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“It’s quite hard to earn a living when FOX FOOTY’s on all day”.

Has anyone seen the new Fox Footy Promo?

Firstly YEAAHHHHH!!!!! Footy is just around the corner. Hey it may be only the NAB Challenge to begin with (18 games, live every day from February 12), but after months of horses running in circles, one-sided cricket and and Australian Open only marginally more interesting than Pong, finally the real stuff is back. I’ve only thought there were two seasons, Football and Summer.

Secondly Mike Brady is BACK!!! If Teddy Whitten was Mr Football, Mike Brady is his musical half-brother Mr Football-Jingle. In an era where footy sometimes seems more like a business than a sport, Mike Brady rekindles the spirit of the seventies. Of Peter Knights taking speccies, of Rene Kink running out of his hair salon and into the goal square of a seething Victoria park and when controversy meant someone had nicked the coach’s ciggies.

Its good to see they’re not taking themselves too seriously and playing the comedy card, even if it was a bit laboured at times. They should have highlighted what would have been the obvious clincher in the decision making process – High Definition.

One quibble though, in the last shot, all the fox footy commentators have joined everyone else in watching ‘the big match’, right? The question is: who is calling the game?