Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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To bravely speak up for those who have no voice, brave as it comes at great personal risk to speak against the tide and perhaps lose that which one cares about most, is exactly the sort of fighting spirit expected from people attracted to the Hawthorn club.

My favourite part is where you try to hide your death cult delusions behind indignant, grammatically-pretentious culture war twaddle in formations that almost resemble sentences.

Jeff speaking truth to power? Ha ha ha.
I'm yet to see an argument pro-Jeff's actions that doesn't involve 'he's right', or 'it's the truth', which isn't the problem many are expressing with Jeff at all and immediately demonstrates a political bias

You know why you don't see it? Because the moderators here delete them. I saved it expecting this, of course.

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Carl Spackler

This is not the place for politics, this is the football board.

Like the other individual we are discussing, it seems you are incapable of knowing the appropriate forum for expressing your opinions.

Take it to the general board where it can stay and be debated.

Posting it here on a football thread about kennett and his role as hawthorn president isn't on.
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Ha! Deleted again. So weak. At least have the courage to announce which one of you is hiding behind the moderator's delete key.
I act on behalf of those posters without a voice, wearing the crude insults of those who would seek to silence me

So let me get this straight, one of our players gets offered a week for daring to tackle an opponent by the wrist and drag him to the ground, while he himself is also tackled by the arm and drag to the ground without there being even a whisper of a penalty.

The club meekly accepts the week, and our president who spends every other day having an opinion on all sorts of sh*t both in and outside of football and who supposedly “is the only president who stands up to the AFL”, instead pens his latest partisan thoughts on the state government to the local tabloid.

And we have Hawthorn supporters that will line up here to say that their totally ok with this. Bloody amazing.

annoying but I’m thinking the club is taking the line that they don’t want anyone rubbed out
Carl Spackler

This is not the place for politics, this is the football board.

Like your idol, it seems you are incapable of knowing the appropriate forum for expressing your opinions.

Take it to the general board where it can stay and be debated.

Posting it here on a football thread about kennett and his role as hawthorn president isn't on.

Not the place for politics? You have to be joking. Amazing to see when you find "muh principles"! I will concede it's not the place for politics you don't agree with but it's definitely a place filled with politics. Which you both encourage and participate in.

But, ok, no politics. ;)
Not the place for politics? You have to be joking. Amazing to see when you find "muh principles"! I will concede it's not the place for politics you don't agree with but it's definitely a place filled with politics. Which you both encourage and participate in.

But, ok, no politics. ;)
Everything that stays here is about Kennett's performance as president, including his current presence, and how it might affect our club. That's all.

Anything that is about the governments handling of Covid, the economy, or whatever GOES IMMEDIATELY, if we see it.

That's PRO or AGAINST. This is NOT the place for political discussion.

Feel free to find me any post where a mod says "Jeff needs to shut up because #istandwithdan" You won't.
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I'm not going to keep deleting the same post ad infinitum. It is purely political commentary.

I told you to take it to the general board, where it can happily be debated.

Consider yourself warned.
Feel free to find me any post where a mod says "Jeff needs to shut up because #istandwithdan" You won't.

Do I need to post where a mod said it or just where a mod didn't delete it?

Also, one is allowed to argue that Kennett cannot have an opinion because it hurts the club and the allowable rebuttal is that "no, it doesn't hurt the club"? We're not allowed to discuss whether Kennett's position is valid or not? You've exclusively limited the debate to terms so narrow that it's meaningless. We can only discuss the action, not the reason for it.

Whatever. It's your forum. But if you're too weak to defend your own positions then you should try harder.
Do I need to post where a mod said it or just where a mod didn't delete it?

Also, one is allowed to argue that Kennett cannot have an opinion because it hurts the club and the allowable rebuttal is that "no, it doesn't hurt the club"? We're not allowed to discuss whether Kennett's position is valid or not? You've exclusively limited the debate to terms so narrow that it's meaningless. We can only discuss the action, not the reason for it.

Whatever. It's your forum. But if you're too weak to defend your own positions then you should try harder.

I've repeated it twice.

Your political commentary is not for THIS board.

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I'm not going to keep deleting the same post ad infinitum. It is purely political commentary.

I told you to take it to the general board, where it can happily be debated.

Consider yourself warned.

Ok, got it. I can say Kennett is short sighted. Doesn't have the interests of the club at heard. Spouses Liberal politics for personal gain. Can't keep his personal interest from his club interests. But I cannot argue the opposite. Right. So the debate is settled then. Good to know.
What is evident that it is only "cool" to hate on Jeff here.

