Your go-to movies

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Ahhh… I’d say something like requiem for a dream is like a top 20 film all time but I’ve watched it twice and likely never will again.

Rewatchability is part of a favourite film for me but it’s not really a measure of whether I think a film is good or not.
Requiem is a very "heavy" movie, I enjoyed it but its very depressing, especially the second time like yourself, again most likely never.

Well maybe not for years at least.

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For mindless fun that doesn't require any brain power, and I can close my eyes without missing anything:
Cannonball Run
The Replacements
Major League
Broken Arrow

If I want a little more stimulation, then I go to one of these:
The Fifth Element
How To Steal A Million
The Pink Panther (1963 original)
Rear Window
Die Hard
I have a whole swag of movies that are my "go-to's", movies I can (and previously) have watched more than once a year. If they are THAT good I can watch and re-watch and re-watch the re-watch 3-4-5+ times. Granted in more recent years I will watch a film maximum 2 times a year (and this
includes a lot of my favourites like Robocop, Terminator, Lethal Weapon etc).

The Naked Gun Trilogy
Austin Powers (at least the first 2, the third I can take or leave)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles

First Blood - Rambo II - Rambo III - Rambo IV
Die Hard 1 - 3
Lethal Weapon 1 - 4
Terminator 1 & 2

Thinking / Emotional style movies
Forrest Gump
Saving Private Ryan (technically action as well)
The Prestige

Superman I & II are must watch 2-3 + times a year
I don't watch a lot of the superhero movies yearly as much as I used to.... I still haven't done a Marvel movie sit-through as yet this year. Haven't even watched the Nolan Batman trilogy in full in 2023.

There are movies I can just sit through and marathon, they include Back to the Future (trilogy)

Plenty more
21 and 22 Jump Street for a cheer up vibe. MCU movies get a rewatch quite often.

I generally take 3-4 years to rewatch a movie so there's probably not a movie I watch every year.
Sports movies...

Bull Durham
The Natural
Major League
Field of Dreams
Slap Shot
Any Given Sunday
Happy Gilmore
Bend It Like Beckham

Non-sports movies...

Die Hard 1 & 3
Aliens (game over man, game over)
Star Wars Original Trilogy
The Sum Of All Fears (bonus points for nuking Baltimore)
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Office Space
The Hangover
The Hangover II
Hostel III
Falling Down
Wrong Turn
Fun with Dick and Jane

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Watching The Lost Boys again for the first time in a while (just got the 4K disc) I actually think this is one I will keep going back to in future. Kiefer Sutherland is such an amazing and underrated Vampire and the soundtrack to this movie absolutely rocks.

Would have been such a great movie to take your date with back in the day : )
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Office Space
The Hangover
The Hangover II
Hostel III
Falling Down
Wrong Turn
Fun with Dick and Jane

The Hostel movies ? Interesting . 2 is the best out of the lot, but definitely not one I would watch if I am feeling down or need a pick me up lol
Saw the latest Indiana Jones movie and I'd give it a 3/10. I didn't fall asleep, but there were few redeeming features. Wait for the Disney+ release.
Rewatched The Bourne Identity for about the 10th time. ******* love it.

The Bourne "trilogy" generally gets watched yearly...... haven't watched them all this year (basically just Identity on its own). Neeed to whip them out and watch them all. And it's a series I've upgraded time after time (dvd, bluray, 4K.... and I also got a streaming version via Apple TV).
The Bourne "trilogy" generally gets watched yearly...... haven't watched them all this year (basically just Identity on its own). Neeed to whip them out and watch them all. And it's a series I've upgraded time after time (dvd, bluray, 4K.... and I also got a streaming version via Apple TV).

The Bourne Supremacy had a good plot but was ruined by the shaky-cam. Bourne Ultimatum scaled that back a little while still retaining mad action sequences.
The Bourne Series. (only Damon films)
The Hangover
Any Bond Film
Saving Private Ryan
Enemy at The Gates
Man on Fire. Just love the bond between Pita and Creacy.
The Castle
Good Will Hunting
Love Actually.
LOTR EE Trilogy
Casino Royale
Predator & Predators
Golden Eye
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
The Avengers
Love Actually
About a Boy
Office Space
Young Guns
Die Hard 3
X Men First Class
Young Guns I and II

Dune (both movies and mini series including Children of Dune)
Terminator 2
Back to the Future trilogy
The Fifth Element
The Final Countdown

Action Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Die Hard 1, 2 & 3
Under Siege
The Hunt For Red October
Top Gun I & 2
Mission Impossible series
Jason Bourne I, 2 & 3
Sin City
The Crow

Lord of the Rings trilogy

Shawshank Redemption
Crimson Tide
Forest Gump

Quentin Tarantino
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Pulp Fiction
Django Unchained
Inglorious Bastards
The Hateful 8

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