Will the vaccine passport actually be used

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And no-one has to work for them, or spend money on their goods. This goes beyond "stopping the spread".

If I'm unvaxxed with no covid, I am unable to work, but if I am double-vax'd & have covid, I am free to go to work.

Yeah like a cold. The vaccines render COVID a nuisance disease.

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The vaccinated are rising up to lockup the unvaccinated. We’ve had enough of this crap.

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Can't see where I made any mention of that. But ok.

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Up until recently, not in perpetuity, until your death, forever, even when you don't work for them at all. It's as Orwellian as you can get.

People who think that employers requiring a Covid vaccine from employers is "as Orwellian as you can get" really have a limited imagination.
Lol fair enough. I could have a phrased that better. Lets call it a tad Orwellian

Good stuff. Perhaps one more step further and say it's not Orwellian?

You're not forced to get a vaccine. But why should companies lose money from someone's selfishness?
Good stuff. Perhaps one more step further and say it's not Orwellian?

You're not forced to get a vaccine. But why should companies lose money from someone's selfishness?
People are forced, that's what mandatory is. You're not forced to go to school, but you are. You're not forced to breathe, but you are. If people with power over you, your family, your children, house and food on the table (your employer) say you have to get vaccinated, it's using force plain and simple.
Mandating your employees inject themselves with substances with effect for the rest of their lives till they die, employed by your or not, is most certainly Orwellian.
People are forced, that's what mandatory is. You're not forced to go to school, but you are. You're not forced to breathe, but you are. If people with power over you, your family, your children, house and food on the table (your employer) say you have to get vaccinated, it's using force plain and simple.
Mandating your employees inject themselves with substances with effect for the rest of their lives till they die, employed by your or not, is most certainly Orwellian.

You are not forced. If you don't want to do a simple thing to help society and your employer, then quit :)
Good stuff. Perhaps one more step further and say it's not Orwellian?

You're not forced to get a vaccine. But why should companies lose money from someone's selfishness?
You are not forced. If you don't want to do a simple thing to help society and your employer, then quit :)
Bullshit, people who say that have never bothered to get past base analysis. There may be a bunch of reasons why quitting is not an option. As there is for many people in the real world right now. Kids with special needs care arrangements, schooling, health, travel, moved interstate, specialities, it goes on and on as it does for probably the majority of workers in reality.
Bullshit, people who say that have never bothered to get past base analysis. There may be a bunch of reasons why quitting is not an option. As there is for many people in the real world right now.

Then go get the vaccine.

I have very little sympathy for people choosing* not to get the vaccine when ICU beds here in the States are full of these selfish people and people sick for other reasons are being turned away.

* being allergic or unable to take it for other medical reasons obviously is an excuse. Religion is not. Skepticism based on reading online blogs and conservative TV is not.
Then go get the vaccine.

I have very little sympathy for people choosing* not to get the vaccine when ICU beds here in the States are full of these selfish people and people sick for other reasons are being turned away.

* being allergic or unable to take it for other medical reasons obviously is an excuse. Religion is not.
Mandatory Vaccination is much deeper than that and only the short-sighted fail to acknowledge it and see it through. Even the pro-mandatory WHO states its concerns and negatives surrounding it.
A passport you have to show within your own country at any time demanded or be excluded from society is an Australian ID Card. That is the reality and a fact most media and the public still haven't even grasped.
Mandatory Vaccination is much deeper than that and only the short-sighted fail to acknowledge it and see it through. Even the pro-mandatory WHO states its concerns and negatives surrounding it.

Sure. It says that there are considerations, which I agree exist.

But I have considered them. Time to jab up! I'd rather the freedom to live that someone's "freedom" to ignore basic science.

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Sure. It says that there are considerations, which I agree exist.

But I have considered them. Time to jab up! I'd rather the freedom to live that someone's "freedom" to ignore basic science.
You're giving up freedom, that's the point. The very systems which allowed these business people and their wealth to thrive and grow were built on freedom. The more of that you give away the closer you edge away from democracy and into a whole other form of society. It's just the lower IQ business and government leaders incapable of looking past their short horizon time frames and child like analysis genuinely don't care about anyone in the future, including free enterprise business ironically.

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You're giving up freedom, that's the point. The very systems on which these business people are playing puppeteer with Sco Mo and Gladys were built on freedom. The more of that you give away the closer you edge away from democracy and into a whole other form of society. It's just the low IQ business and government leaders incapable of looking past there next 2 weeks and child like analysis genuinely don't care about anyone in the future.

Sorry, won't be taking health advice from Russel Brand.
Sorry, won't be taking health advice from Russel Brand.
Lol, information and learning is never restricted to a subset by the wise. There is too much we don't know. The key is being able to actually analyse the content.

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.”
Albert Einstein.
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Because like so many scientists who engage with his intellect and apply value to his input and output, smart people can indeed recognise intelligence and evaluate content.

They are not on his show to "engage with his intellect and apply value to his input and output". Just the usual word salad you use to try and hide that you have no clue what you are talking about. They are on his show for publicity end of story.
NSW Supreme Court hears mandatory COVID-19 vaccine challenges (msn.com)

Happening right now. Though, to be fair, they might have to throw the case out as it was livestreamed on Telegram. Naughty.

Great article;

One of the cases has been launched by police officer Belinda Hocroft, seeking to have the order requiring her to be vaccinated before leaving a hotspot for work declared invalid.

The State of NSW wants a fourth case, launched by a man named Sergey Naumenko, summarily dismissed on the grounds it is "misconceived".

"There are just so many problems with this case, it's difficult to know where to start," barrister Jeremy Kirk SC, for the State, said.

"There's no named defendant. There is no articulated legal claim.

"Rather, there is just a set of aspirational orders which to a significant extent are entirely misconceived, such as ... that the plaintiff and his immediate family be exempted from microchipping."

I'm sure these will get up, meanwhile, they remain alleged to be illegal.
It’s not a net benefit and is putting blame on the unvaccinated for a vaccine that does nothing to stop the spread of delta.

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Good data cheers. The vaccine is primarily intended to prevent serious illness as I understand it. But the secondary benefit of reducing transmission seems to be not great based on the Israel's experience.

A complicating factor for Israel is demographics:

"Making things more challenging is the fact that 25 per cent of Israel's population is younger than 12, meaning only 68 per cent of its whole population is fully vaccinated — a threshold too low to achieve herd immunity."

Great article;

I'm sure these will get up, meanwhile, they remain alleged to be illegal.
Yes, I saw that yesterday as well. News flash: Opposition lawyers attempt to pick apart a case they've been paid to argue against.

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Will the vaccine passport actually be used

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