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  1. Roddy

    Analysis Hawthorn rebuild: are they tanking?

    YeAh bUt dA mEdiA sAiD wE iS sO iT mUsT bE tRuE!!
  2. Roddy

    Opinion Geelong's era of dominance over

    You didn’t read the post, did you. That, or you read it but didn’t understand it. Or, you read it and only saw what you wanted to see, not what’s actually there. So, read it again, and try to comprehend what’s actually been said. And while you’re at it, look up what the word ‘relative’ means….
  3. Roddy

    Opinion Geelong's era of dominance over

    I don't think we can see Geelong as anything but massive underachievers (and it's all relative of course). For all their 'dominance', for all their 'incredible winning percentage', and with the talent that's fallen into their laps and the teams they've fielded in this time, the fact that they've...
  4. Roddy

    The Greatest Finals Player Ever

    You realise this is the same as any award, yeah? Brownlow, Coleman, Norm Smith, any number of B&Fs etc etc. And you realise the Ayres award was introduced less than ten years ago, yeah? Was this supposed to be an argument’ against it? Because it’s one of the weakest I’ve ever seen…
  5. Roddy

    The Greatest Finals Player Ever

    There's a reason why the Gary Ayres award is called the Gary Ayres award. Could very well have had three Normies, was awesome in the '83 GF too....
  6. Roddy

    Coach Sam Mitchell - where is the pressure?

    If you haven't seen the media blowtorch being applied to Sammy and us this week, you must be walking around with a blindfold on and your ears stuffed with cotton wool....
  7. Roddy

    If You Could Change 1 Grand Final Result - For Your Team or Other - Which Would It Be???

    2012, that would give us four in a row, which has only been done once before, and never in the AFL.
  8. Roddy

    Coach Luke Beveridge & the Dogs - is his time up? Where are they at?

    When I watch the Doggies these days, I see lines and lines talent but very little in the way of hunger and energy....
  9. Roddy

    Worst afl player you've seen (and why)

    As far as players who were given excruciating amounts of time to prove themselves and still never did, the name Tim O'Brien springs to mind. Crossed to the dogs and has disappeared. Don't even know if he's still there without looking it up....
  10. Roddy

    Here he is... Heeney is ready to take over

    Can he be the GOAT???
  11. Roddy

    NO TROLLS Racism Bombshell Claim - Carlton and Essendon Named

    It’s an Australian thing. Just look at the recent Voice vote. Imagine voting to deny your indigenous population a say, politically, because some lying gronk on the internet told you it was ‘aPaRThEiT!’ or ‘cOMmUnIsMs!’ and you got sucked in by it. It’s the reality we face here…
  12. Roddy

    NO TROLLS Racism Bombshell Claim - Carlton and Essendon Named

    ...beyond. I think this is partly what people mean when they say they want a return to the 'good old days', days when you could use words like 'n****r', 'b***g', 'p**f', 'f*g', 'b***h' etc with far less in the way of consequences. This is part of the basis of the brain-dead MAGA/PHON ideology...
  13. Roddy

    Hawthorn to play finals in 2024?

    Pipe dream at this stage. The club will continue to roll out the company line in public, saying we're not putting limits on ourselves etc, but behind closed doors they'll be realistic about where we're at. We needed everything to go right, but too much has gone wrong already, and the season...
  14. Roddy

    Backing up a grand final loss and winning a flag the next year

    We are the masters of this across the last half-century: Lost in '75, came back and won in '76. Lost in '85, came back and won in '86. Lost in '87, came back and won 3 of the next 4. Lost in '12, came back and won the next 3 in a row.
  15. Roddy

    Mitch Lewis is on the verge of big things

    I actually think the jury is still out on Mitch, but the door is open and they're about to be called to give their verdict. It's this year for him, will he be an injury-prone couldabeen, or the big, bold, pack-crashing, grab-clunking, goal-scoring gun we THINK he can be?
  16. Roddy

    Sydney… the biggest club in the land??

    There's a 'Melbourne' in the NRL?
  17. Roddy

    Which Grand Final or Big Final was the '' one that got away '' For your Team?

    The Darrin ‘I must fall all over myself and turn myself inside out to get the bummers over the line today’ Goldspink game. It was like he was under orders that day. Still rankles me to this day, that game. Brisbane PROBABLY would have handled us easily the week after, but you never know...
  18. Roddy

    Which Grand Final or Big Final was the '' one that got away '' For your Team?

    Yes I’m well aware of that. That’s why I worded it as ‘conceivably’ rather than ‘did’….
  19. Roddy

    Hawthorn to play finals in 2024?

    I agree, I think we will, but I also think we'll be inconsistent again. We'll have some great wins, but we'll also have some shockers.
  20. Roddy

    Which Grand Final or Big Final was the '' one that got away '' For your Team?

    Australian football is a game of momentum swings, and that was a game of momentum swings the likes of which I’ve never seen before or since… They capitalised on our poor kicking, just like we did in 08, and they had that momentum when it counted…
  21. Roddy

    Which Grand Final or Big Final was the '' one that got away '' For your Team?

    ‘12. Poor kicking could conceivably have cost us 4 in a row…
  22. Roddy

    Mitch Lewis is on the verge of big things

    Such hilarious lip from someone who supports a club that is a full two decades out from their last, and one and only flag. (Just quietly, we have 4 since then)
  23. Roddy

    Analysis Hawthorn rebuild: are they tanking?

    Bigfooty, never change. Someone please keep putting up dumb posts about Hawthorn so we can laugh our arses off watching the Hawk-envious swarm all over them like flies on a dead turd.....
  24. Roddy

    Opinion Realistically...where's your club finishing and why? (Unbiased edition)

    I’m predicting improvement, but not enough to get us into finals just yet. 9-10 wins. Finals next year. Flag in ‘27.
  25. Roddy

    Hawthorn to play finals in 2024?

  26. Roddy

    Hawthorn to play finals in 2024?

    Clinton was Potus and little Johnny scumbag Howard hadn't even begun to get his vile hooks into our nation. There was barely such a thing as the internet, and grunge was the biggest style of music on the planet....
  27. Roddy

    Mitch Lewis is on the verge of big things

    The funny thing about him is he seems like such a wholesome boy off the field. For a while I thought he might be too nice to be a gorilla KF. But then he started crashing packs and not giving a f*** who got in his way, which is exactly what we needed....
  28. Roddy

    Hawthorn to play finals in 2024?

    It's hilarious how lippy blues supporters are now they have a semi halfway decent side, virtually 3 decades out from their last flag. I remember they were like this too when they got Judd....