WWE Survivor Series - Spoilers

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All Australian
Oct 12, 2008
AFL Club

Randy Orton (C) vs. Wade Barrett
If Barrett wins the championship then John Cena is freed from Nexus, if he loses - Cena is FIRED.

Kane (C) vs. Edge

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Miz has to be close to cashing in

Hope they dont have a rubbish surviver series 6 on 6 match because there rubbish would rather they have a fatal 4way for the US and IC titles
Yeah, like they are going to fire Cena!!! :p, there's only going to be one outcome in that match

Scenarios I've come up with for how this match goes.

  • Cena counts the pin, Barret wins and Cena is free from Nexus. Clean cut.
  • Cena FU's Barret onto Orton and counts it and leaves. Kick starts the Cena v Barrett feud.
  • Orton has Barrett beat, Cena is in a tough position as Barretts out, but he refuses to count the pin, hitting Orton with an AA and dragging Barrett onto Orton
  • Cena assists Barrett as much as he can, and after the match seems like he's going to attack Barrett but hits Orton. Cena heel turn in full swing, staying with Nexus
  • Double pin fall. If they want to keep Cena in Nexus.
Scenarios I've come up with for how this match goes.

  • Cena counts the pin, Barret wins and Cena is free from Nexus. Clean cut.
  • Cena FU's Barret onto Orton and counts it and leaves. Kick starts the Cena v Barrett feud.
  • Orton has Barrett beat, Cena is in a tough position as Barretts out, but he refuses to count the pin, hitting Orton with an AA and dragging Barrett onto Orton
  • Cena assists Barrett as much as he can, and after the match seems like he's going to attack Barrett but hits Orton. Cena heel turn in full swing, staying with Nexus
  • Double pin fall. If they want to keep Cena in Nexus.

That one please.
Posting on my second account due to an issue with the facebook login system preventing me getting onto my main acct :(

Scenarios I've come up with for how this match goes.

  • Cena counts the pin, Barret wins and Cena is free from Nexus. Clean cut.
  • Cena FU's Barret onto Orton and counts it and leaves. Kick starts the Cena v Barrett feud.
  • Orton has Barrett beat, Cena is in a tough position as Barretts out, but he refuses to count the pin, hitting Orton with an AA and dragging Barrett onto Orton
  • Cena assists Barrett as much as he can, and after the match seems like he's going to attack Barrett but hits Orton. Cena heel turn in full swing, staying with Nexus
  • Double pin fall. If they want to keep Cena in Nexus.

Nah what I see happening is Cena will reluctantly help Barrett to win but post match Cena/cena and orton will attack barrett leaving him a bloody *figuratively* mess in the centre of the ring. Miz will cash in and Cena as the referee in the ring will count the 3.

Only thing I cant work out is how the Nexus will be prevented from getting in the ring. Maybe Orton Cena and Riley knocking them off the apron etc while Miz gives barret a SCF.
Posting on my second account due to an issue with the facebook login system preventing me getting onto my main acct :(

Nah what I see happening is Cena will reluctantly help Barrett to win but post match Cena/cena and orton will attack barrett leaving him a bloody *figuratively* mess in the centre of the ring. Miz will cash in and Cena as the referee in the ring will count the 3.

Only thing I cant work out is how the Nexus will be prevented from getting in the ring. Maybe Orton Cena and Riley knocking them off the apron etc while Miz gives barret a SCF.

This. Perhaps Otunga will turn on Nexus and help fend them off, or ex members return like Young, Tarver etc. to even the numbers.
Posting on my second account due to an issue with the facebook login system preventing me getting onto my main acct :(

Nah what I see happening is Cena will reluctantly help Barrett to win but post match Cena/cena and orton will attack barrett leaving him a bloody *figuratively* mess in the centre of the ring. Miz will cash in and Cena as the referee in the ring will count the 3.

