Coach Coach for 2025

Who will be our senior coach in 2024

  • Schofield

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • Cox

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Montgomery

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • King

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Lade

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Hinkley

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 17 35.4%

  • Total voters

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Could Leon Cameron be a option? Pyke knows him from Sydney?

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The "hmmm maybe Kern would be a good idea!" crew should really take a step back and wonder why half of Port's BF board is here begging us to take him.

I don't want to delve into the thought patterns of your average Port supporter.

in trouble stuart mccormick GIF by South Park
Could Leon Cameron be a option? Pyke knows him from Sydney?

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Had the most talented list in the afl for the better part of 5yrs and could get it done. Nup

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Like this from Hansen. Spoke confidently and clearly whilst refusing to disclose his intentions, preferring to keep any discussions with us private

He’d be a good fit
The "hmmm maybe Kern would be a good idea!" crew should really take a step back and wonder why half of Port's BF board is here begging us to take him
As if any numpty on Bigfooty, especially feral and entitled Port posters have any idea on what it takes to be a good AFL coach.

If the club feels that Ken is indeed the best fit then I would back them in to make the right call.

I believed both Simpson and Hinkley should have been let go last year if not before, not because they are not good coaches, they had just ran their race with their respective lists and need to start afresh.

Both are quality coaches, they just remained in their roles for far too long.

As much as I dispise Port, I admire the interstate player retention they have had and the players seem to really respect Ken, this will be a very important consideration going forward in a list rebuild.

Like this from Hansen. Spoke confidently and clearly whilst refusing to disclose his intentions, preferring to keep any discussions with us private

He’d be a good fit

Absolute f*cken twit of an interviewer took 4 goes to get the message that he wasn't going to give him the sound byte he was after. Far out.

Like this from Hansen. Spoke confidently and clearly whilst refusing to disclose his intentions, preferring to keep any discussions with us private

He’d be a good fit

Agree with your post.

Loved his reply to the question as to if he is interested in the West Coast job.

He did a wonderful job of conveying heaps of spiel …… but the message was a cLear YES , he is very interested in the job

I would be happy with the Club interviewing him.

As I have said here before, I am open to any Coach …. Providing the due process and an extensive thorough search and selection process is undertaken.

Unlike some here I trust and have faith in Pyke & Gains to do this well and right.

While I am at it: can’t wait till the Chairpersons baton is passed on as Fitznothing has been a light weight leader as was his predecessor Gibbs.

We are a big Club and we have sadly got complacent and taken our eye of the ball.
Do that in an ever changing, dynamic industry and you generally get your arse handed to you on a plate. If you don’t improve EVERY year by at least 5% then you are going backwards.

We had become stale, complacent, flaccid and totally soggy limp biscuit.

Pyke is step one to a revival.
New Chair is step two.
New Head Coach is step three.

Plus a systematic review and refresh of ALL departments and staff is an urgent must do. ( The good news is that this process is already underway ).

Then the Club needs to do a complete in-depth review and a forensic analysis of the WHY and HOW we slipped so *ing badly and then moving forward, put in place the necessary measures and safeguards to ensure that it’s not repeated and we don’t ever go down this rabbit hole ever again.

Just my two bobs worth.
Last edited:
Simmo when hired - Inexperienced.
Woosha when hired - inexperienced.
John Todd when hired - inexperienced.
Ron Alexander when hired - inexperienced.

The other experienced coaches we have had:
Ken Judge who lasted 2 seasons had 4 years at Hawthorn
Malthouse had 6 seasons at Footscray and only played finals in one season of that 6 for 2L 1W

So it's hit and miss no matter which way you go.
I just want the best candidate.

Todd and Alexander were both very experienced coaches.

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As if any numpty on Bigfooty, especially feral and entitled Port posters have any idea on what it takes to be a good AFL coach.

If the club feels that Ken is indeed the best fit then I would back them in to make the right call.
Granted we have turned over the majority of front line staff over the year, however based on the past:

6 years of accountability and standards - no faith
12 years of drafting any mids outside the 1sr round - no faith
Developing players in the last 6 years outside a select few - little faith

Harsh, maybe. But show me rather than tell me, because i don't believe a single word.
Agree with your post.

Loved his reply to the question as to if he is interested in the West Coast job.

He did a wonderful job of conveying heaps of spiel …… but the message was a cLear YES , he is very interested in the job

I would be happy with the Club interviewing him.

As I have said here before, I am open to any Coach …. Providing the due process and an extensive thorough search and selection process is undertaken.

Unlike some here I trust and have faith in Pyke & Gains to do this well and right.

While I am at it: can’t wait till the Chairpersons baton is passed on as Fitznothing has been a light weight leader as was his predecessor Gibbs.

We are a big Club and we have sadly got complacent and taken our eye of the ball.
Do that in an ever changing, dynamic industry and you generally get your arse handed to you on a plate. If you don’t improve EVERY year by at least 5% then you are going backwards.

We had become stale, complacent, flaccid and totally soggy limp biscuit.

Pyke is step one to a revival.
New Chair is step two.
New Head Coach is step three.

Plus a systematic review and refresh of ALL departments and staff is an urgent must do. ( The good news is that this process is already underway ).

