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  1. J

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    went down and watched Lyndhurst v Hallam......oh boy. Players (from both sides) missing targets 25m away by foot (by sometimes quite a distance) with little to no pressure, 3m handballs missing targets by 1m (and at their feet). I felt like I was watching a Reserves game. Think I saw a forward...
  2. J

    Should East Brighton play in div 2 this year?

    As I said on the other page, It is amazing that a side could play in 4 GF's in 4 years and then a Prelim last season and get spoken about dropping a Division.....Just like StKilda City, who for 4 seasons flogged everyone, now finish bottom 4 last few years.....East Burwood in the EFL another...
  3. J

    Southern FNL Div One 2016

    Amazing....East Brighton have played in 4 grand finals for 2 wins and a prelim in the last 5 seasons.....Now people are talking (rightly or wrongly) that they should, before the season has started, drop down to Div 2.....if they do finish last this season, will this be one of the biggest falls...
  4. J

    New teams coming into SFNL 2016

    I've heard about a few clubs thinking of doing this, something to do with a way around the Points system.....not sure how that works, but that's what I'm hearing....
  5. J

    Southern FL Div One 2015

    I'm not saying changing coaches is a bad thing, I'm asking if changing THAT MANY Coaches is. Sometimes players and clubs need a bit of continuity. It seems these days that most Coaches coach one club for no more than 2-3 years Max. and even less for Reserves.....
  6. J

    Southern FL Div One 2015

    It is actually a positive sign. New coaches tend to provide an infusion of new ideas and recruits. 2016 promises to be an interesting season. i'm not sure it is a positive sign. if EB, St Pauls, Mordi, Chelt and SKC all change coaches, not only does that mean half the Div 1 clubs have changed...
  7. J

    D4 D4 Section - 2016

    While I argee with you that 2nd should be guaranteed a DC no matter how they play week 1, that's the great thing about finals footy...Westbourne would have thought that Canterbury would never lose week 1, therefore guaranteing a DC, and min pressure to win. when Canterbury did lose, it put...
  8. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    Thank you Schwabby for commenting on my Thread. I hope you don't think I don't have any respect for you or the club, just the opposite. I admire you greatly. I have been involved in teams that have fininshed on the bottom of ladder, but haven't struggled to the degree Chadstone has for the last...
  9. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    Couple of things I'd like to clarify, 1."the black mark" comment. Should of explained this better and from the start. I've played in a few leauges around Victoria, and while none are perfect, I think the VAFA is the best I have come across. Yet I haven't seen a side struggle for so long like...
  10. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    Thank you Rooster for actually contributing a suggestion...that was the whole point of starting this thread, for people to contribute theirs....I never said mine was right or that it might work, hence why I wrote "idea" instead of "fool proof plan"....I think we can all agree that SOMETHING...
  11. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    An abomination?? A touch dramatic. 2 are no obligation to reply to it 2. If it is so bad, ask admin to take it skin off my teeth....I would imagine it's a big deal to the players there that wouldn't mind singing the club song more than once every 900 odd days....
  12. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    So what is Chadstone trying to achieve? surely just 2 wins wasn't in their 5 year plan at the end of 2010.... I know that sometimes success is more than just W/L, but 2 wins in 5 years can't be judged a success in anyones book....
  13. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    I too have respect for Chadstone, and the players who front up week in, week out knowing their chances of winning a game are slim to none.... how nice would it be for the best 20-25 players to play in a side that wins 5+ games in one year?? i know just playing footy is great, but winning once...
  14. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    Do you know the inner workings of every club you comment on Gatorboy? no body does....Ask anyone with the barest knowledge of sport what they think of a club that has won just 2 games in the last 80 and if they think the club is going well?? what do you think their answer would be? While "having...
  15. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    First off, I am not Fitzgerald from OX.... don't know who he is.... I mentioned that while all other comps have sides that struggle and finish on the bottom, I am not concerned with them.....I posted about a VAFA Club on the VAFA Board.... I never said that Chadstone was a bad club behavior...
  16. J

    How do you Fix Chadstone A.F.C?

    As the old adage goes, you are only as strong as your weakest link.....And though the VAFA is the strongest Local Comp going around, Chadstone remains a black mark against the League...with just 2 wins in their last 5 seasons, what has been done or can be done to at least make them at least...
  17. J

    2016 Finals Venues

    as someone who has been involved in Grand Finals in both the SFL and the VAFA, I can comfortably say neither Comp does it well...the SFL only has about 5-6 sides tender for Finals (all within 15-20 mins of each other), and both Heatherton and Clayton's ovals are, to put it nicely, not up to...
  18. J

    2016 Finals Venues

    to be fair Perspective, the SFL only has the same 6 sides every year tending for Finals games (Ding, Chelt, Mord, Clay, Heatherton and Springy), and Dingley haven't hosted for a couple of years. Only 4 have to be picked, and this Seasons finals series has bearly changed from 2015.....and Springy...
  19. J

    Southern FL Div One 2015

    I read somewhere on the website that there are 19 new Senior Coaches this season in the SFL....Considering there are only 32 sides, that's 60% of clubs getting a new this a worrying thing or just something to be taken as a one-off???
  20. J

    C Section Premier C - 2014

    I would say that sides like Dingley and C Heights in the SFL would be Mid-range Prem C standard, and East Brighton and ST Pauls would be top 3 Prem C or bottom half Prem B sides.The problem the SFL has is after that, the standard drops away pretty sharply.The bottom 2 sides like Heatherton and...
  21. J

    C Section Premier C - 2014

    Long drive from Glen Waverley to Keilor.....hope they pay petrol money.....
  22. J

    C Section Premier C - 2014

    Question: Do you think it's a good or bad thing a bloke wins 5 straight B and F's at one club?? I don't ask to cause offence or shit stir anyone, just interested in People's thoughts. Is it best for the club?? How many votes does he win by each year???