Until a dark, hilarious day in 2019 one of this board's proudest traditions was Brad Scott Week. Now, thanks to Essendon sacking, unsacking and then resacking their coach in a desperate and futile attempt to secure Clarkson (who chose North instead because this is all connected) last year, Brad Scott Week has emerged from ashes like sooky phoenix.
For those of you who've just joined us, Brad Scott has historically been the biggest baby to ever coach an AFL team. Outdoing even his own twin brother in the whinging stakes, no one has ever managed to make it someone else's fault he lost quite like our Brad. No one's face has struggled to hold back tears as his team blew the chance to win quite like Brad's. No one's lower lip has jutted out while talking about stadium roofs further than Brad's.
And now he's back.
As our mighty club languishes in the cold, dark waters of record-breaking losses, it's time to get back to the good old days and reboot Brad Scott Week for a new audience. Ladies and gentlemen, start your gifs and let's go.
For those of you who've just joined us, Brad Scott has historically been the biggest baby to ever coach an AFL team. Outdoing even his own twin brother in the whinging stakes, no one has ever managed to make it someone else's fault he lost quite like our Brad. No one's face has struggled to hold back tears as his team blew the chance to win quite like Brad's. No one's lower lip has jutted out while talking about stadium roofs further than Brad's.
And now he's back.
As our mighty club languishes in the cold, dark waters of record-breaking losses, it's time to get back to the good old days and reboot Brad Scott Week for a new audience. Ladies and gentlemen, start your gifs and let's go.