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  1. Eagle-Eye

    Toast Mark Hutchings (2013 - 2021)

    I want your crystal ball!
  2. Eagle-Eye

    Toast Mark Hutchings (2013 - 2021)

    Can you imagine the noise if Jetta did that? ;)
  3. Eagle-Eye

    ASADA defied as banned dog at work. 2/3: Prismall no longer working for Dogs

    The Greek athlete was not found "innocent". Why don't you get the correct facts first? This is the opinion of a CLEAN athlete: "Greek athlete, Hrysopiyi Devetzi: she won the Olympic silver medal in Athens, and bronze in Beijing. She has been banned from the sport since 2009, not because she...
  4. Eagle-Eye

    Play Nice The "can CAS do a de novo hearing" even if the AFL code said it couldnt thread

    You are right, to a degree. The CAS cannot enforce a penalty to be made by any other sporting body. It can only judge either for or against the parties that appeal to it. Judgement and penalties are then ruled by the verdict. What the heck is your point here?
  5. Eagle-Eye

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    I wish I could like this more than once. I am so fed up with hearing about how "inept" ASADA was. They had a difficult job to do and faced legal challenges (and bullying) all the way.
  6. Eagle-Eye

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    And yet they banned Dank for trafficking TB4:rolleyes:
  7. Eagle-Eye

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    Reading notes written by Tania.
  8. Eagle-Eye

    Peter Gordon explores Swiss appeal and injunction on suspension

    Be careful. That may come back to haunt you one day. Like 2012.
  9. Eagle-Eye

    Peter Gordon explores Swiss appeal and injunction on suspension

    Such as? Care to qualify?
  10. Eagle-Eye

    Peter Gordon explores Swiss appeal and injunction on suspension

    That is an excellent question and I would be interested in hearing the answer to. I too wonder why ASADA would follow the more difficult route by choice.
  11. Eagle-Eye

    Peter Gordon explores Swiss appeal and injunction on suspension

    Yup, better to say nothing and be considered an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  12. Eagle-Eye

    Hird to have his say

    Agree with everything except 'acting dumb". Darce doesn't have to act. He's too dumb to act.
  13. Eagle-Eye

    Howletts wife speaks her mind:

    The Crunulla players admitted to taking peds. The Essendon players are STILL denying it. That's the difference.
  14. Eagle-Eye

    Hird to have his say

    Especially when JH texts Corcoran "Reidy wants to shut everything down!"
  15. Eagle-Eye

    Hird to have his say

    James Hird is protecting "Brand Hird". He is still under the delusion that he can come out of this smelling like roses. The only interesting thing will be how many others he points fingers at and puts the blame on.
  16. Eagle-Eye

    Should we really feel sorry for the players?

    They were given "recovery" injections a day or so after the game. Well within that time frame. They lied by omission.
  17. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Love that you follow my posts so much. A true fan! Yay! Not sure about the showing up bit...didn't we do that to you lot last week? :D
  18. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation've quoted two of my posts! In one reply! *feeling special* :D
  19. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    I'm shocked to be reading this (sorry, need to be active in the HTB Asada thread to appreciate this). Regardless what "school" you are in, unless you were privy to the whole tribunal deliberation then you have no idea behind the reasoning.
  20. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Dunno...he might get remembered for how a bite becomes biting when someone rams his forearm in your mouth.
  21. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Next time I'll bring up the nazis and you can really get your rocks off.
  22. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Suban got one week...Masten got two. Says it all really. Hey, are you in Wood Green in London? Stayed there for a few weeks a zillion years ago.
  23. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Somehow I don't think Suban is going to be treated so well by opposing teams either...they know his face gouging actions too well ;)
  24. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    You clown, you ;)
  25. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Suban has prior rep for interfering with oppostion player's faces. 2013 GF ring a bell?
  26. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    *Sniff*...yeah, bro, I think i can make it.. :D
  27. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Oh FFS. Either you are having a lend or you need your head read.
  28. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Why are you so concerned with how many posts I've made? Is there bragging rights involved? A medal? A premiership medal? Or is just "post count" snobbery?
  29. Eagle-Eye

    Chris Masten biting allegation

    Obviously not like you, sweetheart ;) You've been around the tracks several times, eh? And how very apt that you are only a premiership player...but no medal :)