WWE WrestleMania 39 - Sunday 2nd & Monday 3rd April 2023 10am AEST

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Well that was a straight up bad show. The IC match was outstanding, but just about everything else outside the main event was filler. The HIAC match was for a feud that dragged on way too long to get here. The women’s title feud never got going or made sense. Omos is a joke and the women’s tag match looked bad on paper and was even worse in reality.

Then Roman going over caps it all off. There’s no one left in the company to beat him. He works part time, holds both titles and has now beaten every logical option in the company that could take the titles off him. They could’ve at least been creative with the finish instead of dishing up the same thing again and again. I enjoyed night 1, but if you treated night 2 as it’s own mania, it would be in the finish as one of the worst ever.
Correct man went over. Roman is the face of the company and the strongest booked heel I can ever remember, he can’t lose to Goldust’s brother after a mediocre 2 month build.

Mediocre two month build? Was about as effective as it could have been and good enough Cody wasn't rejected/badly overshadowed by Zayne.

Yea Roman's been amazing and was always going to be as a heel. But the flat way he's been booked to crush baby faces has not been good.

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Right decision for Roman to retain.
Cody was terrible as a face of the company based on his AEW run and I just dont buy him as a credible world champ.
He's suited 100% to midcard and US title feud with Austin Theory is his level. Battle of A-town.

Gunther should 100% be the one to go after Reigns and the main title.
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Well that was a straight up bad show. The IC match was outstanding, but just about everything else outside the main event was filler. The HIAC match was for a feud that dragged on way too long to get here. The women’s title feud never got going or made sense. Omos is a joke and the women’s tag match looked bad on paper and was even worse in reality.

Then Roman going over caps it all off. There’s no one left in the company to beat him. He works part time, holds both titles and has now beaten every logical option in the company that could take the titles off him. They could’ve at least been creative with the finish instead of dishing up the same thing again and again. I enjoyed night 1, but if you treated night 2 as it’s own mania, it would be in the finish as one of the worst ever.
It's bs at least have Roman drop one title
the commentary for the IC Title match really took it down a notch for me. It would have been awesome in the building I reckon.

+1 for collective disappointment in Asuka losing and the result of the main event.
Asuka was destroying every one and full of momentum when she came back with her killer clown gimmick and dosent end up wining the title at Mania what bs
Regardless whether you dislike Cody or thought Roman was right to win, WrestleMania isn't the place to develop or start feuds.

WWE have made it abundantly clear that feuds don't end, no grand pay offs. Apart from being a 2 day stadium show + having Rumble winner challenge the champion, nothing really sets it apart from any other PLE now.
Had a night to stew on it and I'm even frustrated now.

In the press conference they kept referencing that everybody needs to be patient and let the story play out.

That was exactly the same situation with the conclusion of Wrestlemania 17 but it doesn't mean it was good for business!

People will drop off after this. Although with the impending sale does the WWE really care?

Also Cody is done. There will never be another opportunity for him to win the big one. Kosi Kingston had 2 months of fanfare and rewarded with a WrestleMania championship victory. Jinder Mahal.... well the less said the better.
The second the 3 count hit in the Rollins hell in a cell match last year was the precise moment Cody became the man to take the belts from Roman. I honestly believe he probably thinks wrestling that match in agony wasn't worth it now.
Also, I didn't hear the phrase 'Wrestlemania moment' once I just realised. Cody winning would have been THE moment we haven't seen since Daniel Bryan won at WM30.

Perhaps that's why it wasn't shoved down our throats this year, because they knew they weren't delivering.
The next few PPVs/PLEs are all overseas from memory, so Roman will keep the titles until Summerslam and beyond.

He's not losing in the next year. Looks like they're going to keep stretching in the hope they get the Rock and so absolutely nothing that happens on the show will meaningfully change the status quo until then, because they'll want Roman and the bloodline fully intact until then.

Hope everyone is really excited for a long time of main events with only one outcome.
Also, I didn't hear the phrase 'Wrestlemania moment' once I just realised. Cody winning would have been THE moment we haven't seen since Daniel Bryan won at WM30.

Perhaps that's why it wasn't shoved down our throats this year, because they knew they weren't delivering.

