Will the vaccine passport actually be used

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Well nsw has been given priority vaccine treatment because of their negligence in managing the delta strain so undoubtedly you'll be fully vaxed first. But I'm not worried about being locked out of nsw, I have no desire to go there anyway.

I am the same with many states- long as we can travel overseas I really don’t care. I’m past caring what other states do.
I am the same with many states- long as we can travel overseas I really don’t care. I’m past caring what other states do.
i dont get what this has to do with the states though. im not arguing against the passport idea, im in favor. its just not fair to do it without actually giving people a chance to get the vaccine. and with how badly the feds have ****ed it up, who knows when that will be.

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i dont get what this has to do with the states though. im not arguing against the passport idea, im in favor. its just not fair to do it without actually giving people a chance to get the vaccine. and with how badly the feds have f’ed it up, who knows when that will be.

End of the year should be PLENTY of time. Even that is conservative.NSW are likely at 75% by mid November so that’s another month on top.
Don’t be bullied into compromising your integrity and succumbing to an illegal mandate.
The states (particularly outside of nsw) can't set a date because they have NFI when the feds will actually provide them enough vaccines to vaccinate everyone. given the feds have completely dropped the ball and missed every target by months, we likely wont know until it actually happens. thats why i dont think it will be until sometime mid next year.
What, the 20+ million vaccines Australia is getting in the next 2-3 months will take 9-10 months to administer?
yeah, cause the federal government has clearly kept all their vaccine promises so far.
Fantastic effort at obfuscation! Grade A job.

21,244,000 vaccines administered so far, out of that 12,700,000 in the last 2 months, ramped up to just under 8 million in the last month.

To vaccinate the entire 100% adult population another 19,260,000 is needed, of which supply will come in the next 2-3 months. So enough for anyone who is eligible to be able to get vaccinated. Whether they want to or not is their problem.

Simple maths.

But we have your theory where Australia has to average 2 million doses a month from now on……..
Fantastic effort at obfuscation! Grade A job.

21,244,000 vaccines administered so far, out of that 12,700,000 in the last 2 months, ramped up to just under 8 million in the last month.

To vaccinate the entire 100% adult population another 19,260,000 is needed, of which supply will come in the next 2-3 months. So enough for anyone who is eligible to be able to get vaccinated. Whether they want to or not is their problem.

Simple maths.

But we have your theory where Australia has to average 2 million doses a month from now on……..
lol, obvious liberal apologist is obvious.

sure, the 'math' checks out, if the feds actually deliver the vaccines in the quantity they promised and significantly improve their organisation of the rollout. the feds have literally failed every single target they've set regarding the vaccination by weeks or months. only a fool would presume they would get it right this time.
For those of you in favour of the passport, what does it take to be “fully vaccinated “, we see places are on their 3rd shot and Israel is preparing a 4th already.
Are you content for 3-6 monthly boosters for the rest of your life in order to be able to do things?
For those of you in favour of the passport, what does it take to be “fully vaccinated “, we see places are on their 3rd shot and Israel is preparing a 4th already.
Are you content for 3-6 monthly boosters for the rest of your life in order to be able to do things?

Yes. I get a flu shot every year. Plus, it may not be the rest of our lives. When did smallpox vaccines stop being used? Some of the tech used in the COVID vaccines are literally brand new. There is no reason to not see further advancements happening over the next couple of years. Science is generally pretty good at finding a way.

What is your alternative?
Yes. I get a flu shot every year. Plus, it may not be the rest of our lives. When did smallpox vaccines stop being used? Some of the tech used in the COVID vaccines are literally brand new. There is no reason to not see further advancements happening over the next couple of years. Science is generally pretty good at finding a way.

What is your alternative?
Is covid that big a threat and the vaccine that effective that you will deny freedoms to people who are unvaccinated?

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Is covid that big a threat and the vaccine that effective that you will deny freedoms to people who are unvaccinated?
They've got the freedom to choose. Isn't that what everyone wants?

