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Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 8, 2006
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Other Teams
Melbourne Renegades
Yes I've had a few drinks. No I don't have anything intelligent to say. But I've been waiting for this for 11 years so get over it! :D

Can't even win his own damn seat. Ha!
Its all good now but watch what happens to this country over the coming years, we're ****ed

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Well at least I won't have to worry about losing my job over stealing a pen. Goodbye work choices!

Work choices may suck, but at least there are jobs, if Kevin 07 messes up the economy then there might not be jobs to create stupid rules for.

I'm convinced this country is full of idiots who think a change 'just because' is a good thing...disgrace.
Yes I've had a few drinks. No I don't have anything intelligent to say. But I've been waiting for this for 11 years so get over it! :D

Can't even win his own damn seat. Ha!

Couldn't have said it better myself :D
Work choices may suck, but at least there are jobs, if Kevin 07 messes up the economy then there might not be jobs to create stupid rules for.

I'm convinced this country is full of idiots who think a change 'just because' is a good thing...disgrace.
I don't think that. I won't be voting for change in the next election that's for sure.

Well, that's a pretty stupid thing to say. Alot could change in the next 4 years but that'd be my guess.

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I don't think that. I won't be voting for change in the next election that's for sure.

Well, that's a pretty stupid thing to say. Alot could change in the next 4 years but that'd be my guess.

That's fine, but people have said that it'd be nice to have a change, is that logical thinking? If a person runs a country well and keeps the economy strong, I don't think there is a need for change.

I'm underage anyway and my opinion is useless, but that's just the way I feel, obviously the vast majority of others disagree, which is fine.
Listen to all the Liberal stooges whine, last time I checked, Johhny the treasurer f***ed up the economic conditions as well.

Goodbye wedge politics, human rights breaches, immoral wars, a useless foreign policy in dealing with the US, China, terrorism and Indonesia, a prejudicial border policy, ineffective tax systems and lack of accountability in government bureaucracy. Hello a change, if Rudd is the man he should be he will change all of this.

Suck it up. :D
Listen to all the Liberal stooges whine, last time I checked, Johhny the treasurer f***ed up the economic conditions as well.

Goodbye wedge politics, human rights breaches, immoral wars, a useless foreign policy in dealing with the US, China, terrorism and Indonesia, a prejudicial border policy, ineffective tax systems and lack of accountability in government bureaucracy. Hello a change, if Rudd is the man he should be he will change all of this.

Suck it up. :D
Yeh cuz so much is going to change....... Dumb :thumbsdown:
That's fine, but people have said that it'd be nice to have a change, is that logical thinking? If a person runs a country well and keeps the economy strong, I don't think there is a need for change.

I'm underage anyway and my opinion is useless, but that's just the way I feel, obviously the vast majority of others disagree, which is fine.
The economy may be strong, and people may have changed their vote just for the sake of change, but for most people their vote hinges on alot more than the economy.

Everyone should agree, Howard was getting stale and spent the last 9 months of his time as PM grasping at straws and making outlandish promises many knew he couldn't keep. Rudd speaks well, and installs confidence in people. He seems to understand that you can't fix everything with one wave of a magic wand. I think he'll serve the country well in the next four years, people who didn't vote for him need to stop, think, and give him a chance. God knows I've given Howard alot of chances.
Fantastic, once work choices is gone we can go back to the days where workers can take hour long smoke brakes and businesses can't do anything about them because it would be 'unfair dismissal' and unions would get involved. Thanks Krudd, change for the sake of change :thumbsu:
That's fine, but people have said that it'd be nice to have a change, is that logical thinking? If a person runs a country well and keeps the economy strong, I don't think there is a need for change.

I'm underage anyway and my opinion is useless, but that's just the way I feel, obviously the vast majority of others disagree, which is fine.

Exactly, you obviously don't know or don't think it relevant that Australia's worse post war economic performance and the most severe recession was under a coalition government when John Howard was treasurer, yes 22% interest rates, 11% unemployment, 12% inflation. We are currently in the midst of record commodity prices due to the growth of china which has nothing to do with the current government. So I suggest you study your history a bit before making ignorant comments.
whiny members of the political right said:
Wah!! Wah!! The majority of Australian voters are poopooheads because they don't agree with my politics! Wah!!

You lost. And it wasn't just the "It's time" factor; we've had enough of the wedge politics and lack of accountability.

Build a bridge, get over it and get on with it. At a state level you're a disgrace and that is never good for governance. At a federal level, you'll go nowhere with that chickenheart Costello as leader. Rebuild and get on with being an effective opposition.
Union action

Yoooouuuu Beaaaauutyyyyy!!!!

Some sweet payback is on the cards.

**** we couldn't even strike over a safety issue recently when an emergency siren wasn't working without the bastards threatening to fine us all individually twenty odd thousand.

The bastards didn't want to lose any production even though they knew it'd be a few days before the siren was fixed. Could just imagine the shit they'd be pulling 5-10 years down the track.
Fantastic, once work choices is gone we can go back to the days where workers can take hour long smoke brakes and businesses can't do anything about them because it would be 'unfair dismissal' and unions would get involved.:thumbsu:

First warning for taking a break outside of designated break time.

Behaviour continues? Second warning.

Behaviour continues? 3rd strike you're out.

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