Usage for hash tag: tassiesux

  1. Elmer_Judd

    Backfire It's Titanic Week:109th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. It's a very emotional time of year. How will you be honouring Titanic week?

    The only apology you'll get from me is when my South East Melbourne Phoenix when they wipe the floor of your Jack Jumpers this afternoon and we are forced to wipe away your tears. #tassiesux
  2. Elmer_Judd

    Game Day Norf soil themselves before the unflinching predatory gaze of the Mighty Hawks

    Two crap teams playing in a crap stadium in a crap state. Watching the other game instead. #tassiesux
  3. Elmer_Judd

    Off-topic Bukakewood vs Wankstain Fullflogs - come forward and multiply

    You do know your dreamboat Tassie coach Al Clarkson was born and bred in Victoria right lol #tassiesux
  4. Elmer_Judd

    Live Event 3 GFs in a row vs 3 GFs in our entire history: I ain't gonna work on Clarko's farm no more

    What a shitgame. This is why Tassie should never, ever be allowed to have their own full time team Imagine watching crap football like this every second week? #tassiesux