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  1. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Didn’t want him but would’ve been good if Freo used some decent cap space on him
  2. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    You rebuild in 3 ways, not just the draft.
  3. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Garcia got a nice big talk up on Foxfooty MWT. Too good for VFL ect. Let’s hope….. somegthing… anything (best 22)
  4. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    DGB? 😐
  5. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Plenty have done things off the field that they shouldn’t. Lesson learnt now?
  6. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    WAFL watches. What is Winder missing to become an AFL player? Seems to have qualities we need.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Get where you are coming from but I don’t see 22yo players (Carroll, Dev) as journey men if we get them. Just getting them out of good systems that have great mids and are putting up great VFL numbers. Are they state league players or afl players? Time will tell. Baker, Cummings and Buss are...
  8. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Tsatas (yes horrible kick but class above VFL so they will try and get games into him) Parish and Hobbs all not as playing atm either.
  9. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    OOC I believe and they have nice depth in their mids. Don’t think it would cost much at all.
  10. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    I’ll mention one and it will set a few off due to we would be his 4th club. Will Setterfield. Decent start to the year and got a knee injury and struggling to get back in as Dons try and go explosive midfield. Would come very cheap if we could get him on board.
  11. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Stock standard. Especially if FOS plays thsi weeks and dominates.
  12. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Have heard the Blues are struggling for list spots too and maybe need points depending on what happens. Don’t think a lot of interest from other clubs.
  13. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition in a simple position with the Tigs now but he would be the first step in becoming competitive and getting the great club back on track. Baker/FOS*/Carroll/Bloke who plays for Brissy and ex WA u18 skipper plus the growth of all the last few years picks would help next year and for another...
  14. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    I’m in the get Baker camp. Sometimes you need a close to possible ‘sure thing’ you know what you are getting and what he should have provide to our side for the next 6-7 years. Had a fair few picks in the draft the last few years. Definitely not splitting the pick especially if it’s pick 2...
  15. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Cummings is a free agent. Don’t have to give anything up. Still need to get Baker over the line and we play nice guys. It will be 23 at a minimum and I think a little more
  16. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Sounds like the contract is all but done for English at the Dogs. Be interesting to see if he gets that 6th year or not.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Gettable update- -Sounds like English deal all but done at the Dogs. -Cal thinks Buss stays at the dogs -Dogs still a chance for TB. -Jack Carroll link to us. -Didn’t say who he thinks is in front of the Baker stakes. 3 long term deals in front of him -Jack Graham likely to stay at the...
  18. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    You want Pyke out already too? One thing to say it to the list boss. (who clearly would already know it) but to stat it publicly and say how aggressive we will be in this area, where clearly we haven’t been is at least a good change in past. Proof will still be in the pudding.
  19. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    What’s the rumoured $$ The Cats and Dees are throwing at Waterman? Band 1? Sound like the deal is pretty much done though
  20. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    It will be, give it time
  21. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Disagree. It’s all about the recruiters having an eye for talent and positional need. If they are better then what you have and the trades come cheap do it. Chol, Ginnivan and Mass all played a lot of VFL last year and have made a huge difference to the way they are playing. Went from players...
  22. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Pyke has stated publicly he told Clarke he has 3 levers to pull to get the list right and expects him to do so. We have never appeared to be on the front foot like some clubs when it’s come to recruiting and trading. I reckon this year we will be.
  23. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    He’s a test in the injury report this week. See how he finishes out the year. Agreed no real reason for them to trace him. Maybe the chance we might finish bottom next year and the small PSD threat or they didn’t expect all of their OOC player to stay and need to free up a lost spot or two...
  24. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Sheldrick I hope, hope he is part of plan A. Pyke has a relationship with him already and have to be in his ear about where he sits in those depth charts. Contract for one more year but surely they will be trying to clear any sort of cap room. Even more so if McDonald signs on. Do like Parfitt...
  25. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    c Cool, don’t need a back and forth clogging up this board even more. You tagged me, I gave you my thoughts. Ive moved on, I’ve learnt to scroll past nearly everything you write. Irrelevant imho.
  26. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Oh ok, sorry….. I’ll do it straight away. Just look back over the last 100 pages or how long you’ve clogged up this board for what ever weird reason. Jog on.
  27. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Yeah im with you. English cost a lot of cap but we should have enough for plenty available for years to come. Baker is no question imo but need to not split and get FOS if available too. Perfect type of player we need. A copy of his cousin Walsh rookie season next year would do wonders
  28. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Clear troll or have minimal idea about footy imho. On one hangs around a teams board let alone a bottom team and negative and disagrees with majority all day every day.
  29. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Need a straight mid this year. No swing at the Mid/Fwd or HBF/Mid. Great draft for it to happen. Fair chance we end up with pick 2 and hopefully get FOS. A few might try and play the I don’t want to move interstate with a big Vic club right behind us or in front.
  30. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Ginbey is going fine, pretty much as expected I would’ve thought, numbers are a little low but no one can find the ball besides Duggan. Will be a great defensive mid imo. Need a link man in the middle and elite kicking half back flankers badly. Will bring in our wingers and mids numbers is...