfielders line.
Most people would have Jonathan Brown, Barry Hall, Matthew Pavlich, Nick Riewoldt, Warren Tredrea, Brendan Fevola, Matthew Richardson, Matthew Lloyd, Darren Glass and Matthew Scarlett pretty high on their list.
Originally Posted by RECORDS!
This is a great thread. The reason is the Collingwood PR machine. You will notice that everyone in the media pumping him up is either connected to Collingwood or employed by Eddie. Ben Johnson has had a better year than Clement.

I profoundly agree with your sentiments - Johnson has had a better year than Clement.

Granted, Clement has had a quieter season by his standards, mainly due to the return of key options ie Rocca, Tarrant, etc etc. In previous two seasons, the football has popped out of the forward line with ease.
Only the best can withstand heavy load of work.

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Because reputations do come into it when picking teams like the AA

if they didn't blokes like James McDonald from the dees would be a starting midfielder as he has been awesome

H.Scotland keeps getting the job done week in week out

even D.Swan may be a chance if viewed on this season alone!

But it is not, and you have to have built up a name for yourself with some previous years of good footy

hence the names like bruce, t.johnstone will get mentioned before mcdonald from melbourne.

Clement hasn't been as good as he was in 04-05, but he still wins one on one contests with forwards better then other backmen, still provides the run from the backline and can play on the pav, fev, j.brown, b.johnson, m.williams, hird, robbo......pretty much any bloke u can throw up clement would beat. So still would be a deserved AA even tho this year may not be at the same elite level as last couple.
Clement is one of the best players in the league. He is an out and out champion and by far the most consistent and reliable defender. He should be a certainty for AA, in fact he should be the first defender in the AA team. He has only ever been beaten once ever in a head to heah tussle by Nathan Brown. Besides that he judges the flight better than anyone. Jimmy is a LEGEND!!!!!
jabso said:
As far as small defenders/medium defenders go Bassett, Johncock, H.Shaw, Michael Johnson, Whelan, Raines, Hudghton and Gilbee have had equal or better seasons.

I would say that the people in the running on that list for AA would be Whelan, Raines, H. Shaw and possibly Mi.Johnson.
Gilbee hasn't been that good this year, he was much better last year.
Bassett that no talent hack of a marker, "Ooh I've taken the world record in marks(22) but only one was contested", when he gets more than one contested mark out of 22 then he can get AA.
I would think that J.Bowden and Dale Morris could be added to that list as well in the running for AA.

And isn't it amazing how all the Collingwood supporters are saying that Clement should get it yet no one else agrees???
Shane Parker?
Leo Barry?
Craig Bolton?
Dale Morris?

Please, Clement easily beats all of them.

Does this thread suck balls or what?
OzSparrow said:
who says that he is a walk-up start for AA?
He'll be the first defender selected.
Lynch drops a mark said:
m. Johnson

J. Graham

A. Hunter (before injury)

Shane Parker

Leo Barry

Craig Bolton

ect have all had better years than clement
Lynch drops a mark said:
m. Johnson

J. Graham

A. Hunter (before injury)

Shane Parker

Leo Barry

Craig Bolton

ect have all had better years than clement

Clement would beat everyone of these guys hands down. Watch him this week!!!!
cooper40 said:
Clement would beat everyone of these guys hands down. Watch him this week!!!!
Watch him everyweek. He hasnt been beaten by his opponent once this year.

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Why is Clement considered an automatic choice for AA?

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