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  1. Leper

    Best Airline/Worst Airline flown.

    It is hey. It's like it was built in Russia at the height of the Cold War. All grey and concrete with bigger all to do. Odd for a city which values style and architecture so highly.
  2. Leper

    Best Airline/Worst Airline flown.

    Best by a country mile: Singapore. Was fortunate enough to get a consulting gig in Africa for a few visits with business class flights to Paris en route. You know a flight is great when you're actually disappointed when they announce that we're about to descend. Worst by a similar distance...
  3. Leper

    Buying international property

    For the avoidance of doubt, noting your comments on exchange rates, to gain in AUD terms you want the AUD to depreciate against the currency where you've bought, not get stronger. Eg if you bought in the US and the AUD tanked after that you'd kick ass in AUD terms. So if you're trying to gain...
  4. Leper

    Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 2

    (Belated reply).... Glad to hear This is a roof top bar in East Freo for those wondering. Not a sports bar so they won't show you the footy.
  5. Leper

    Keeping a ball that has come onto your property - yay or nay?

    Give it back. Just reward for the fact that they are out kicking a footy with mates rather than playing ****ing computer games all day and other screen related inactivities (yes, I see the irony in this post).
  6. Leper

    Travel Popular Travel Destinations & Holidays You Didn't Like

    Does anyone else see the irony in people visiting places as tourists and then complaining that they are full of tourists / touristy / full of shitheads Hawking crap to tourists?
  7. Leper

    My struggle with online gambling...

    Not read much of the thread, but my take on it is that you only hear people talk of their gambling heroics when they win. Which in reality is less often than usual. Ever heard someone wax lyrical about how they did $500 at the track and another $500 on Richmond to beat Geelong at Kardinia Park...
  8. Leper

    Travel Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore

    Hanoi: 5.4.34 8.5.53 10.6.66 11.8.74 HCMC: 2.3.15 4.9.33 8.13.61 10.15.75 Bad kicking let HCMC down in the second quarter, but following a few favourable umpiring decisions and a goal after the siren HCMC won on the day.
  9. Leper

    Leaving Australia to live overseas.

    Bangkok for 3.5 years; Ho Chi Minh City for 2 years and Jakarta for 3.5 and later 1.5 years. All with a young family (kids born in Melbourne; Bangkok and Jakarta). Loved each and every experience and would do it all again in a heartbeat. Absolutely no regrets.
  10. Leper

    Certified Legendary Thread Chrisco Hampers - who in their right mind buys them ?

    Yeah but the boarded up shops next door look like something out of a Detroit battlezone. Edit - but at least the $1 shop makes things clear: "The Dollar shop. Everything $1".
  11. Leper

    Dumbest things you've heard people say.

    But in Paris, you can buy a beer in McDonalds. An' I aint talkin' 'bout no paper cup. I'm talkin' 'bout a glass 'o beer.
  12. Leper

    Dumbest things you've heard people say.

    American overheard on a plane: "How far do we have to fly east until we start going west?". He thought that once you got so far you started coming back around the other side in the opposite direction.
  13. Leper

    Certified Legendary Thread Chrisco Hampers - who in their right mind buys them ?

    CEO's of banks; finance companies and Gerry Harvey would have a picture of this guy framed on their board room wall and sit around every Friday arvo to jerk off over him and his 999,999 clones and thank them for funding their own lavish lifestyles.
  14. Leper

    Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 2

    Am I the only one who has had the pleasure of driving through Belmont between Perth and the Airport and had this ironic vision....
  15. Leper


    Not funny. On topic..... rode a pushie 8,000km between Anchorage (Alaska) and Tijuana (Mexico).
  16. Leper


    Time to change your user name?
  17. Leper

    Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 2

    Yep, if they were in that league the Eagles would definitely get the double chance on that ladder, and possibly a home final against Singapore at Subiaco (or, at worst, an away game at Orchard Towers.
  18. Leper

    Society/Culture Nutters kill 29 (incl children) on a bus in Egypt. Why does nobody care?

    Thank you for you're intelligent insights (I'm not being facetious, I mean that) into the inner workings of the media. I was hoping someone with media experience would give their 2 cents - so thanks. It pretty much verifies and elaborates on what I thought is how this works. Lack of coverage...
  19. Leper

    Society/Culture Nutters kill 29 (incl children) on a bus in Egypt. Why does nobody care?

    I'm not surprised to hear that, as those are international news channels. My OP is largely a dig at the insular nature of Australian media, in which major international events (good or bad) often take a back seat to mindless drivel..... the latest being a Melbourne mum who wants to "live...
  20. Leper

    Society/Culture Nutters kill 29 (incl children) on a bus in Egypt. Why does nobody care?

    Yep, that was pretty much my point. As a population we are more interested in a convicted drug trafficker coming home (since she is your typical bogan female who so many can relate to?). The media will shove down our throats the stuff that sells papers (and thus sells hamburgers; soft drink...
  21. Leper

    Society/Culture Nutters kill 29 (incl children) on a bus in Egypt. Why does nobody care?

    This happened on Friday, but barely rated a mention in the news. It seems that Schapelle Corby returning to Australia is far bigger news. Where are all of the "Pray for Egypt" slogans and flags littering our facebook feeds? Why don't we see Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop's heads on the...
  22. Leper

    what does everyone think of roquette?

    Thanks perthblue. A pretty accurate assessment if I may say so, except maybe for the penis bit :p. As you've probably worked out I don't post much on here these days. I used to around circa 2005 (mostly dribble I admit, trying to be funny but not really being so?), and I eventually got bored of...
  23. Leper

    How many hours per week do you work

    Yeah and Hawks will be our bitches again this year ;)
  24. Leper

    What's the most f'ed thing you've witnessed in person?

    Hands in the back decision against Richo with 2 minutes to go and 1 point or 2 up in the Dreamtime Game circa 2009..... which we subsequently lost by less than a kick. I've never seen an umpire so deserving of being flattened, and admired Richo's restraint in not doing so. Honourable mention...
  25. Leper

    The Sydney Thread

    :thumbsu: The original Perth is about 30km up the river from Dundee. Or did you mean the one about 20k south of Launceston?
  26. Leper

    Society & Culture Global Terror Attacks

    Five people killed and a couple of dozen seriously injured... but wait.... oh the horror..... AN AUSTRALIAN RESIDENT HAS HURT HER FOOT!!!!!
  27. Leper

    Travel Queues

    It's better to wait in the near queue than the far queue.
  28. Leper

    Building The Perfect Pub

    When I read below, I couldn't help but think of The Orient (though whilst it's not a 100% accurate of it, it's not far off)....
  29. Leper

    Things You Don't Give a Shit About

    All good points, but all but 1 or 2 of those are simply "what you pay" and/or "what you get". With the inevitable discrimination between which sectors of society "get" or "pay" for said services. Want free (or heavily subsidised) tertiary education? (which in my opinion should be the way of the...