Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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This taylor swift s*t needs to stop. Its driving me ****** nuts, they do the film, they did the concert, they bought all the s**t, its on the spotify in the car constantly, its now on in the lounge as disney have put it on their stream… MAKE IT STOP!!!!
Do you know that she made one of these for you...
It's in the premium range too.

Very special!
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spoiler ahead, epic rant...

sheesh , what a 24 hours, got a call from the missus at work yesterday, saying a couple of the troughs were low and the header tanks was empty, so asked her to look around and see where the leak was, before i got home, turns out one of the troughs valves was freerunning and overfilled the trough and leaked all the header tank contents, fortunately i had a few IBCs full of water and went round to all the troughs and filled them all of from a couple of IBCs, Meanwhile i hooked up the petrol pump as we have solar lift pumps and it was getting dark.

Gave the pump a full tank and let it rip, new pump and bugger wouldn't start! so takes it back to the shop as its dark in the field, Has no spark, turns out there was low oil in it and the oil sensor was doing its job ( stupid me coulda turned out pretty bad!!) . Pump filled with oil and started on about 3rd pull, went back set it all up and put a tank of fuel through it to let it lift some water, got up this morning and the stock had drunk the troughs back down so back with the IBCs and fill em up again then thinking there should have been some water back in the header tank form last night?

turns out there is an airlock in the branch feeding the west branch. fortunately the west branch goes past the barn that got its own potable water and pump so i hooks the hose up to a tee and begin pumping potable water into the feed back towards the header tank, nip back up to the trough , and its popping and farting air out , then a slug of water arrives and the trough starts filling, so i shut the local trough **** and walk back up the the header tank, by now i can hear the remaining air bubbles that were in the line bleeding out, and the water arrives. go back to the barn, shut of and disconnect the potable water and were back in business.
spoiler ahead, epic rant...

sheesh , what a 24 hours, got a call from the missus at work yesterday, saying a couple of the troughs were low and the header tanks was empty, so asked her to look around and see where the leak was, before i got home, turns out one of the troughs valves was freerunning and overfilled the trough and leaked all the header tank contents, fortunately i had a few IBCs full of water and went round to all the troughs and filled them all of from a couple of IBCs, Meanwhile i hooked up the petrol pump as we have solar lift pumps and it was getting dark.

Gave the pump a full tank and let it rip, new pump and bugger wouldn't start! so takes it back to the shop as its dark in the field, Has no spark, turns out there was low oil in it and the oil sensor was doing its job ( stupid me coulda turned out pretty bad!!) . Pump filled with oil and started on about 3rd pull, went back set it all up and put a tank of fuel through it to let it lift some water, got up this morning and the stock had drunk the troughs back down so back with the IBCs and fill em up again then thinking there should have been some water back in the header tank form last night?

turns out there is an airlock in the branch feeding the west branch. fortunately the west branch goes past the barn that got its own potable water and pump so i hooks the hose up to a tee and begin pumping potable water into the feed back towards the header tank, nip back up to the trough , and its popping and farting air out , then a slug of water arrives and the trough starts filling, so i shut the local trough utensil and walk back up the the header tank, by now i can hear the remaining air bubbles that were in the line bleeding out, and the water arrives. go back to the barn, shut of and disconnect the potable water and were back in business.
What a massive PITA though I did chuckle at “local trough utensil”.
Not really grumpy but an older.

Have moved from reading and distance glasses to progressive lenses this week.

So far so good.

**** me OPSM are expensive. Saved over $400 by going online through vision direct for exactly the same frames and top of the line lenses. OPSM did my eye test, did the order online from vision direct and they arrived 8 days from when I ordered - very happy with the service and quality of my new specs.

The progressives are rubbish for computer stuff though, currently using my old reading glasses for that but will get a pair just for computer use.
Not really grumpy but an older.

Have moved from reading and distance glasses to progressive lenses this week.

So far so good.

* me OPSM are expensive. Saved over $400 by going online through vision direct for exactly the same frames and top of the line lenses. OPSM did my eye test, did the order online from vision direct and they arrived 8 days from when I ordered - very happy with the service and quality of my new specs.

The progressives are rubbish for computer stuff though, currently using my old reading glasses for that but will get a pair just for computer use.
Without going into all the medical shit behind it, if you know the number to look for when seeking out glasses, try Big W, may save a few thousand.
Without going into all the medical s**t behind it, if you know the number to look for when seeking out glasses, try Big W, may save a few thousand.
For single vision it's probably OK. But for coke bottle guys like blackshadow he might need to have a proper fitting to align the graduations in the specific frames he's chosen.

I broke my only pair of glasses (about 15 years ago I think) and I got replacements from Big W while I waited on the real glasses to be fixed. I didn't like the Big W ones I got - there must have been something wrong with them as they were no better than the $5 magnifiers I bought as an interim. Anyway, I went back to the real optometrist when he'd fixed my originals and he suggested multi-focals. His quote was outrageous so I went elsewhere as I was able to get two for $249 (add a bit for multis, subtract a bit for being 60+ and then claim the $200 back and they're nearly free). But don't worry. My wife manages to spend an outrageous amount on glasses to make up for every cent I save.

How's this for making me grumpy...

She likes her frames but wanted a stronger prescription. She gets the new lenses made on the basis that she didn't need to pay for frames. Must save some $$$'s. Right?

No. That's a re-lens and it's a premium service.

When she goes to pick them up she noticed that they still had exactly the same frames in stock. She asked how much it would have cost if she'd bought new frames and it was something like $80 less. EXACTLY the same frames. Same colour and everything.

Finally I've convinced her to go to the place I go to.

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Crikey Chief does anyone test big footy when new ads are loaded? The ads are stealing focus on android and the site is intermittently running like a dog.
They would, but the ads are still loading and their screen is all frozen like.
$75 for a round of Pints at the Y&G makes me grumpy
You could have gone to Platform 28. Their prices would have made you weep (I'm assuming that round wasn't for just 3 pints).

Seriously though, you come up from the country. Wear rubber boots and shove a can down the front of each leg. Then two cans stubbies in each pocket of your blanket coat. That's a six pack sorted and the metal detectors won't pick 'em up!
You could have gone to Platform 28. Their prices would have made you weep (I'm assuming that round wasn't for just 3 pints).

Seriously though, you come up from the country. Wear rubber boots and shove a can down the front of each leg. Then two cans stubbies in each pocket of your blanket coat. That's a six pack sorted and the metal detectors won't pick 'em up!
You could have gone to Platform 28. Their prices would have made you weep (I'm assuming that round wasn't for just 3 pints).

Seriously though, you come up from the country. Wear rubber boots and shove a can down the front of each leg. Then two cans stubbies in each pocket of your blanket coat. That's a six pack sorted and the metal detectors won't pick 'em up!

You forgot the hip flask.😁

I'm off the the Forum to see The Dead South, a band that would fit right in in Tasmania. Hopefully the prices are cheaper there.
You could have gone to Platform 28. Their prices would have made you weep (I'm assuming that round wasn't for just 3 pints).

Seriously though, you come up from the country. Wear rubber boots and shove a can down the front of each leg. Then two cans stubbies in each pocket of your blanket coat. That's a six pack sorted and the metal detectors won't pick 'em up!
I know a guy who used to walk in carrying a 6 pack of cans with jacket covering said items, in winter wearing only a tshirt and never had a problem.
Crikey Chief does anyone test big footy when new ads are loaded? The ads are stealing focus on android and the site is intermittently running like a dog.
Yes apparently they are.

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