Conspiracy Theory WWIII - Armageddon

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To understand what’s going, you gotta look what’s going on behind the scenes-

You're right, I dismissed it out of hand, without any effort to see if there was substance.

I'll spend some time now looking in to see if he lays the ground work and structures how he ended up with his conclusion.

But you yourself must agree that the Albert Pike letter you've shared isn't true. Or it's a deliberately false one to cover up the real one.
Read it again, you'll see it.

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View attachment 2105428

To understand what’s going, you gotta look what’s going on behind the scenes-

Ok, well this is extremely depressing. Because we we will not be able to find a middle ground on this.
I will try to explain my position, but I don't think you will accept any of it.

My position is that most of the things I've seen on him are dishonest and manipulative. And completely rely on reaching people who want to believe it. Rather than provide a logical process, or evidence
I listened to most of his book "Behold A Pale Horse William Cooper" -
I listened to his vlog -

See how I am slowly setting up the structure that builds to a conclusion? Rather than starting with a conclusion and looking for ways to substantiate it.
This is done by William Cooper. He states a supposition, and to substantiate it he states another supposition and so on. Until his entire position is seemingly baseless suppositions that exists to substantiate other suppositions.

He also demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of a lot of basic areas that he's talking about.
I had to stop just before the 47 minute mark, because he was explaining that Nazis were socialists, because they had socialist in their name.


And finally, it's all manipulation. From embellishments to blatant lies.
Like the vlog above being labeled as a "CNN Interview".
Or the unverified claim of how far he rose in defense.
He saw and unearthly thing rise from the water and go back in when he was on a submarine. Ok could be true.

He predicted 9/11 and said it would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden. when only a few insiders knew, and they sold their "American Airlines Stock"... ?wtf??

I'm not sure if it's verified, but apparently while he was watching a PBS interview with Osama Bin Laden, he stated that there would be a major attack on the US, and Osama would be blamed for it.
This is put across as evidence of his deep insider knowledge, and evidence of him predicting correctly something that no one else could.

The following is why none of that is true.

This is the transcript from that interview -






So with all of that information, you'd have be insane if you didn't think Bin Laden was going to attack the US.

Look, I understand that you probably feel as steadfast in your position on this, as I now do on mine.
I just wanted to show how I reached my conclusion.

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Conspiracy Theory WWIII - Armageddon

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