Usage for hash tag: WondersWinEpicFinals

  1. Grand Uncle Horace

    Event Wowee Koala Gala !!!

    but everyone queries P4L. Surely Headless you have not forgotten - #WondersWinEpicFinals Is your team still in the comp for runners up?
  2. Cadsky

    Official Match Thread Season 31 - First Preliminary Final: West Coast Wonders vs Baghdad Bombers at The Colosseum

    Preliminary final time. Let's go Wonders. #WondersWinEpicFinals akkaps ArdentEagle Off Tap mike123 bomberlegend2007 SSwans2011 craffles dogs105 BallaratBulldog BlueMaster1 J_Chadwick Kangaroos4eva haydo SweetD ClarkeM Sab22 jezzajay Elmer_Judd Marklar_33 Crusty Undies croweater 41 Grand...
  3. Grand Uncle Horace

    Who said "Can you hear me beez voter"?

    ...the outset my Wonders have no interest in glory hounds. We famously kicked Ant Bear to the kerb for this behaviour. We know #WondersWinEpicFinals and that is all that matters. I hope on the beez voting, Mozzie19 and co have waved two fingers and on behalf of the Wonders refused to vote. On...
  4. Grand Uncle Horace

    Media Serial Stats: The S31 "People's Choice" ALL-SFA Team - Team Complete!!

    serial_thrilla SFA fails in big matches. #WondersWinEpicFinals #firstto6
  5. Grand Uncle Horace

    Official Match Thread S31 First Qualifying Final: Gumbies FFC vs West Coast Wonders The House of Gumby (MOTR)

    Barrybran is already asleep. Congrats Gumbies on your season. Hope for your sake you do not lose next week. As for us, #WondersWinEpicFinals
  6. Grand Uncle Horace

    Official Match Thread S31 First Qualifying Final: Gumbies FFC vs West Coast Wonders The House of Gumby (MOTR)

    We have got this. The Wonders are the living history of the Comp, the Gumbies are the hysterical sidelight. #WondersWinEpicFinals
  7. Grand Uncle Horace

    Official Match Thread Season 31 - Round 10: West Coast Wonders vs Gumbies FFC at The Colosseum

    Hello Wonders - you absolute sexy stars of the Comp. #WondersWinEpicFinals #firsttosix and hello again to my mates at the Gumbarellas. I promise to post on game day. For some strange reason after Thursday evening my typing stumps were a little worse for wear. Think I was mashing about the...