News Willie Rioli: tampered with drug testing sample; tests positive for cannabis

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Throw the book at him for being stupid. The cannabis thing - meh. But you surely have to get maximum penalty for tampering with the sample or giving a false sample. The general public know this. The AFL players I'm sure are drilled about this. Just dumb. I'll never understand pro sportsman blessed with their talents, happy to run the risk of losing it all by taking any drug.

Just out of curiosity. Is there a chance they could be lenient on him because of being Indigenous? I'm not saying they should as all players shpuld be treated equally, however can culture, background etc ever come into play with this scenario?
You would have to think no to your second part there. Set a dangerous precedence for future findings and would be open to all sorts of arguments from athletes from many different types of backgrounds. It’s s one model fits all system.

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Now I wonder if the tampering and the positive test are treated as two separate incidents for the purpose of delivering a ban.

Or would they be 2 year suspensions each, served concurrently.

Apparently it will be one suspension because the second 'offence' occurred before the notification of the first offence.

Also under clause 17.3 of the AFL Anti-Doping Code, tampering attracts a 4 year ban.

(a) For violations of clause 10.4 (Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection) or clause 10.6 (Tampering) the period of Ineligibility imposed shall be four (4) years unless, in the case of failing to submit to Sample collection, the Player can establish that the commission of the Anti-Doping Rule Violation was not intentional, in which case the period of Ineligibility shall be two years.

The language is very specific. The use of the word 'shall' doesn't give the AFL Tribunal much wiggle room, in fact none. A tampering offence is a 4 year ban.
These 2 tests were ony a couple of weeks apart, indicates to me that they had their eye on Rioli and targeted him.
Pretty sure after tipping gatorade in your piss cup you get flagged for target testing.
To then test positive for something 3 weeks later is truly mind boggling.
Pretty laughable Rioli might get 4 years for pot when a proven PEDS drug cheat Crowley received 1

Pretty laughable not being able to tell the difference between in-competition (Rioli) and out of competition testing (Crowley)

It's irrelevant anyway as tampering attracts a 4 year ban, so that's what he's looking at.

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Pretty laughable not being able to tell the difference between in-competition (Rioli) and out of competition testing (Crowley)

It's irrelevant anyway as tampering attracts a 4 year ban, so that's what he's looking at.

yeah I can tell the difference between PEDS and pot

one makes you a stoner the other makes you a drug cheat
Asada gives a sh**

Actually, it’s the AFL that gives a sh***. These tests are ‘user-pays’ (the AFL pays to have them done) that is, ASADA are contracted to carry out the tests on behalf of the controlling body. People can vent their rage at ASADA all they like. Unfortunately, the AFL like their government funding a lot more than they’ll like a foolish footballer who can’t abide by his employment conditions. There’s plenty more who will waiting in line to take his place.
yeah I can tell the difference between PEDS and pot

one makes you a stoner the other makes you a drug cheat

Actually either one makes you a drug cheat. Tampering with a sample makes you a drug cheat.

You still fail to acknowledge that Rioli failed an in-competition drug test. Crowley failed an out of competition drug test. Under the Anti-Doping code, these are treated differently.

Had Rioli failed the test the next day, there would have been no penalties. Had Crowley failed on match day, he would have received a stiffer penalty. Those are the rules that everybody signed up to follow. It's a bit rich whinging about the rules when you don't like the result.
This campaigner should get the four years for trying to hide a positive test for weed, how ****ing stupid is that. If you're not a full on stoner who gives a **** if you've ripped a dooby once or thrice!

On another note, without going back and looking, why has his positive test been released to the media?
Def Cocaine for Thomas and Keeffe, NZ has some of the most strict bio laws in the world and the amount of steak you would have to eat would come to a lot of cows.

Whitfield dug his own hole, no one to blame but himself.
not sure if anyone's said it (thread is moving fast) but they were done for clenbuterol after using tainted cocaine. the coke itself would have been well out of their system before the tests.
These 2 tests were ony a couple of weeks apart, indicates to me that they had their eye on Rioli and targeted him.

Perhaps. It’s wrong to assume that ASADA targeted him. Could’ve been via the AFL integrity department. After all, they’re paying for it. Only stands to reason that they can order tests on whoever they like...

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News Willie Rioli: tampered with drug testing sample; tests positive for cannabis

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