Any contrary opinion is ridiculed with the poster being branded leftist, elitist and all sorts of other drivel.
How terribly "brave" and mature of supposed adults to conduct themselves that way.
Well done people.

I gotta ask, what purpose is the thread now serving?

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So let me get this straight, one of our players gets offered a week for daring to tackle an opponent by the wrist and drag him to the ground, while he himself is also tackled by the arm and drag to the ground without there being even a whisper of a penalty.

The club meekly accepts the week, and our president who spends every other day having an opinion on all sorts of sh*t both in and outside of football and who supposedly “is the only president who stands up to the AFL”, instead pens his latest partisan thoughts on the state government to the local tabloid.

And we have Hawthorn supporters that will line up here to say that their totally ok with this. Bloody amazing.

If he made a public comment on the MRO would he face the same sanction as commenting on umpires ?

I think he has a $50k threat hanging over his head.

Also, its a football dept thing not him. So if anything he should be asking the football dept what they are doing.
Everything that stays here is about Kennett's performance as president, including his current presence, and how it might affect our club. That's all.
Anything that is about the governments handling of Covid, the economy, or whatever GOES IMMEDIATELY, if we see it.

That's PRO or AGAINST. This is NOT the place for political discussion.

Feel free to find me any post where a mod says "Jeff needs to shut up because #istandwithdan" You won't.
This is one of the most over-used liberal party talking points that has literally never been true throughout the history of Aus politics, but has literally always been played up by the LNP because they know that if they make people feel unempowered and unheard they are more likely to vote in the LNP's favour.

If you had paid any attention to the media in Victoria in the past 18 months you'd probably have noticed a trend of every second or third piece of journalism/report being done advocating for the exact same stuff as Jeff has, and playing up the exact same angle that you have worked at as bolded above.

"silent majority" is the biggest bullshit myth and an absolute plague on our country.

The bit I've italicised here should get you a job at literally any Murdoch paper because it has the exact same holier than thou bullshit that allows people like Credlin to be recognised officially as a journo.
Grow up and pay attention instead of listening to the bullshit being fed to you by Murdoch and the rest of the LNP-influenced propaganda.

Maybe not everything, all or immediately (from previous page), but perhaps Carl Spackler you can report what you see as inappropriate & have it deleted, rather than continue to have your stuff deleted?

Mods will work both ways but they can't see everything :shrug:
Jeff has a limited timespan in charge of certain things before he believes himself bigger than those things, it seems. He has no issues making politically motivated speeches and appearances decked in Hawks gear, the line between the two sides of Jeff is blurred for him and its damaging the club.
Forget the politics...

Posted a few weeks ago but worth posting again...

Jump to the final minute.

Jeff admits that his priority for his final term of presidency is for AFL commission reform and to get justice for mistreated victims.

And on face value both are noble but it is not the focus of the Hawthorn Football Club.

Hawthorn as a club has major headwinds...

We are 5 years past our second golden era, are in dire need of a total rebuild on field, could soon lose our Tasmanian nest egg, have a stagnant membership base (albeit 80,000 strong) and are about to embark on the largest and most ambitious building project ever undertaken by an AFL club.

Back in 2015/16 Hawthorn had grounds to be considered the strongest Victorian club in the AFL.

Not only were we in the midst of a three peat, had booming crowds in Melbourne (45k plus home and away gates v Crows, Dockers, Eagles, 60k plus v Swans) and the largest membership in the AFL but also the largest revenue base, NTA, sponsorship coterie and year on year profits. We were one of the rare examples of a club that can run independently from AFL interference...

Fast forward 5 years and we have slide behind Richmond and will soon be further behind Collingwood, Essendon and heaven forbid if Carlton ever got their act together! Like ships passing each other in the night! Not to mention the Weagles!

Now naturally the big 4 all have legacy support which seperate them from the Hawks but look at the post 2016 period...

We had Newbold (who jumped to the commission), Garvey (the Essendon fan) and a distracted Kennett as president.

As CEO we had Fox (who jumped to plum MCC role), Gaudrey (which cost us an expensive payout) and now the back up ruckman’s father who has been a mute in the press. Where is the accountability and scrutiny?

We’re the hermit club on the slide at a time when we can least afford to be taking our eyes off the prize!

The least Jeff can do is honour his commitment at the 2017 AGM and keep the membership base fully informed with decisions relating to Dingley, our list rebuild and Tasmania...

