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  1. T

    2016 QAFA B Central

    UQ Finally coughed up for new lights at their home ground, home ground will actually be there home ground.
  2. T

    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    I wouldn't worry about the UQ boys, there's exams for the next 2 weeks so the break was used accordingly. UQ blokes just appreciate getting a run when they otherwise wouldn't.
  3. T

    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    UQ have 20+ each week not getting a game. They are accounting for Uni holidays, injuries, work and study commitments by reducing the amount of teams they have - Hence 5 teams into 3 teams. So far it has been a positive relationship and the UQ boys are enjoying just getting a run.
  4. T

    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    Its almost a joint venture between Ipswich and UQ - UQ sent 12 blokes over to help out for a hit out. Reports from our lads is that it was positive but hard to play with half a team you have only met for the first time.
  5. T

    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    Zillmere were absolutely ridiculous that year, made the rest of the competition look like boys.
  6. T

    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    No score kept, Kenmore around 6 goals (give or take a few). UQ a lot.
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    2015 QAFA (B) Central

    Lets just forget the 3/4 yellow cards and one red card handed to Kenmore that led to them being undermanned? Kenmore right on top in the last quarter?.... Sure you watched the right game?
  8. T

    QAFA (B) Central-2014

    Yeah I think Woodsmen are a little short, I am having to be their club umpire tomorrow (I play for Red lions).