Usage for hash tag: istandwithdan

  1. Cleric

    Why are Port more hated than the Crows?

    Neve had a Premier like Dan. He will be a stain on Vic for a decade. The #istandwithdan brigade ars still there. Victoria Police have a reputation as the most corrupt and violent in Australia. Just stop.

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 7

    Unfortunately he's got the Trumponian cult of personality behind him, only with a weak opposition. The #istandwithdan set are on a par with MAGA hat wearers. Him handing over will significantly weaken Labor, so I think he'll hold on, unless the he gets a Godfather offer from Lindsay.
  3. M

    Radio 'You cannot be serious' podcast with Sam Newman, Don Scott and Rod Law

    Are you one of people who sent Dan a virtual hug during covid? #istandwithdan
  4. Slippery Pete

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 3

    ...dared question the lockdown-shutdown orthodoxy, was dismissed, abused, harassed and condemned — be it by the dead-eyed cultists of the #istandwithdan movement or the Chief Health Officer of Victoria himself who gave his assent to these devastating school closures in the first place while...
  5. eddiesmith

    UK The Queen

  6. Elmer_Hauser

    Think Tank Hang on.... Geelong paid HOW MUCH for Jeremy Cameron!?!

    It's a Mosh Pit you ignorant galoot #istandwithdan
  7. Elmer_Hauser

    The off topic thread 5.0

    Fingers crossed Australia's most inspirational Leader is in the clear/not affected by Covid. OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN. #istandwithdan
  8. brew

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    If you're so scared Garlin i suggest you shoot the sh*t with your friends at home over Discord :) #istandwithdan
  9. Spitty_the_alpaca

    Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #5: We're in this together!

    #istandwithdan has entered the room. #covididiots
  10. brew

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    'The vaccine doesn't stop you catching the virus but it can stop you from having to go to hospital.' -- 'Everyone needs to get the vaccine, nobody has the right to put somebody else in hospital.' 🤔🤨 Daniel Andrews 😂 #istandwithdan
  11. Art Vandelay_

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

    Not angry at all. Just have a low tolerance for stupid. Which is most of the #istandwithdan crowd.
  12. M

    Discussion Random Discussion (No Politics, Religion) - SHOW CHIN PASSPORT ON ENTRY

    No I LoL At people that have blind faith and would lose the plot if the other side did exactly the same as Andrews has done The #istandwithdan fan club and their blind faith is beyond a joke Maybe they haven’t gone 4 months without work or lost their business And still no plan for coming out...
  13. Elmer_Hauser

    Things you can trust more than Gary Rohan in finals

    Yeah cause the bozos in the opposition party would do any better. How many leadership spills have they had in the last 6 months. Give me a spell Kipper. #istandwithdan
  14. M

    Discussion Random Discussion (No Politics, Religion) - SHOW CHIN PASSPORT ON ENTRY

    But that is exactly what they are doing, just locking us in our homes You watch him come up with more excuses when we get to 80% And the #istandwithdan fan club will just nod away
  15. dont bowl there

    Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 6

    ...more time away from family (haven't seen my family since Dec 2019). Let the police sort out the ones that have done the wrong thing, the Premier should be encouraging the 99% that are doing the right thing. Its pathetic hearing now from Dan. Surely even the biggest #istandwithdan fan is over it.
  16. Hava Alle

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 4

    Definitely not clear, maybe to the #istandwithdan flogs. If Dan and his comrades got the HQ together. Would there be as many deaths in aged care in Vic?
  17. Square Peg

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Yeah this is annoying, the narrative out of the Age and ABC for months supporting Andrews incompetence, the #istandwithdan, it's ridiculous when you compare it to the bagging ScoMo gets from them. Which isn't to say ScoMo deserves praise, but at least acknowledge the Victorian government was...
  18. eldorado

    Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

    ...all. Anything that is about the governments handling of Covid, the economy, or whatever GOES IMMEDIATELY, if we see it. That's PRO or AGAINST. This is NOT the place for political discussion. Feel free to find me any post where a mod says "Jeff needs to shut up because #istandwithdan" You...
  19. T

    Victorian Covid Outbreak 2021

    ...spread of covid directly.. they are a reminder to be afraid and take it seriously. I heard next week you might be able to choose a "COVID will kill you" t-shirt as an alternative. I took Jeroen's advice today. Someone sneezed at Coles so I called the cops. #istandwithdan...
  20. giggler99

    Victorian Covid Outbreak 2021

    ...accountable, not holding them on pedestals like rock stars! I've seen to much of this shit with Dan Andrews and his ministers. The #istandwithdan crowd is bloody pathetic and an insult especially after what happen last year! and make no mistake it starts with the media. It's a big problem...
  21. CatFan79

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 4

    ...passing strangers in the street.. Is one thing. Refusing to 'just as quickly' own up to mistakes and accept responsibility REPEATEDLY and make appropriate changes to restrictions is another. They've lost all confidence from Victorians.. Apart from the brainless #istandwithdan paritsan crew.
  22. Spitty_the_alpaca

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 5

    Ladies and gentlemen, here is a #istandwithdan clown.
  23. PMBangers

    Official Match Thread Season 31 - Round 13: East Side Hawks Vs Fighting Furies @ The Eyrie

    Ned_Flanders only got that many because he's sold out to #DictatorDan and is part of the #istandwithdan loony brigade, loonier than those cartoons TJASTA seems to enjoy so much. I tell ya what Hate, with how much time you spent at the Furies, I'm SHOCKED, that the weirdest trait you have is the...
  24. Orange Peanut

    Resource 2022 NMFC Membership thread - Final Tally: 50,191

    Some real #istandwithdan energy around social media this week whenever a North fan dares mention disappointment in the 2021 membership "pack".
  25. giggler99

    Conspiracy Theory Coronavirus #2: Lockdowns my area anyway in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The trend this time round was vastly different I didn't see much of of the #istandwithdan hashtagers on social media the MSM actually did there job and questioned the viability and necessity of the lockdowns the libs actually come out...
  26. 7577969923

    News Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread III - L6ckdown

    Not at all. The Murdoch press gave him a hard time and everyone else may as well have started every question with #istandwithdan.
  27. chunkylover53

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 4

    it's a social media mirage. a lot of it is bots imo, or paid professionals in his massive social media team. the #istandwithdan crew on twitter are lethal, however i've not come across one in real life - nor on my facebook/instagram feed. he's got the ALP die hard boomers on his side because...
  28. chunkylover53

    Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 3

    if you want a good laff search the hashtag #istandwithdan on twitter this round time. it's just a big exciting game to these guys (bots?).