Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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I trust what I see a lot more than the "news" thanks bourbons.
Hmm. Kinda reads like you'll disregard actual established facts (as reported by a pro-Israel source no less) in favour of the vibe you're getting from social media posts.

Fairly on brand for these parts I guess but I'm not sure it's the best approach, to put it mildly.
I'm not swallowing anything, I'm aware of the US bill and the role the Israeli govt will have in deciding was is anti semitism. I was merely pointing out the inconsistency. When we get our new hate speech bill here, with anti semitism being a big part of it, all the pro palestine people will no doubt default back to calling anyone who questions it a racist and a bigot. In fact i would put money on it.
Just an observation, yep I can't specifically remember you being one of the big Orwell/1984 peeps.

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I don't know what you mean by that.
Particularly over the last few years (covid etc.) there have been more than a few posters here big on throwing around Orwell/1984 as a commentary on government/media actions and narratives.

Just thought it was a bit strange that I haven't seen that call once here in relation to how they're currently going about it in the US re: Israel. Its textbook.

Look how well its worked on FlowersByIrene. "Widespead anti-semitism", wowee. Its anything but and a clear, deliberate muddying of the waters to characterise anything protesting Israel's approach as anti-semitic :drunk:
Particularly over the last few years (covid etc.) there have been more than a few posters here big on throwing around Orwell/1984 as a commentary on government/media actions and narratives.

Just thought it was a bit strange that I haven't seen that call once here in relation to how they're currently going about it in the US re: Israel. Its textbook.

Look how well its worked on FlowersByIrene. "Widespead anti-semitism", wowee. Its anything but and a clear, deliberate muddying of the waters to characterise anything protesting Israel's approach as anti-semitic :drunk:
No one has needed to do it, all the naysayers are now experiencing it in real time. I will add that the atrocity committed by palestine has been memory holed though.

I do wonder what the response on bigfooty would have been if their favourite boogeyman, the neo nszis, had have been the ones chanting 'gas the jews'. Probably a lot less "it's an idiot minority" for starters.
No one has needed to do it, all the naysayers are now experiencing it in real time. I will add that the atrocity committed by palestine has been memory holed though.
None of the people who were oh so passionate about that topic/label has felt the need to wheel it out for perhaps the most clear cut example of it you're ever likely to find? Not sure that tracks.

I do wonder what the response on bigfooty would have been if their favourite boogeyman, the neo nszis, had have been the ones chanting 'gas the jews'. Probably a lot less "it's an idiot minority" for starters.
Wouldn't surprise me if they already have/are. Idiot minority describes them fairly well.
None of the people who were oh so passionate about that topic/label has felt the need to wheel it out for perhaps the most clear cut example of it you're ever likely to find? Not sure that tracks.
Like i said, all the disillusioned pro palestine people will jump straight back on the govt bandwagon the next time their agendas converge. You too will forget the govt messaging regarding Israel when it is time for you to jump in a thread to throw around terms like cooker and conspiracy theorist when someone criticises a govt initiative.
Like i said, all the disillusioned pro palestine people will jump straight back on the govt bandwagon the next time their agendas converge. You too will forget the govt messaging regarding Israel when it is time for you to jump in a thread to throw around terms like cooker and conspiracy theorist when someone criticises a govt initiative.
Horses for courses innit. Let me know in future which government messaging has your undies in a twist (while mine are apparently straight and comfy) and I'll let you know my thoughts on it.
Horses for courses innit. Let me know in future which government messaging has your undies in a twist (while mine are apparently straight and comfy) and I'll let you know my thoughts on it.
You just need to have a read of this thread. The Oxford council had international fact checkers going after a random tweet.

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You just need to have a read of this thread. The Oxford council had international fact checkers going after a random tweet.
Haha, still haven't recovered I see.

I'll leave aside the fact you still somehow think a local council sic'd ****ing Reuters onto a random tweet they disagreed with and just say yep, something tells me we're gonna disagree on how accurate and reasonable government messaging is in various instances. If ever there was an example of how unreasonable and enslaved to your programming you have become that Oxford discussion was it :drunk:
Ok, so the WEF are all closet socialists.

Despite being literal billionaire capitalists, and including Rupert Murdoch among their number.

So therefore, the real enemy here is socialism.

Not capitalism, but socialism.

Is this the argument here?

I mean, surely people can see that capitalism is the real enemy here. It's the thing that's literally responsible for these dudes having the billions of dollars they have, and the power to influence governments.

And wouldn't a global socialist uprising (the removal of private property including money) literally eradicate those billionaires for good?
Ok, so the WEF are all closet socialists.

Despite being literal billionaire capitalists, and including Rupert Murdoch among their number.

So therefore, the real enemy here is socialism.

Not capitalism, but socialism.

Is this the argument here?

I mean, surely people can see that capitalism is the real enemy here. It's the thing that's literally responsible for these dudes having the billions of dollars they have, and the power to influence governments.

