Roast Who else won’t renew their membership next year?

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2022 was the last for me. Being in WA it was no great sacrifice as I wasn't giving up good seats, as I expect many of you have to consider. When the Kochead came out with his "ask me again in August" line I did indeed wait until August, but when he gave Donuts yet another extension - before the finals - that was the final straw for me.
Stopped a couple of years back.
At first it feels a little weird but you eventually appreciate having your weekends back and a few extra dollars in your pocket.
It's now at the point where I am unsure I'll sign back up even if Hinkley goes.
I would 'cancel' except the AFL no longer allows you to change your club affiliation with AFL memberships.
We cancelled our memberships a couple of months ago after the incident with our Daughter.
To the clubs credit they stepped up and righted the wrong, gave us some free tickets to a game and sent my Daughter a personally signed, framed picture of her hero JHF.

As a result we made the decision to return to as many games as we could for the remainder of this season and sign up again for 2025.
We paid over $200 for GA showdown tickets and nearly that again for last nights game but after that performance I just cant do it.

Like a lot of families, money is tight. Were 3 years into a house build that has been a nightmare and are paying rent to keep a roof over our heads and a mortgage for a house we have no idea of when it'll be finished.
Weve been going without other things to get to the footy as its our one place we can go to forget about life for 3hrs, but you can only take so much.

I wasnt sure how we'd go last night, I thought I was quietly confident but perhaps Im just so used to finals failures that my calmness was infact numbness.
I know you cant always win but to just give in and roll over, unforgiveable.

Im not going to the semi, with the exception of JHF you just cant trust them to show up so why should we.
And that hurts to say because its been a long time since I've been excited to go and watch a genuine superstar like Jase do his thing.

I'll tune in next week and cheer them on in hope that they can get it done and see what happens from there.
That's exactly what I did, haha.

Saw Robbie's last game out of respect for the absolute champion (it was the only game I went to that year.)

Then pulled the pin.

Only difference is I don't emotionally nor financially invest in sport at all anymore.

It's all about vintage toys, random 80s crap and mid-century furniture and design for me, lol...

View attachment 2102327
I spent a small fortune on a brand new bike in July and that's taking up nearly all my spare time. Currently sitting on 9,200 km's x 175,000 metres of vertical for the year. Should comfortably hit 13,000km x 250,000m by years end.

Thankyou Port. 20240730_114625.jpg
Was a member from ~2002-2019. Didn't renew after our massive lost to North with Top 8 on the line. COVID then made it financially silly to be a member, plus the disdain for the regime.
Wanted to vote for Tredrea for the board and couldn't as I wasn't a member in 2023. Joined up as Tredders won the vote and I still think he represents my views on the current coach. On the whole, definitely less emotionally invested when compared to ~5 years ago: watching less games, buying less merchandise etc. Unfortunately as AFL has become more about entertainment than sport (mirroring global trends), I can't see myself rediscovering the passion.

I have cancelled my auto-renewal for the time being: I will reassess depending on coaching turnover.

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If they trade Houston and keep Hinkley, either or both, I'm out.

I also notice on my membership renewal that they have me as a continuous member since 2021. This was the year that I upgraded my seats, I've been going weekly since I arrived in Adelaide in 2000!
What happens if you ask to be taken off auto renew, do you automatically lose your seats? Do you have a few months to see how things pan out before re-committing?

On iPhone using mobile app
You get a few months to calm down.

I've done it a few times!
Stopped financially investing at the end of 2017.

Emotionally investing I can't help myself regardless of who is in charge, because of the history and players. I've watched every game without fail since 1997. All the weddings I had to sneak out watch on phones etc, I just can't throw that away.

I'm actually OK with kochie...even though he does irritate me at times.

The other leaders and coach though, I try not to acknowledge they exist, it's just healthier in my opinion not to give these people any investment of Emotion.
Will not renew the membership unless Hinkley leaves or is booted. I would love to see the figures for total membership revenue (as opposed to total membership numbers). Despite membership numbers increasing significantly, I don't expect that the total income would have grown massively from these meaningless memberships. By the end of the season they were offering free memberships for people to go to a game as a way of getting their contact information!
Thats 5 season tickets and 4 non ticketed memberships we will not be renewing next year.

I cannot possibly support this club financially any longer until the coach, the president and the ceo are out the door.

Going by some reports, you'll still be added to the membership records.
Funnily enough my renewal notice came in the mail yesterday.

When I took it from the letterbox I was thinking, you idiots think this is clever wont be!
I’ve lost track if this was my third or fourth season since cancelling. I’d had platinum since we joined the AFL and from 2008 at least two of them. I’m not getting a membership again until Hinkley is gone. Even then I’m only going to 3 games, I’ve gotten used to doing other things on weekends and even when he’s gone the club isn’t going to be such a core part of how I self-identify.
I emotionally checked out after 2017, & finally withdrew all funds after the horrific WBD PF loss. There have been times where I’ve felt guilty about not financially supporting the club, but than results like last night happen & the guilt is completely washed away.

I will never return until every last one of the self serving hijackers have been kicked to the curb side.
I canned my membership in 2020 and I told the bloke who took my call why, ie no more money from me until kern and koch are gone.

My son used to attend most Adelaide oval games and he got a number of his mates to join the club as well, but as far as I am aware they are all so disillusioned they are no longer members and none of them have attended games for at least 3 or 4 years.

A mate who posts here occasionally and my self attended most Alberton games until 2020, and we regularly spent money at the club, but I haven't been anywhere near Alberton oval since and I had been a Maggie's member since the very early 1970's.

I still received emails throughout 2021, but after that PF debacle against the bulldogs I contacted the club and pulled the pin on them as well.

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Roast Who else won’t renew their membership next year?

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