And as for the 2050 vision of 20 flags etc that is hubris to the extreme
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Unlike in politics, the Hawthorn footy club shouldn't be happy with a leader whose practices are seen unfavorably by a large portion of the constituents he represents. You might aim for 50% of the vote as acceptable as a political leader - but that's not so fantastic if half your clubs supporters don't like your agenda and style.
It's become debatable the good he does, because on deliverables he's not so much in recent years. His focus on personal distractions only exacerbates this perception because we want an all in manager, much as we expect all for one in the way we play at Hawthorn.
Our club doesn't have a clear respected voice in the AFL, and that's largely because of Jeff and his style.
From that, our agenda as a club doesn't get promoted or put forward in a way that effects the change we seek.
On the new training facilities, I think it's fair to say the original delivery date has long gone, we don't have clear updates on what and when we can expect it, and it is being largely fabricated in the background fog of managed missives because true progress has been less than stellar. It's an uncomfortable reality.
In terms of progress as a business model, I don't see that he has delivered very much either. It's an area I frankly held the most original hope thinking his business contacts would produce new and impressive sponsorships and opportunities. Out of the box stuff. Again, not exactly wowing.
A representative Women's team? Nope.
A clear direction on the Tasmania partnership? Uh uh.
On field success for the senior men's team? Uhhhh.....let's put it this way, he can't claim to have kept the team humming and in contention. While it's obvious his actual hand in the playing results is extremely limited, it's one of those things that managers claim when things ARE going well..."See fellas, look at how the teams under my stewardship are doing!"

I would hope it was clear to Hawk supporters on this forum that regardless of whether you agree with Jeff's politics, or social agenda, or style, or any other bloody thing, we could agree on whether he was good for the footy club.
If that's in question, do you really want to get into contentious political discourse or discussion on best system for improving our social fabric in society? Clearly people are no longer happy with his leadership and this aint the end of the world folks. You're not fighting for your way of life like you imagine politics somehow delivering.

That should be enough. Hawthorn supporters know what success looks like and want to get back to it, and if a large proportion don't think Jeff's assisting, and in fact hurting that pursuit, it should be enough for everyone to want a unified and agreed upon alternative.
The fact that there isn't one is either weird happenstance, or also a product of it being difficult to find people who want to work WITH Jeff in transition and on his agenda, or conversely get in the pit with a man like him. What do you think most people would think re working at Hawthorn after seeing his dealings with the AFL, it's clubs, political figures, and anyone else he disagrees with.
Successful people don't need that in their lives, so they stay in the background and support quietly and anonymously.
Also not so bueno for Hawthorn's future in my estimation.

If you remember some footy leaders like John Elliott, Allan McAlister, drongo McGuire, then you recognize our current prez.
Sure, he may be right on some things and wrong on others, but the biggest question for most people listening to him is does he want what's best for Hawthorn or what's best for Jeff Kennett and his view on the way the world should run.

I don't mind if you want him to get back into politics and change the world to one you like more.
I DO mind if he thinks the Hawthorn footy club is his platform for doing so. This aint a political party, this is a storybook sporting club built on the backs and hearts of those who suspended all differences to unite to bring glory to it's supporters, just like it's current leaders should be CLEARLY doing.
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"We shall fight them on Twitter, we shall fight them on Facebook.."
Ha! Deleted again. So weak. At least have the courage to announce which one of you is hiding behind the moderator's delete key.
"we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength on BF"

Jeff is not the President of the HFC political party because the HFC is not a political party. Fkup Jeff!
Not the place for politics? You have to be joking. Amazing to see when you find "muh principles"! I will concede it's not the place for politics you don't agree with but it's definitely a place filled with politics. Which you both encourage and participate in.

But, ok, no politics. ;)
If you want to put your political views ahead of your footy club, that is absolutely your right. But don't try and pretend otherwise so you can keep playing the self righteous victim. It's so transparent.

Jeff is also prioritising his political views too and that is what is pissing many of us off.

Jeffis a clever, calculating man, he knows exactly what he is doing and doesn't give a **** if it hurts the club.

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Do I need to post where a mod said it or just where a mod didn't delete it?

Also, one is allowed to argue that Kennett cannot have an opinion because it hurts the club and the allowable rebuttal is that "no, it doesn't hurt the club"? We're not allowed to discuss whether Kennett's position is valid or not? You've exclusively limited the debate to terms so narrow that it's meaningless. We can only discuss the action, not the reason for it.

Whatever. It's your forum. But if you're too weak to defend your own positions then you should try harder.
This is pathetic

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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