Movie lovers on BigFooty’s Media Board are split between love and hate for director Christopher Nolan’s latest Sci-fi movie, Interstellar.

The movie takes place in Earth’s future where resources are depleted and the population is suffocating in a massive Great Depression-era style dustbowl.

With crops failing one by one, time is of the essence in a race to find out if humanity has a place among the stars.

» Interstellar discussion thread in the BigFooty Media Board

I was shocked at how disagreeable some of the film craft was here. I sense that hate towards this film will only accelerate in coming years. Personally, I’m just really disappointed, I’m not someone that wastes too much breath on films I had significant issues with.

There are some great visuals and ideas in this film, but it’s all just so wasted among the glaringly poor narrative construction.

It’s one of those films that makes you never want to ever see another film about saving Earth/the human race – Roobs321

What an immense cinematic experience that was, had me close to tears in some parts and on the edge of my seat in others. Zimmers score was perfect, the acting was great and Nolan’s direction was good as always. It was paced really well so the 3 hours flew by. I’d have it close to my favourite Nolan film, although I can acknowledge why some people really wouldn’t like it, I think this is the type of picture that will age well.

Congratulations Christopher Nolan, you have done it again. – purpleblood29

Interstellar has now taken over $249m worldwide. The BigFooty Media Board’s Interstellar thread is nearing 5 pages (with sensible and liberal use of the spoiler tag).