The wrestlemania moment was a lifelong midcarder winning a mid card title with his mid card friend but ultimately failing to achieve his goal to bring down his enemies.


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The only way they can salvage yesterday is (and can't believe I'm saying this) but Vince back as an on-screen character and completely leaning into his anti indy/non -WWE hate. That's the only scenario I can see how you can get Cody/Sami/KO white hot again.

They've managed to water down two massively over guys who could have been bigger cash cows.

Again, Mania shouldn't be used as a stepping stone for feuds.
The next few PPVs/PLEs are all overseas from memory, so Roman will keep the titles until Summerslam and beyond.

He cant lose it til WM 40 in all honesty when I think about it. Every other alternative makes less then zero sense

Atleast WWE has a year now to find someone worthy or a way to do it. I have zero idea who that is from a FACE perspective. At this stage it basically has to be Gunther is all and he wont be a face ever
I got the feeling also Roman wont defend the titles til Summerslam. For Backlash they will lean into Rey and Bad Bunny vs Dom and Damian Priest as the main event. Simply has to be

King of the Ring will just be Roman Reigns winning the King of the Ring crown I think with no titles defended

Money in the Bank will just be MITB as the main event

Summerslam will be Roman vs Cody Take 2
It's been a day and all the crying about Reigns retaining has been ****ing glorious across social media.

If Reigns winning wasn't the right one beforehand, people's reactions to it definitely made it the right choice.
I tell ya what, it’s extremely hard to avoid spoilers all day and then also whilst watching the event on delay in the evening, just in the age of social media etc. Thankfully managed to do so again.

It also paid to avoid the forums and wrestling fan socials in the lead up I found as well. As it seems, having a quick read, I enjoyed the event much more than others. Maybe I should avoid in the aftermath too?
Can’t say I’m shocked to see the usuals proclaiming how bad it was and some how they’ll never watch again. I find that funny. But either way, everyone’s entitled to their opinion and I can definitely respect that.

That main event had me on the edge of my seat. I thought the storytelling throughout was fantastic and the pacing on point. I was so uncertain who would win in the lead up, however mid-match I started to believe there was no way Cody wasn’t winning. The ending was shocking, despite slightly repetitive, as I was soaking in what I thought was the final seconds of Romans reign. I found myself sitting there feeling deeply shattered for Cody upon the 3 count. That’s what I truly love about wrestling. As a fan, investing that much emotionally into a fictional battle.

I’m a Roman fan and to be honest I’m not sure I am ready for his reign and Bloodline story to end. So despite my initial despair for Cody, I’m glad we get more of the Tribal Chief character.

I Loved the IC Triple Threat. Everyone has their preference to wrestling style, and that is mine. Just huge titans and big heavy hits. I could watch Sheamus and Drew McIntyre fight forever and Gunther is the most obvious huge star on the rise. Such a shame his career skydived as most suggested after the name change!

Brock/Omos exceeded my expectations.

Balor/Edge was brutal. Not sure I’m a huge fan of the Demon character or version. Don’t believe it’s ever really been explained well enough. Also, where to for Edge from here?

Shane O Mac, LOL. After the initial surprise wore off I found myself asking, Seriously? He’s no Rock, Austin or even LA Knight! Props for the save by Snoop Dogg!

Stacey Kiebler is as beautiful as ever.

Night 1 over Night 2 I thought, but thoroughly enjoyed both nights. Some really strong stories and some not so strong stories. A noticeable rise in the amount of advertising but I guess that’s just the way the world is going, AFL being no different with the guernseys etc.

Am again in awe over the visuals and big time feel of the event that they do better than anyone. Certainly a spectacle and something I’d love to experience one day.

Most people bang on about Roman matches being terrible that was a brilliant main event and had us all on the edge of our seat.
Most people bang on about Roman matches being terrible that was a brilliant main event and had us all on the edge of our seat.

One of the better main events in WrestleMania history. I'm more than happy to admit that despite being completely turned off by the result.

Roman and Rhodes were phenomenal.

That's why the ending hurt so much. It just didn't feel appropriate to what we'd seen for half an hour before it.
I'm stunned that people are upset, or even surprised that Reigns won. Every time they said 940-whatever days they were telling you he was going to win.

Have people never watched wrestling before?

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