They Say - A supporter is putting up the $$ for Perkins to pull on the Colts jumper again. 100 is the only target he'd be happy with
They Say - Deer Park's Chris Stewart could not be stopped on the weekend Vs. NFL club Macleod
They Say - Barry Hall has spoken to Deer Park and is considering GA's offer
They Say - Nth Footscrays coach has requested that club colours be altered due to a ginger clash.
They Say - The loyal kids at Hoppers are annoyed at the money going in the wrong pockets and are thinking of shifting.
being from deer park.......ill ''say this''.......
stewart was good on the w/e.....though the opposition had sevicable ruckmen no stand outs.......
big bad bazza.......hmmmmmm wants good coin so we will see....if he does play it would be fantastic...
and the jumper clash.......not bad.......