Then the Club needs to do a complete in-depth review and a forensic analysis of the WHY and HOW we slipped so *ing badly and then moving forward, put in place the necessary measures and safeguards to ensure that it’s not repeated and we don’t ever go down this rabbit hole ever again.

Just my two bobs worth.
Can I have an amen

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Jaymie Graham saying he’d answer the call and says what everyone knows that he has senior aspirations

Compared to Hansen sounds less confident in himself
Between Buckley and Hinkley does someone know the road of how they became head coach?

For me, I really think the choice should be made on someone with experience of two or more clubs, in different roles/lines and hopefully be apart of premiership side.

Buckley has only known one club and probably giving the golden ticket too. Just my two cents.
Hansen still my first choice but warming to Hinkley. He can coach, players seem to love him, can develop a midfield.

Simmo can also coach. Just reached the end of the line with the Eagles. Could be the same with Hinkley and Port.
If there is any supporter base more entitled the Eagles one it is Ports. Because Hinkley hasn't won a flag he can't coach. Has never won less than 10 games in a season at Port. We can only dream of that being our bottom.
I'm not advocating for him to be coach but I won't crack the sads if the club thinks he's the man either.

Jaymie Graham

Compared to Hansen sounds less confident in himself

Was exactly my first thought. First impressions count as they say!

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The "hmmm maybe Kern would be a good idea!" crew should really take a step back and wonder why half of Port's BF board is here begging us to take him.
There seems to be a large cohort on here who want an untried assistant because that is a blank canvas they can paint all their hopes and dreams on to. And they tell themselves that we will find this magical assistant who is a genius that everybody has overlooked except us, and they will have all these genius ideas to do with the game plan. And the magical new gameplan will be the magic bullet that solves all our problems and washes away 10 years worth of sins in terms of bad drafting, trading and development of players.

I would say those people need to get a grip and stop looking for silver bullets. They oppose Hinkley because he has a real world track record with successes and failures on it and so they can't fool themselves into thinking he is the magic bullet where everything he touches turns to gold like they can with the untried assistant.

And there is a heavy overlap between that group of posters and the Sanchez crew of pro Simpson psychos and fanatics who defended Simpson for all this time and said there was no need for a rebuild.

I am not cheering for Ken. But i am not against it either. And i can understand why the club would want an experienced operator where you know where the floor is going to be in terms of his performance and output. You know what you are getting and deem it to be good enough to do what needs to be done over the next 3 years at the club. There are no silver bullets. We dug ourselves into this hole and the climb out of it will require hard work, good decisions, stability and the endurance of some more pain by supporters. Magic game plans are not going to get it done.
There seems to be a large cohort on here who want an untried assistant because that is a blank canvas they can paint all their hopes and dreams on to. And they tell themselves that we will find this magical assistant who is a genius that everybody has overlooked except us, and they will have all these genius ideas to do with the game plan. And the magical new gameplan will be the magic bullet that solves all our problems and washes away 10 years worth of sins in terms of bad drafting, trading and development of players.

I would say those people need to get a grip and stop looking for silver bullets. They oppose Hinkley because he has a real world track record with successes and failures on it and so they can't fool themselves into thinking he is the magic bullet where everything he touches turns to gold like they can with the untried assistant.

And there is a heavy overlap between that group of posters and the Sanchez crew of pro Simpson psychos and fanatics who defended Simpson for all this time and said there was no need for a rebuild.

I am not cheering for Ken. But i am not against it either. And i can understand why the club would want an experienced operator where you know where the floor is going to be in terms of his performance and output. You know what you are getting and deem it to be good enough to do what needs to be done over the next 3 years at the club. There are no silver bullets. We dug ourselves into this hole and the climb out of it will require hard work, good decisions, stability and the endurance of some more pain by supporters. Magic game plans are not going to get it done.

Magic game plans? Every single club in the league try to play the same game plan. The ones who are more experienced and drilled with it do it much better than others. Some clubs have the talent to implement it and others don’t.
We are one of the others that are miles off playing the leagues run and stun game plan, we are still right at the beginning.
People need to stop getting carried away that all these clubs have different game plans. It’s all very similar, some are just much better at it than others.
AFL footy comes all the way back to discipline, commitment, buying into team everything and sacrifice.
We have been operating on a 3 out of 10 in reaching those accepted standards for over 5 years.
Like you said mate, there is no magic game plan, there is simply a new voice, new message, new standards and if you don’t buy in then move on as we don’t need you.
If there is any supporter base more entitled the Eagles one it is Ports. Because Hinkley hasn't won a flag he can't coach. Has never won less than 10 games in a season at Port. We can only dream of that being our bottom.
I'm not advocating for him to be coach but I won't crack the sads if the club thinks he's the man either.
Tbf Ports list has been good enough to have made a few gf appearances and even won a flag under him and I can see the frustration and displeasure.

I’m a know Hinkley hater and I previously stated that I’d not watch us if we land Hinkley but now I’m gonna retract that statement. I’m now coming around to the fact that our next coach won’t be our flag coach but I feel like a Hinkley if we do land him can build the team up where it can start to look competitive again. Where a new young coach perhaps can come in a take that side over an build on from a team that Hinkley built.

Woosha like Simmo had his expiration but he helped develop that core team when we were good and Simmo was able to take on that side and take them to the next level. I don’t believe we have enough young talent where a new inexperienced coach can build apon and take the side to the next level.

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Coach Coach for 2025
