It's Miller Time on Dayne's Nuts

Logic prevails. Anybody supporting Touk in this is a tool
Don’t have a problem with the outcome if they have good evidence but pulling it out on a Thursday right before teams drop is bullshit. If it didn’t get pulled up by the MRO then too bad, you can’t retrospectively ban someone after a storm is kicked up otherwise it completely undermines the entire system.
Don’t have a problem with the outcome if they have good evidence but pulling it out on a Thursday right before teams drop is bullshit. If it didn’t get pulled up by the MRO then too bad, you can’t retrospectively ban someone after a storm is kicked up otherwise it completely undermines the entire system.
The MRP did their job wrong, and now their mistake has been corrected
Article says Brisbane's medical report made no mention of it.
I mean after he complained of swelling. The swelling might have been worse the following day, after the match day report. Surely you make a claim in the interview, the AFL call the club and get an evaluation.

But groin contact should be games regardless of swelling.
No issue with Miller going but the process is wild. Suns have been training all week assuming Miller was fine until the news Thursday afternoon that he is suspended. The AFL circumvent the tribunal and just slap a ban on him anyway (once again, I have no issue with a ban).

So many failures of process here, the MRO not sighting it, the Lions for not submitting an official request or medical report, the AFL just deciding on a week out of nowhere, it has been a clusterf**k.
There’s the code of giving someone a reference at the tribunal to try and help them get downgraded, now there’s the Zorko code of publicly squealing and trying to get a bloke banned.

**** me what a hypocritical little manlet as well, he’s had plenty of grubby moments and late hits on blokes. I remember him last year getting tagged and toweled up by a 1st year saint in Windhager and him punching him in the guts late after he disposed of the ball. No sooking, no public commentary about “I guess a punch is allowed now” from anyone at the club. The usual late gut punch, it was low impact, so a bit shitty but nothing major, the kind of thing Zorko would make into a shitstorm though based on this…

EDIT: Zorko: WAH.

Also Zorko:

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As if I needed another reason to dislike Zorko.

He's also a snitch.

Dishes it out but when it’s returned, ........ whah.

Grabbing the aggots does occur, and not something that I agree with. My understanding is that most players retaliate against the aggressor on the field (eg. run aggressor off their feet, ruckman has a quiet word, screened by another player).
The MRP did their job wrong, and now their mistake has been corrected
Opens up a huge can of worms though. Can the AFL just choose to ban anyone late in the week because they “found more evidence”? If the MRO missed it then too bad, he’s made more than a handful of shit calls this year. Improve the MRO, don’t undermine the system.
Zorko has proven himself as a player happy to play on the edge. He’s engaged in several acts over his career which were unethical and bordering on suspension. No different from what he experienced.

He’s chosen to put Touk in the frame here on national radio and he should expect, rightfully, to be subject to acute scrutiny from here on out for his own provocation. Continued shit behaviour in my view.
Zorko has proven himself as a player happy to play on the edge. He’s engaged in several acts over his career which were unethical and bordering on suspension. No different from what he experienced.

He’s chosen to put Touk in the frame here on national radio and he should expect, rightfully, to be subject to acute scrutiny from here on out for his own provocation. Continued s**t behaviour in my view.
Dude, he’s grabbed, held on and squeezed his testicles. Your rant is bemusing.
The AFL's handling of this entire situation is embarassing.

Player raised incident in the moment. Nothing. MRP reviewed the footage post game. Nothing. It took the victim to make comments in the media for the AFL to take notice and do anything about it.

And now we've somehow magically landed on a 1 week suspension which seems manifestally inadequate.

Genuine question of whether this was careless or intentional. If the intital grip was an accident he certainly held it long enough. By the end of it all Touk knew what he was clutching. And impact? Personally I'd call bruised nuts severe impact, high at a minimum.

This should have gone straight to the tribunal.
Love Touk Miller, what a champ!
No issue with Miller going but the process is wild. Suns have been training all week assuming Miller was fine until the news Thursday afternoon that he is suspended. The AFL circumvent the tribunal and just slap a ban on him anyway (once again, I have no issue with a ban).

So many failures of process here, the MRO not sighting it, the Lions for not submitting an official request or medical report, the AFL just deciding on a week out of nowhere, it has been a clusterf**k.
Weak from the Suns not to challenge this one.

Carlton’s lawyers would have handled it easily.
Balls-up from start to finish
Brisbane made no mention in the medical report.
MRO cleared it.
Zorko (apologies to any lifelong Zorko fan club members here) went the passive aggressive plaintive wail in the media.
Unsurprising, he's a deadshit of a human being.
AFL takes another look
Miller found guilty, only gets one week.
If it's a genuine squirrel grip, that's on the very light side, regardless of Zorko being the least likeable footballer going around.
Punishment announced far too late in the week, presumably tying GC's hands on the appeals front.
Pretty ordinary process from go to woah.
Balls-up from start to finish
Brisbane made no mention in the medical report.
MRO cleared it.
Zorko (apologies to any lifelong Zorko fan club members here) went the passive aggressive plaintive wail in the media.
Unsurprising, he's a deadshit of a human being.
AFL takes another look
Miller found guilty, only gets one week.
If it's a genuine squirrel grip, that's on the very light side, regardless of Zorko being the least likeable footballer going around.
Punishment announced far too late in the week, presumably tying GC's hands on the appeals front.
Pretty ordinary process from go to woah.
I would have thought a fine would have been more appropriate given that the AFL stuffed up this process so badly and only made a decision on it today.

Harsh to slap a suspension on a player this late in the week when the Suns had planned on him playing.
I would have thought a fine would have been more appropriate given that the AFL stuffed up this process so badly and only made a decision on it today.

Harsh to slap a suspension on a player this late in the week when the Suns had planned on him playing.

Or they should have given 2 weeks which is what it deserves.
well i hope if some of the posters itt get grabbed by the nuts at work they just continue about their business as usual like nothing happened

would seem to be the attitude they would like zorko to take based on their posting
Touk could’ve intentionally broken Zorko’s arms and you’d still have people backing him. Maybe, just maybe he’s a litttle more over the top and ungentlemen-like than you think ;)

Same goes for Petty and the triggered Dees fans on here 😂
Touk could’ve intentionally broken Zorko’s arms and you’d still have people backing him.
**** oath, I’d be a brand new signed up and paid in full lifetime Suns member if this happened, 100%

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It's Miller Time on Dayne's Nuts

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