Only thing I cant work out is how the Nexus will be prevented from getting in the ring. Maybe Orton Cena and Riley knocking them off the apron etc while Miz gives barret a SCF.

God i hope so. The Miz is absolutely on fire at the minute.
I doubt they will have Orton help anyone. His gimmick is to RKO anyone on sight regardless of whether they are heels or faces. They wouldn't have Cena helping the Miz either even though he "hates" Nexus.

They will have Cena coming out of this in a good light as usual, you know they can't resist not pumping up Cena for too much longer. I do wish he did a screw job on Orton and turned heel but we know that is extremely unlikely.
Nexus is a very poor mans NWO and the WWE is copying many of the stuff they did. Like with "your either Nexus or against us" which is a ripoff of what Bischoff and co were saying. They could do a Cena heel turn like what happened with Hulk Hogan and he would definately become the leader you would think.
My pick is this:

- Cena counts to 3 after Barrett cheats to win. Cena didn't see it and speculation will be going on for a month as to whether he did.
- Orton, Cena, Barett brawl. Nexus interfere. Orton and Cena kind of fight back and keep nexus away finishing with Cena AAing Barrett
- Miz capitalizes and Cena lets him cash it in (i.e. just stands there) in the chaos.

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Nexus is a very poor mans NWO and the WWE is copying many of the stuff they did. Like with "your either Nexus or against us" which is a ripoff of what Bischoff and co were saying. They could do a Cena heel turn like what happened with Hulk Hogan and he would definately become the leader you would think.

Nexus isn't trying to be NWO though. It's just a stable that's meant to put over certain talent they'd like to put over. With the NWO it was a driving storyline put together with 3 incredibly over wrestlers.

"You're either with us or against us" is a common phrase.
I'm thinking that after the chat on Raw between Cena and Piper, he'll call it down the middle and not care about the result

and he ends up giving Orton the win over Barrett. After the match the Miz tries to get in before NExus and cash his breifcase, but Cena doesn't want this, so FU's (what is this AA shit :rolleyes:) The Miz, before Orton punts him in the head and pins him. After this, of course the Nexus minus Otunga comes out to get revenge for Barrett. After 1 or 2 minutes they gain the upper hand on Cena and Orton (who is helping out Cena) but just as it looks like everything is going to end badly for Cena and Orton, Otunga comes out to save the day

The next night on Raw, they give Cena a farewell, but just as it's coming to an end, the GM email will come in, Michael Cole comes on, and says "and I quote, I think it's about time I announce who I am, please pay attention to the stage"

/glass shatters, Stone Cold comes out :D
says shit upon shit, and ends it with something like. Well, you did your job right down the line last night, I sure as hell wouldn't respect Barrett as champion, and I thank you for not letting him become champion, and as a thankyou, I'd like to invite you back onto Raw. He then starts drinking beers and going onto the turnbuckles doing his signature fists in the air (I miss the finger :() and just at the end of the show, just for nostalgia, stuns Cena

Just what I'm hoping for ;)
They could have a rap off! Why not? Triple H and Scott Steiner got to have a pose down :p
and that's where WWE lost me for about 5-7 years :p

didn't come back untill the end of the Cena-Orton feud (well, near the end, the ironman man which Cena won by 1 with a submission with 1 second left)
Coverage is starting now, i'll post some live updates as they come in for as long as i can. In the meantime though here are my predictions.

Wade Barrett to become WWE Champion, pretty obvious, not sure how it will happen or what will go down after the match, Cena has been saying that he will beat Barrett to a mush, but perhaps Nexus come and destroy Cena, or some angle involving Otunga.

Gabriel and Slater to retain against Santino and Koslov

Kane to defeat Edge to retain the Championship.

Kaval to defeat Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship.

Natayla to win the Divas Championship.

Sheamus to defeat John Morrison

Team Mysterio to win.

Not confident at all with those predictions though, also
Daniel Bryan to retain against Ted DiBiase (if it gets added to the card late)

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WWE Survivor Series - Spoilers

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