WWE WrestleMania 39 - Sunday 2nd & Monday 3rd April 2023 10am AEST

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I posted after the RR saying they ****ed it, and got told to wait until WM, they still had time to build it all up.

So I waited and it played out exactly as we all thought, the same s**t as always. Most 'feuds' were half assed and it showed, and the best storyline they've had in years keeps dragging out. I get keeping a good thing going, but it's literally the same s**t every single time.

Then after EC it was Roman can’t lose at a minor show, it has to be saved for Mania…

Well, he’s still champion so I guess another 365 days of burials if he can’t lose it at a minor show…

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I just finished it.

Haven't been that invested in any WWE match since Punk vs Cena in 2011.

Honestly, I hope this doesn't come across as a melt, but I'm pretty much done with WWE after this.

From a quality standpoint that main event was 5/5.
From a booking perspective it's left such a bad taste that I have zero reason to tune in again until the reign is over.
Not even just Roman winning, but the way it happened. The referee can eject Sikoa because he thought he heard outside interference, but can't overturn the result or restart the match when he was back out at ringside before the 3 count took place? Even from a logical standpoint it doesn't pass the test.

It was the perfect time against the perfect opponent and they failed to pull the trigger.

I've already been focusing more so on AEW since it's inception, so perhaps that factored into supporting Cody. But regardless, I only seeing this ending with The Rock now and I have zero interest in that happening.

Some incredible matches took place over the two days, so hopefully they leave a lasting impression over the horrendous main event booking and the egregious advertising littered throughout the shows.

Edit: I should point out that I will still follow Rhea Ripley as closely as possible because that girl is an absolute megastar.
Yep. Really, really good event (other than it being over two nights). They do it well I'll give them that. I'll watch Raw tomorrow but will tune out until Royal Rumble next year as usual, and as usual at least I know I won't be missing out on much that I haven't already seen during the two months I've watched each year for the last few years. Still boggles my mind they have such a hard on for a dude with such clearly limited ability. 1000 days isn't an achievement when you can't gloss over the fact that the second defence was exactly the same as the first and then a rinse and repeat every single time since then from everything I have seen/read. Back and forward, ref bump, shenanigans, multiple finisher kick outs, instant recovery, spear, aww so close challenger maybe next premium live event, until then I'll just wear flowers, grunt and let the great Paul Heyman talk every week and cop his rub.

Only good thing is they still have two women's champions because at least Rhea makes up for the Roman with a long plait they're quietly building holding the other belt.

The tag stuff doesn't really interest me because honestly wouldn't be surprised if Owens turns on Sami as soon as tomorrow rather than waiting the maximum 3 months before we all know that's gonna happen again.
Also damn, at first I thought it was a jacked Joan Rivers coming out with the smackdown belt. Charlotte has had that much work done now it's gone past that point of looking like a normal person and well and truly into cat lady territory
Why watch the shows?

They're having entire years of filler at a time. Absolutely nothing that has happened in the last 12 months has any real significance whatsoever- they're just counting time, and it's pretty obvious that nothing that happens for the next 12 months will either because you totally can't end the reign not at wrestlemania.
Time for my yearly post (yes I repeat certain posts around certain times of the year lol).

Back when Mania was released on dvd I used to take it upon myself to re-edit the event. Sometimes it was to convert the event from being split across 2 discs... and edit it back on to one.

Other times I'd play funny buggers and chop out the matches and segments I didn't care for. One hilarious example was with WM 25.... I was left with less than an hour :p

To show how times change, back in 2003 (WM 19) I was converting the 2 discs..... on to 1 VHS TAPE.... LOL!!

Anyway I'm sure I won't be the only one who thinks that night 1 of WM39 was good enough to stand on its own. Night 2 kinda dragged the overall event down a bit, it wasn't the results as such but more the efforts involved in the matches lacked the ooomph.

Also damn, at first I thought it was a jacked Joan Rivers coming out with the smackdown belt. Charlotte has had that much work done now it's gone past that point of looking like a normal person and well and truly into cat lady territory

I've been negative about the ladies division for years. If it's not cosmetic enhancements, it's the hair extensions. I personally don't think they are needed. The hair extensions make the "divas" look like drowned rats.

In the case of Charlotte she was pretty before her cosmetic obsession. But (to steal a Jerry Lawler quote) she's more plastic than Cher these days.

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the commentary for the IC Title match really took it down a notch for me. It would have been awesome in the building I reckon.

I ****ing cringed when Cole is putting over how brutal the match is and Titus interjects with "I'm right there with them."