Why is it that so many people think that the freedom of choice means those choices are free of any compromise or consequence.
Is covid that big a threat and the vaccine that effective that you will deny freedoms to people who are unvaccinated?

Yes. What gives one person the right to infect another and risk their health?

You can be as free as you want in your own home, but society makes rules for society.

Change the rules by voting for Craig Kelly if you want.
Yes. What gives one person the right to infect another and risk their health?

You can be as free as you want in your own home, but society makes rules for society.

Change the rules by voting for Craig Kelly if you want.
But why is Covid the only one you need it for? There are many respiratory diseases that can be passed on, and be deadly too, some even more so to particular demographics.
But vaccinated people can infect others with covid and are more likely to be asymptomatic while doing it, so even more of a danger.
because the transmission rates are significantly reduced and the hospitalisation of vaccinated people is almost 0 after 2 vaccines.

not sure why that remains such a hard fact to grasp.
But vaccinated people can infect others with covid and are more likely to be asymptomatic while doing it, so even more of a danger.

Sure, but vaccinated people are more likely to follow the rules and wear masks when appropriate, wash their hands, etc. which added to the reduced risk of spreading infection greatly lower the risk. Plus they will be associating with other vaccinated people who are also doing the above. An unvaccinated moron not wearing a mask, not signing in to store QR, not keeping a safe distance, visiting family and infecting them... are a far higher risk. An otherwise intelligent unvaccinated person still poses a risk.

But again, why should your individual right outweigh the right of the masses who have decided that we want a society who vaccinate? If youre so opposed, you are certainly free to go find your own space to live by your own rules.

But why is Covid the only one you need it for? There are many respiratory diseases that can be passed on, and be deadly too, some even more so to particular demographics.

That is a fair question. If we had a measles outbreak I have no doubt we would see similar rules. I dare say in future years with serious flu seasons we may see some restrictions too. But the main reason its COVID-19 and not other things... because we have vaccines for most of the serious/deadly/contagious diseases so we are protected from the most dangerous.

And now we have the chance to do it again with COVID-19.
i dont get what this has to do with the states though. im not arguing against the passport idea, im in favor. its just not fair to do it without actually giving people a chance to get the vaccine. and with how badly the feds have f’ed it up, who knows when that will be.
There's a lot that isn't fair at the moment.

The way I see it, whatever can be opened up should be. Nothing should be held back because it isn't fair for some people to miss out.
For those of you in favour of the passport, what does it take to be “fully vaccinated “, we see places are on their 3rd shot and Israel is preparing a 4th already.
Are you content for 3-6 monthly boosters for the rest of your life in order to be able to do things?

“If you are able to maintain life without lockdown, and to avoid very high numbers of hospitalizations and death, then this is what life with Covid looks like,” said Eyal Leshem, a professor specializing in infectious diseases at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Ha-Shomer.

Since April, Israel has fallen from first to 33rd in Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker of populations considered fully vaccinated. The program plateaued amid hesitancy from some in the Orthodox Jewish and Arab communities.

Basically, Israel is literally what 'living with COVID' looks like when you're not vax'd.

If you don't want to lockdown or end up dead or in hospital - then you need a Vax every 6 months or so.

It's just life now.
There's a lot that isn't fair at the moment.

The way I see it, whatever can be opened up should be. Nothing should be held back because it isn't fair for some people to miss out.
normally id agree, but when the government itself has controlled and refused supply of the vaccine to certain age groups, its fundamentally wrong to then restrict their movement based on them not having the vaccine yet. Of all the things the anti lockdown protestors complain about, that one would be a legitimate human rights issue. You cannot restrict movement based on people having chosen not to get the vaccine, without actually allowing them to get it. that legitimately is dictatorship worthy stuff.

And that's not coming from a personal bias, because me and all my family/friends will have been vaccinated so it wont impact me personally.

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Will the vaccine passport actually be used

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