And wouldn't a global socialist uprising (the removal of private property including money) literally eradicate those billionaires for good?
You said previously that thrse guys didn't have any influence.
Nice edit. Classic disingenuous activity from your kind.
These are your words...
What's the edit that you think changes it?

Here's what I quoted.
I have friends and they won't shop at Jewish owned stores and generally are highly racist against Jews.
Here is your original post.
I have Arab friends and they won't shop at Jewish owned stores and generally are highly racist against Jews.

Of course you're friends with people like that. As much as you think you hide it, you've always been pretty obvious.
You said previously that thrse guys didn't have any influence.

Mate. They're billionaires.

How much influence do you think Palmer, Rhineheart, Murdoch, Packer etc have in Australia?

They have influence. They throw tons of money (and in Murdochs case use their vast Media empire) to support Right wing/ conservative political parties (the Liberals) and sink (or silence) socialist/ left wing parties like the ALP.

You've gone halfway and identified a very real problem (a small core of billionaire capitalists and their privately owned companies control too much wealth, property and resources, and have too much influence).

Where you're getting it wrong is you're blaming the above phenomenon on 'socialism'.

Socialism isn't the cause of the above phenomenon. In fact, under a Socialist State, those billionaires and those companies couldn't exist.

The real culprit is capitalism, which is literally the exact opposite thing to the thing you're sitting here opposing (socialism). Capitalism enabled their vast wealth. Capitalism allows them to own things, including vast amounts of private property and capital. Capitalism enables them to transfer their vast private wealth to influence public policy. Capitalism lets them own the means of production (as opposed to collective State ownership).

You keep blaming socialism for some reason, for the actions and power of the worlds richest billionaires. It's self evidently an absurd position to take.
You are halfway there now. You just need to let go of your political/ideological tribalism. Labour doesn't serve the average citizen anymore than liberal does. They are much more interested in hobnobbing with billionaires in davos and wasting money on whatever BS they push there, like 15 minute cities.
Labour doesn't serve the average citizen anymore than liberal does.

You're lucky enough to have come out of your mother in the most stable, prosperous, free and liberal society ever in human history, thanks to our liberal democratic system of government, coupled with our free market.

'What have the Romans done for us lately'.

Surely you can see a marked difference between Australia and North Korea, literally anywhere in Africa, most of South America, most of Asia, and Eastern Europe etc, purely down to our system of government (of which the two parties you name, have ran for the better part of the last century since this country came into existence).

You honestly dont realize how good you've got it.
You're lucky enough to have come out of your mother in the most stable, prosperous, free and liberal society ever in human history, thanks to our liberal democratic system of government, coupled with our free market.

'What have the Romans done for us lately'.

Surely you can see a marked difference between Australia and North Korea, literally anywhere in Africa, most of South America, most of Asia, and Eastern Europe etc, purely down to our system of government (of which the two parties you name, have ran for the better part of the last century since this country came into existence).

You honestly dont realize how good you've got it.
Dude you are all over the place. What exactly are you on about? I'm sure I've said it before but china is exactly what the WEF envisions the world becoming if they have their way. Call it communism or capitalism or whatever but that is the model they want to follow, with themselves entrenched at the top of the pile of course.
These are your words...
What's the edit that you think changes it?

Here's what I quoted.

Here is your original post.

Of course you're friends with people like that. As much as you think you hide it, you've always been pretty obvious.
You're a disgraceful person.
Dude you are all over the place. What exactly are you on about?

You made the claim that the Labor and Liberal parties of Australia (and the members of those parties) dont care about Australians and are only in it for themselves.

They've been the ones running the country for the better part of the past 100 years, or more or less since the country was formed.

The country has among the highest standards of living, political stability, quality of life etc in all of recorded human history.

The actual reality of the country you live in doesnt match your central claim.

If you want to see a country where the guys running the show don't give a **** about their people, and are only in it for themselves, pick a country in Africa.

Contrast it with Australia.
You made the claim that the Labor and Liberal parties of Australia (and the members of those parties) dont care about Australians and are only in it for themselves.

They've been the ones running the country for the better part of the past 100 years, or more or less since the country was formed.

The country has among the highest standards of living, political stability, quality of life etc in all of recorded human history.

The actual reality of the country you live in doesnt match your central claim.

If you want to see a country where the guys running the show don't give a **** about their people, and are only in it for themselves, pick a country in Africa.

Contrast it with Australia.
The answer to the above is globalism. You can't compare Australia now with what Australia was in the 80's or even the 90's. Australian politics was killed post-Howard. With substantial inflation and global opportunities you would have to be either an angel with no self interest or a moron with only self interest to be a politician in Australia. There are tens of thousands of jobs in Australia and throughout the world that pay better and are easier / less risk than being a politician in Australia in the 21st century. So the only politicians we have are crooks, influenced by foreign and domestic bribes, or morons who couldn't contemplate sound economic, health, energy or foreign policy if you gave them unlimited resources.

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Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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