Please. You were a Prime Time Player. You're the dude who ran in and fell over when entering a Royal Rumble match. You're a great spokesperson for the company and I'm sure quietly you wish you could have matches like that but nothing you did in your career lets you say that. It took me out of the match.

Hell, my support worker who doesn't watch wrestling but did with me today asked me who said that and asked if they were a famous tough guy... Hurra hurra hurra!!
I tell ya what, it’s extremely hard to avoid spoilers all day and then also whilst watching the event on delay in the evening, just in the age of social media etc. Thankfully managed to do so again.

It also paid to avoid the forums and wrestling fan socials in the lead up I found as well. As it seems, having a quick read, I enjoyed the event much more than others. Maybe I should avoid in the aftermath too?
Can’t say I’m shocked to see the usuals proclaiming how bad it was and some how they’ll never watch again. I find that funny. But either way, everyone’s entitled to their opinion and I can definitely respect that.

That main event had me on the edge of my seat. I thought the storytelling throughout was fantastic and the pacing on point. I was so uncertain who would win in the lead up, however mid-match I started to believe there was no way Cody wasn’t winning. The ending was shocking, despite slightly repetitive, as I was soaking in what I thought was the final seconds of Romans reign. I found myself sitting there feeling deeply shattered for Cody upon the 3 count. That’s what I truly love about wrestling. As a fan, investing that much emotionally into a fictional battle.

I’m a Roman fan and to be honest I’m not sure I am ready for his reign and Bloodline story to end. So despite my initial despair for Cody, I’m glad we get more of the Tribal Chief character.

I Loved the IC Triple Threat. Everyone has their preference to wrestling style, and that is mine. Just huge titans and big heavy hits. I could watch Sheamus and Drew McIntyre fight forever and Gunther is the most obvious huge star on the rise. Such a shame his career skydived as most suggested after the name change!

Brock/Omos exceeded my expectations.

Balor/Edge was brutal. Not sure I’m a huge fan of the Demon character or version. Don’t believe it’s ever really been explained well enough. Also, where to for Edge from here?

Shane O Mac, LOL. After the initial surprise wore off I found myself asking, Seriously? He’s no Rock, Austin or even LA Knight! Props for the save by Snoop Dogg!

Stacey Kiebler is as beautiful as ever.

Night 1 over Night 2 I thought, but thoroughly enjoyed both nights. Some really strong stories and some not so strong stories. A noticeable rise in the amount of advertising but I guess that’s just the way the world is going, AFL being no different with the guernseys etc.

Am again in awe over the visuals and big time feel of the event that they do better than anyone. Certainly a spectacle and something I’d love to experience one day.
The second night was full of 2 counts and chops to the chest.

Hell in a cell was great took me back to the attitude era

Roman vs Rhodes was a great match and ended on sour note with Roman winning again

Asuaka comes back as clown killer,demolishes her opponents on raw but dosent win the title at Mania against Bianca

Lol what a way to halt momentum that Auska was building

Night one was better

Night two was ok
Time for my yearly post (yes I repeat certain posts around certain times of the year lol).

Back when Mania was released on dvd I used to take it upon myself to re-edit the event. Sometimes it was to convert the event from being split across 2 discs... and edit it back on to one.

Other times I'd play funny buggers and chop out the matches and segments I didn't care for. One hilarious example was with WM 25.... I was left with less than an hour :p

To show how times change, back in 2003 (WM 19) I was converting the 2 discs..... on to 1 VHS TAPE.... LOL!!

Anyway I'm sure I won't be the only one who thinks that night 1 of WM39 was good enough to stand on its own. Night 2 kinda dragged the overall event down a bit, it wasn't the results as such but more the efforts involved in the matches lacked the ooomph.

I've been negative about the ladies division for years. If it's not cosmetic enhancements, it's the hair extensions. I personally don't think they are needed. The hair extensions make the "divas" look like drowned rats.

In the case of Charlotte she was pretty before her cosmetic obsession. But (to steal a Jerry Lawler quote) she's more plastic than Cher these days.

I used to hire the videos from the video shop and then make compilations, got 3 PPVs onto one VHS one year 😂😂
I kept forgetting to visit Sanity to clean out their DVDs recently 😢
Honestly,you didn't miss much. I went to two towards the end and what they had wasn't priced at as good a sale price as I was hoping (compared to what other things were going for). I had more luck in buying discounted soccer docos for my friend's kid (Brisbane Roar development player).

Others may have different experiences, obviously

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